Category Archives: Uncategorized

test post

for some reason, I am not seeing my site being updated at other sites, so trying something out. Looks like there is some problem, where the info from is not making it to Blogrolling. I have gone through searchs for many blogs, and they have new posts, and show those times at Weblogs. Have […]

Sunday Linkaroundage

Having one of those slept wrong and an old whiplash injury is killing me days, so, rather then writing more, here is an Evil Glenn style post: Little Miss Attila has the lowdown on W doing the kind of thing that makes us like him. And, Wizbang is taking nominations for Best Weblogs.   Some are […]

Still more light blogging

Beyond the previous 2, light to no blogging rest of the day. Meetings, and hungover.

Kerry’s the Better Man (?)

In Sundays Raleigh News and Observer, they print editorials from around the world. As an off note, I am glad to see that they did not, at least this week, use the Guardian. I would like to think that a letter I wrote to them helped with that. But, they had an interesting one from […]

The NYTimes Boards the (Lefty) Blogosphere

NZ Bear noticed a piece in the Depressed, er, Grey Lady, which mentions the Ecosphere rankings, saying that the Daily Kos gets over 500k hits a day. Which of course means (after checking with NZ to make sure that I understood it), that Kos gets 500k hits, not unique viewers. Well, Ok. 500K blackhearts. But […]

News and Observer for Kerry.

Well, there’s a shock. As I sit in Duffy’s watching the giants (lose), I read the paper, laughing and snorting, causing the other patrons to wonder at what. In a totally expected editorial, the Raleigh News and Observer has endorsed John Kerry for President. I am amazed that it took them so long. Or maybe […]

Tehran John

This could be extremely ugly for Kerry if true: Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been given to Kerry from the pro-Iranian lobby, possibly influencing the presidential candidate’s startling call to provide Tehran with the nuclear fuel it seeks, according to Iran’s Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy chairman Aryo Pirouznia. With top Iranian officials […]

Debate Reactions

This is pretty much just pathetic. Three staff members talked to 30 people who (1) saw or knew of the debates… (2) but did not watch the after-debate analysis by the media and (3) wanted to talk to us. Out of 30 people, 21 people said Bush won tonight’s debate. 6 people said Kerry won. […]

Mr. Sun!: Roll-your-own John Kerry stump speech!

From another of the wonderful NC bloggers, Mr. Sun

Quick Hits

Like Kerry and the Dems, the LA Times doesn’t get it. They aren’t internet ready. Authorities have made little progress worldwide in defeating Islamic extremists affiliated with Al Qaeda despite thwarting attacks and arresting high-profile figures, according to interviews with intelligence and law enforcement officials and outside experts. On the contrary, officials warn that the […]

Pirate's Cove