August 13, 2004 – 9:30 am
Not unexpected, but the NJ GOP is asking for McGreevey to step down now, and lawsuits are being prepared, according to multiple articles. This one is from CNN. Is this playing politics? Certainly. So is his decision to wait till November 15, which would make sure that it wasn’t the people of NJ who have […]
August 13, 2004 – 9:24 am
According to matt Drudge, , Kerry’s story on Christmas in Cambodia is now changing: TOUR OF DUTY author and John Kerry historian Doug Brinkley is rushing a piece for the NEW YORKER: to set-the-record-straight on Kerry’s Christmas in Cambodia tale, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. Kerry has turned to author Brinkley for a “modification” after […]
August 11, 2004 – 9:50 am
There are people out there who need our help, over here.
August 11, 2004 – 9:45 am
One part of Kerry’s story about Christmas in Cambodia that doesn’t make sense to me (not that much of his story makes sense) is why there were lots of South Vietnamese soldiers celebrating Christmas. While there are certainly Christians in SV, the predominant religion of the time there was Buddism, and still is. The French […]
August 10, 2004 – 9:53 am
Did you see that in the paper the other day about those carp in the Mississippi River jumping into boats and bonking fisherman in the head? It’s true. They’re called big head carp, they’re from Asia and they’re attacking and severely injuring many fisherman. Biologists claim the roar of boat motors agitates and excites these […]
August 10, 2004 – 9:51 am
Everyone has discussed the SBV’s, and their allegations about Kerry. You can find some great articles at Instapundit, QandO, Captains Quarters, and many others, as well as the Swift Boat Veterans website, which I have added to my links of interest. On a separate issue, the Left has made an enormous effort to discredit the […]
August 9, 2004 – 10:02 am
John Kerry’s Iraq “plan,” such as it is, is sure not winning over many converts. Considering that it is really only a souped up version of President Bush’s plan, it sure hasn’t made any friends. His whole “I can do better” rhetoric has gone by the wayside. As has already been pointed out a few […]
August 9, 2004 – 9:59 am
Looks like all those countries (France and Germany) love Kerry and Hate Bush. Wasn’t aware that they were eligible to vote in the US. However, and more to the point, doesn’t look like any of them want to help the US in Iraq, whether it is Kerry or Bush, according to the LA Times. Lots […]
August 8, 2004 – 10:14 am
Will the Honorable Corrine Brown vote with this method? Ok, so it is silly. And we do not need it in most Florida precincts. Just some of the Democratically run ones.
August 8, 2004 – 10:02 am
H.R. 1308, Tax Relief, Simplification, and Equity Act of 2003 (Introduced in House) is just another example of how far removed the tax code is from reality, and how difficult it can be. SEC. 503. REPEAL OF EXCISE TAX ON FISHING TACKLE BOXES. The is a problem when the US House takes up the issue […]