Category Archives: Uncategorized

Palinmania Video

Here’s the full video (via Jay at STACLU and Sister Toldjah, who also has the transcript)   Click the vid to start it. John Hawkins links to a best of Sarah Palin’s speech highlight vid. Hawkins also provides some reactions from the right side of the blogosphere. BTW, do you like the barracuda in the blog […]

Latest HuffPo Conspiracy: Did John McCain Help Bait Russia Into Georgia

When all else fails for comedy on a Sunday afternoon, one can always turn to the leaders in the Nutroots, in this case, the Huffington Post, or, as I like to call them, the Hufftard Post (though, apparently, that is mean, though wishing death on President Bush, Dick Cheney, et al, isn’t. Go figure.) Did […]

Cities To Disclose Carbon Output

Surely to be followed by donations to companies, perhaps one that Al Gore makes money from, that deal in carbon credits. Reuters-NYC among 21 cities to disclose carbon output More than 20 U.S. cities, including New York, Las Vegas and Denver, have agreed to measure their carbon footprints, with a system some 1,300 companies have […]

McCain Finds A Line Of Attack On Barry, Grey Lady Not Happy. Updated With, You Won’t Believe

But, the NY Times still went ahead an ran the article: McCain Tries to Define Obama as Out of Touch  After spending much of the summer searching for an effective line of attack against Senator Barack Obama, Senator John McCain is beginning a newly aggressive campaign to define Mr. Obama as arrogant, out of touch […]

The Colonel Is In Fallujah

You remember Fallujah, right? A hot bed of anti-Americanism, the only difference between it and San Francisco is that the people there were trying to, and succeeding, in killing American soldiers. Now (via America’s North Shore Journal) By Cpl. Chris T. Mann Regimental Combat Team 1 Public Affairs Office FALLUJAH, Iraq – Only a short […]

Long Day

Whew! That was a long day. Drove out to Grandfather Mountain, takes about 4 hours. Beautiful country, been a while since I was up in the mountains of anywhere. But, too be honest, it wasn’t that exciting for more then a short time. Probably would be cooler when the leaves start changing color. Plus, there […]

AGW Today: Burgers, Sundance Kid

The Economic Times – Burgers to blame for most of the global warming A report by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has stated that 18 per cent of greenhouse gases are coming from animal agriculture – meat and dairy, used in making burgers. According to Environmental News Network , the 408-page report […]

iWhew! iWow! iTired!

Holy cow, that was iFun and iInteresting. iFeet are iKilling me.

Unintentional Protest Lawsuit Humor

The ACLU is on the case - Convention cities sued by protesters The cities hosting the Democratic and Republican conventions also will inevitably host thousands of protesters — and those visitors have already taken Denver and St. Paul to court. Both cities have been sued by the ACLU and protest groups planning to mobilize at the […]

Illegal Immigrant Today: Rhode Island, Attempted Homicide, And Anxiety

Let’s get right to it: The governor of Rhode Island gets it, and is doing something about it Governor Carcieri spent several minutes last night on national television during an appearance on The O’Reilly Factor criticizing Providence’s mayor and police chief for not endorsing his attempt to curb illegal immigration. The governor cited the recent […]

Pirate's Cove