Category Archives: Uncategorized

What Kind of Drunk Are You?Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

Changing Up a bit

As ye can see, I have played around with the colors. My question is do you, the reader, like it? I am so used to the old scheme that I cannot rightly tell yet. I liked that the side bar color in the old scheme went all the way down in IE, but that didn’t […]

What’s happening

Puppy Blender left for the weekend and has been hacked! Basil’s depressed. Go cheer him up. Sortapundit’s car needs a saving. Let’s help him out by suing the guys who took his name. Janette is using string and tin cans to connect to the internet(s). Go play. We’ll just blame Jody ;)

Tarheel Tavern

This weeks Tarheel Tavern is up at Dirty Greek. Go check it out. Next weeks will be hosted by Chewie World Order, so make sure you get you entries in. My apologies to Dirty Greek for forgetting the shout-out last week. Also, in a housekeeping bit, and, also, to make sure that NZ Bear doesn’t […]

HA. IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally got the settings correct for a domain mapping, to replace with SWEET!!!!!!!! What does this mean? Nada for at least a few days. Once the domain mapping is done, people can still get here using the 2 above addresses, as well as Step one is to do a merge, so, if […]

Looking weird

If things start to look a little weird on my site today, it is just me playing with domain mapping and a few other things. Permalinks and/or trackbacks for "" should not be used if you see them, nor the domain name for Maybe be fully in effect in a week or so. Thanks […]

This has got to hurt

Headline on Iraqi, U.S. forces overrun rebel base, kill 85 Not one mention in the headline of US or Iraqi troops wounded or killed in the headline. Has someone kidnapped all the CNN supervisory staff? A few quick blurbs. The U.S. role in the battle was primarily to provide helicopter support, the U.S. military […]

Ecosystem thing

So, checking the Ecosystem stats, and, somehow, I ended up at 104! I eventually figured it out, and, I am going to do the correct thing and fix the issue. Essentially, I own a domain name "" I added it in so I could merge it with my address in the ecosphere, then do […]

Tarheel Tavern

I am extending the time to turn in submissions for the Tarheel Tavern till 11am Sunday, that way I can have it up by noonish. Email me or leave a comment, so I can get ye all included, maties.

Welcome to the World of Fraud

Wow. So, I recieved a call from my credit card companies fraud department, asking if I made a $3000 purchase on the internet. I said "no damn way." I hadn’t even called in to activate the card. I’ve had it since Feb 2004, it is a backup card. The only thing I have ever bought […]

Pirate's Cove