February 1, 2005 – 7:00 pm
Quite frankly, the Pirate Teach has partaken too much grog after a long conference today, and is really in no condition to either read the news nor comment on it. So, y’all do me a favor, and go over to Little Miss Attila, and wish her well. It is a favor I shall repay, mateys. […]
January 18, 2005 – 8:33 am
U.S. troops staged raids Sunday in the insurgent stronghold of Mosul, where mass resignations by frightened poll workers and police threaten the viability of elections scheduled in two weeks. Mass? How many is mass? Does the USA Today have numbers to cover their insinuation and inflammatory rhetoric? "There was intimidation in Afghanistan — the Taliban […]
January 12, 2005 – 4:55 pm
Again, not in Ohio. Stefan Sharkansky of Sound Politics brings us the latest news from the State of Washington: 62% in the State of Washington say there should be a new election to re-vote on the governor’s race … and 36% statewide say there should not be a new election. A re-vote is supported by […]
January 10, 2005 – 4:28 pm
Took Sitemeter off line for a bit, going to wonky, slowing page loading down. Heck, www.sitemeter.com is off line. Update: Sitemeter non wonky. Anyone know where to put the code in it to make format left?
January 9, 2005 – 10:16 am
An opera based on the Jerry Springer Show, which has been widley popular in the UK, was broadcast on the BBC Saturday, with a viewership of 1.7 million. 45,000 people complained to the BBC about it. Approximately 5.6 million voted in Ohio, most of them among the living, and only 37 Ohioans have registered complaints.
January 7, 2005 – 2:09 pm
No, not about Democrats (I even spelled it properly, this time. Though I usually drop the "r" on purpose). Not about Kerry. Not about politics. Some smartazz customer service person had the audacity to say "my manager is going to back me up no matter what." Now, that may be true. If one of my […]
January 5, 2005 – 10:55 pm
No blogging today (except this) today, sprained the crap out of my left wrist. So, after persuing Bloglines to see what is happening, easy to do with one hand, I see that PW wants to test something, so I will oblige.
December 30, 2004 – 5:09 pm
So, along with a buttload of other folks, Continental Airlines has lost one of my bags. Freakin’ super. Along with clother, the sucker had my wireless router and both my network cables. Started searching, found my old USB cable to connect to the cable modem. Took a bit of doing. Also, the chargers for my […]
December 26, 2004 – 9:50 am
Chilling out in New Jersey with the ‘rentals for a few days, posting will be light, though I did finally figure out how to reset my wireless router so that I could hook it up to my mom’s broadband connection. I doubt if the TSA was real happy when they saw it in my bags […]
December 15, 2004 – 4:52 pm
So, this Blog Explosion thing is pretty cool. Getting a little traffic, but, more importantly, seeing some other blogs out there that aren’t really political in nature. Couple of strange things, though. All my traffic is coming from other then East Coast time. The majority is coming from the Central time zone. Now, a few […]