Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pelosi: We Need A Plan

To continue the Surrender Monkey theme, let's look at Nancy Pelosi: "In his news conference yesterday, President Bush assured the American people that we are winning the war in Iraq. The President should share the benchmarks that he uses to define 'winning.' Surely they do not include the rapidly increasing U.S. casualty figures, suggestions that […]

Midday Cuteness Post

Don't you just feel better now?

Another Province In Iraq Handed Over + Linkfest

It appears that the media is getting involved in some of the good news coming from Iraq, though a. it comes from the AFP, and b. they had to throw some negativity into the mix Iraq took control of security from US-led coalition forces in the largely Shiite southern province of Dhi Qar, officials said. […]

Rockefeller (D-Wv): Iraq Better With Saddam

Why am I not surprised? "The absolute cynical manipulation, deliberately cynical manipulation, to shape American public opinion and 69 percent of the people, at that time, it worked, they said 'we want to go to war,'" Rockefeller told CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. "Including me. The difference is after I began to learn about some […]

Bolton Blasts Surrender Monkey Leader

White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolton pulls out the big guns on SM Harry Reid (from Drudge, h/t Blogs For Bush) with a letter that refutes the Dems "plan for Iraq." B4B highlights this line: Your letter recites four elements of a proposed “new direction” in Iraq. Three of those elements reflect well-established Administration […]

Today’s Top Spam

Stacey has her Friday Freaks. Some sick puppies out there in Internet Land. My top spam today was Lesbian, followed by phenterine. We are talking 280 spams, consiting mostly of those two, from the last time I checked using my blackcrackberry around 4pm. But, "care bears getting it on?" Yikers, Stacy! Anyhow, this should help […]

Geez, It’s Hot Out There!

Made it for about an hour and a half at the pool, just too hot!

Seabeast Theme

What do y'all think? If you see any errors or issues (other then the missing author picture. Getting to that later) let me know.

Hash Cache Enabled

Yup, I know about the error message above the header. Had to turn Hash Cache back on. On vacation, popping in and out, and too much spam making it through Aksimet. Unless you really want to see lots of sex links

I Hate Spam!!!!

My goodness. Between 10pm and 715am, Askimet accumulated 265 spams, mostly on poker, plus 4 made it through, also on poker. Do this asshats think that people are just going to leave the comments up? They can F off. 8:25am: 56 more! [gv data=”" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" scale="noScale" salign="TL" FlashVars="playerMode=embedded”][/gv]

Pirate's Cove