Category Archives: Uncategorized


If anyone has sent me anything by email today, send it again. MacAfee fragged it. And I have just fragged MacAfee. Sunabeetch program (internet security suite 2005) was taking up most of my resources on my pc’s, so I went and got Norton Internet Security. Much better.

I freaking give up

OK, I have spent hours searching for a good map of the interior of the US Capital Building. The best, and only, ones I could find were really worthless, since they were so tiny. It is really starting to not only tick me off, but amaze me, that I cannot find one. So, I am […]

Totally Blank

Just cannot find anything interesting to write about. Nothing floating my boat today. Even the old reliable nuts Mo Dowd and the DU are boring. Anyone have any ideas? How about throwing some ideas my way for a good photoshop.

Serious time. Jay at Stop The ACLU needs YOUR help. Go here, and contact your local Congress Critter to make sure your tax money from going to the ACLU.


Finally hit the 50,000 mark, and the winner is: Julie with a B! Who is much better then 49,999, who was looking for cannabilism.

Couple things

I hope everyone enjoys the Patriotic Pinup photo’s on the left sidebar. Photo’s, you say? Yup, photos. Hit refresh. Abracadabra, a new photo! I ran across a java script in my attempt to help Beth at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy with a script. If you want this one, let me know. The great thing […]

FYI, posting will be light tonight. OK, non-existent, other then this. In a conference all day, then after conference drinking. I’m lit. Too drunk to fish. :) Meanwhile, for those great people who stop by, visit some of those in the American Flag League. All bonnie lads and lasses. A shiny pirate thong for everyone!

Just testing

Did the domain mapping thing today, finally got all the sh*t in order. However, for all my nice blogging buddies and anyone else who has me blog or bookmarked, I beggeth thee, don’t change quite yet. I want to see what happens in the Ecosystem before I maketh it permanent(e). I am willing to loose […]

For those few who come to my little spot, you know I rarely just do a straight link without discussion, But, John Hawkins at Right WIng News has a must read article on football and judges. When done with it, you will see why.

War Declared

Via Phin’s Blog comes Frank J’s declaration on the howling moonbats at Kevin Drum’s corner of the loonosphere. Now, certainly, those who speculated on the Schiavo memo were partially wrong, as it was written by a Republican Congress critters aide. However, many of the degenerates on the Left have turned this into, surprise! a way […]

Pirate's Cove