March 15, 2005 – 6:46 pm
First, I want to say a big CONGRATULATIONS to Dr. S of the Jawa Report, who hit his 1 Millionth hit! Awesome, way to go! Looking forward to you hitting 2 Million lickety split. He was also nice enough to give me 8 trackbacks, MT went a little loony. I am going to delete all […]
February 26, 2005 – 9:48 pm
How be everyone? Been fishing most of the afternoon and into the evening. Ok, mostly casting and drinking. Got a couple bass, some catfish, and a few sunnies. Be careful touching your keyboard or mouse: I am transmitting fish smell through the internet(s). On a separate note, this is a photo a friend sent me. […]
February 20, 2005 – 11:52 am
just trying to get the TLB ecosystem to recognize a domain name change Typepad headers will not allow the code to show through in the header. Well, that didn’t work. Guess I won’t be able to use the domain name I bought, unless I trash my TTLB rankings and start fresh.
February 18, 2005 – 7:29 am
A dumb question for you folks out there. I bought a new backpack the other day. Some of my folks tell me it looks to girly, some say it’s fine. I have been looking for a small backpack for my laptop for quite some time. I have a small laptop, 12", and it ‘taint easy […]
February 16, 2005 – 8:00 pm
Way back on October 12, 2004, I wrote a piece in response to an assertion by a lefty on a political forum that Charlotte, NC, was not a good terrorist target. I made the claim that it was. This stems back to the Pakistani man, Kamran Akhtar, that pled guilty to several charges after being […]
February 16, 2005 – 7:42 am
Busy busy busy today. Having one of the yearly audits today. Wish me luck. BTW, for those with HaloScan that used to get some comments from me during the day, no longer. HaloScan, like Sitemeter, is now blocked by the corporate firewall. So, those comments I would leave during lunch? No longer. Sorry.
February 15, 2005 – 10:35 am
It’s been awhile, but I finally got another spambot comment. Do you want Cialis? Me neither. Comment deleted! Spambot die die die.
February 12, 2005 – 8:07 am
W.B. Rodgers of The Blessings of Liberty takes on the whole Left calling Republicans fascists thing. Great post. Go here to read it. When someone makes claims that seem, prima facie, outlandish, many will simply reject them out of hand. Often, though, those who made those claims in the first place proudly conjecture that since […]
February 8, 2005 – 7:45 pm
If I get this the way The Jawa Report meant it, then I am laughing for the right reason. If not, I’m still laughing.
February 6, 2005 – 9:51 am
No one disputes that America has lasting and important interests in the Persian Gulf, or that Iraq poses a significant challenge to U.S. interests. There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein’s regime is a serious danger, that he is a tyrant, and that his pursuit of lethal weapons of mass destruction cannot be tolerated. He […]