Category Archives: Uncategorized

Exotic Vacation Spot Of Cancun Will Host Next UN Climate Alarmist Meeting

If you thought “hey, maybe they will do it in someplace boring, which could use an economic lift, and wouldn’t show that the UN uses these conferences as taxpayer funded vacations,” well, no Thirsty Thursday for you! Government negotiators are already writing off chances for a global treaty to fight climate change, nine months before […]

Rusty On The Radio

Rusty Shackleford, he of The Jawa Report fame, was on WABC Radio discussing Jihad Jane. Head on over and take a listen.

No, Seriously, We Just Spent All That Money On That Census Commercial?

Seriously? That was the best they could do with $2.5 million dollars? Are they f*cking kidding? Gateway Pundit has the poured down the drain commercial. Heh! I imagine that Denny’s is going to get a nasty call from the White House sometime soon, and will be put on the enemies list BTW, most of the […]

On Line Photo Storage And Sharing?

OK, does anyone know of an on-line storage site similar to Photobucket? Paid is fine (I have a paid account with Photobucket now.) What I am looking for is one that allows multiple uploads and the ability to grab the embed code as easily as Photobucket, but, the ability to store whatever I want (not […]

403 Errors

Sorry about the 403 errors that keep popping up throughout the day. Something is going wacky with the server, and these errors seem to pop up, last about a minute, then go away. I’m having Dreamhost support look into it, get it resolved.

December 7, 1941. 7.48am Hawaii Time

68 years ago, at this time, the air attack on Pearl Harbor began.

Saturday Random (20 Photos)

Michelle Obama Did What?

Via the NY Post Gotta love it. The guys assigned to protect her and her daughters had watch people cook because Michelle O. is too paranoid, they don’t get to eat themselves, and cellphones were taken, which, had it been Laura Bush instead, the ACLU and every Liberal would be screaming bloody murder.

Disgusting Racist, Or A View Of What ObamaCare Would Look Like?

Excitable Chucky, otherwise known as Kid Icurus, has a wee bit of a hissy fit over this This photoshop is a perfect example into the minds of Conservatives and Liberals. A conservative looks at it and say “yeah, that is an interesting allegory for what Obama wants to do to the American health care system.” […]

Thank Goodness Did Lots Of Remerchandising Today

We were supposed to do it all tomorrow night after closing at 7pm, except for the live phone plaques. Unfortunately, the plaques came in today, instead of last Saturday. We started at noon, working it all between customers. And 4 of us, including myself, stayed till 10pm. Otherwise, we would have been there till 2-3am […]

Pirate's Cove