Category Archives: Uncategorized

Damned, I’m Beat

If you are wondering about the light posting, been on the road driving back from the parents house, decided to stop in DC since my favorite hotel had a room open. Be light tomorrow, too, at least in the am.

Pingbacks Not Working

Sigh. Noticed that stopped actually sending pinbacks to WordPress sites correctly, or if at all, the other week. Seems to work to non-WP sites now, which wasn’t happening with 2.7. Even testing to my own site doesn’t work majority of the time, and the few I got through went in to Akismet spam. Weird.

Palin Says She’d Leave Barry In The Dust

Running Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says she’d come out ahead if she went one-on-one with fellow jogger President Barack Obama in a long run. “I betcha I’d have more endurance,” she told Runner’s World magazine in an interview published online Tuesday. “My one claim to fame in my own little internal running circle is a […]

Amendment To Block Detainee Abuse Photo Release Dropped

Jane “Lieberman-In-Black-Face” Hamsher, web mistress of Firedoglake, gives us the news According to sources on the Hill, the Lieberman-Graham detainee photo suppression amendment is out of the conference report of the supplemental. For everyone who made phone calls — pat yourself on the back. Yes, liberals/progressives/surrender monkeys, pat yourself on the back. Do it every […]

New Theme, New Plugin, Two Movies

OK, new theme time. What do you think? Seems to be working fine in IE and Firefox, some issues with the main index pages in Opera (not on single posts though.) I’ll work that later. So, like this one, or the previous one? I’ve got the old one live at my test site, for the […]

Marty Brodeur-552 Wins!

With the final seconds ticking off the clock, Martin Brodeur saw the shot leave the stick of Chicago forward Troy Brouwer, kicked out his right pad and watched the puck head to the corner. Within seconds, the buzzer sounded and Brodeur stood alone as the NHL’s winningest goaltender with 552 career victories. Childhood idol and […]

O’Barry’s Never Ending Campaign Heads To The Tonight SHow

Exactly when is Obama going to move from campaigning to actually being the President? You know, governance mode? President Barack Obama is taking the case for his financial rescue plans to an unusual venue, appearing Thursday night on the “Tonight Show with Jay Leno” during a visit to California, according to White House spokesman Robert […]

So, What Could Porkulus(1) Buy?

The Boston Globe is there Pay every US elementary school teacher’s salary for 11 years Pay off all US student debt Romney’s Utah ski home – more than 149,000 times over More than 45 million Pontiac G5s 1,760 Celtics teams Cover money lost in Madoff’s Ponzi sheme – 16 times over Pay the salary of […]

AGW Today: Hamburgers And Steak Baaaaaaaad!

Here’s a good way to get people to buy into anthropogenic global warming: tell them they can no longer eat beef. Hamburgers are the Hummers of food in global warming When it comes to global warming, hamburgers are the Hummers of food, scientists say. Simply switching from steak to salad could cut as much carbon […]

Two Otters Are Better Then One. Now With Mice!

Today’s sappily cute story When the keepers shut down the otter exhibit at Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens Sunday, they left one otter out in the exhibit overnight. When they came back to open up Monday morning, there were two. Nope, there wasn’t a birth. A wild North American river otter had found its way in […]

Pirate's Cove