Category Archives: Uncategorized

Upgrade To WP 2.1

I upgraded to WordPress 2.1 the other night, and everything seems to be running A-OK. I think I have all the old coding back to what it should be. Anyone notice some wonkiness? A couple things. The Adhesive plugin (basically creates a sticky post at the beginning of the main page), which is rather hard to find, […]

March For Life: You People Are Nuts

Did you know that? If you are "anti-abortion," also known by the Lefties as "anti-choice," and, in my world, "pro-life," you are considered a nut Demnan: The abortion nuts are having their march today in Washington It's an anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. There's three inches of snow in Washington this morning which of course […]

Middle Of The Night Test

Can't get back to sleep More: I was testing updates, I think the issue was with, not Blogrolling. Looks like a lot of people are now updating. If yours isn't, head over to Weblogs, and check the update list within a few minutes of update. Heck, use a dummy post, if necessary. If you […]

Testing something

Yup, Blogrolling is boned again, except for Blogspot and a very few other blogs on line journals.

A Christmas Story Redux

Yeah, not quite what you expect(NSFW) [gv data=”vMoZrC5JlM8″][/gv] Linked to: The Uncooperative Blogger, Blue Star Chronicles, Stuck On Stupid, 123 Beta, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Is It Just Me?, Persuing Holiness, Cao’s Blog, Woman Honor Thyself, Stop The ACLU, and Basil’s Super Blog.

Today’s Stoopid News

Nothing like a drunken Moose A moose that became inebriated after binging on fermented fallen apples in northern Sweden drowned when it fell through the ice of a frozen inlet, a Swedish tabloid has reported. "The moose appears to have eaten too many fermented apples and become confused out on the ice," Luleaa police spokesman […]

Hispanics Costing North Carolinians

From the Raleigh News and Observer This year, nearly half the fourth-graders in Sharon Watford's class at Lakewood Elementary School speak limited English. Across the state, the number of English language learners with limited skills jumped 40 percent from 2002 to 2005, according to the state Department of Public Instruction. In 2005, Spanish speakers made […]

What Sort Of Crack Is The Media On?

I swear, I am checking the reports on several different sites, and they are calling races, both for Democrats and Republicans, with less then 10%, sometimes 1%, of the returns having been reported. Fox actually called NJ for Menendez, by the time I clicked to the NJ page, Kean was up 51% to 48% with […]

Crap. New Theme Waste of Time

Spent a couple hours working on the PiratesX theme, and it doesn't work worth a crap in Internet Explorer. Wonderful in Firefox. But not IE. Was trying to have a nice single sidebar theme other then WordPress Default. Oh, well. You can check it out in the theme switch area briefly till I frag it.

Ah, So Saddam Was Making a Nuclear Bomb. Thanks For Confirming, NY Times

Did you know that Iraq actually had nuclear material, including "yellowcake?" 1.8 metric tons of it, actually. Plus 500 tons of non weapons grade uranium? No? That slipped through the cracks? My my my.  Via Stop The ACLU, comes a story from the New York Times that completely destroys the Lefty/liberal/progressive/surrender monkey argument that Iraq had no […]

Pirate's Cove