Category Archives: Uncategorized

No longer Lt(jg) Flip Flop

From the Boston Globe: “We didn’t have the patience, we didn’t have the maturity, to exhaust the remedies available to us and truly build that coalition and understand the nature of the threat,” Kerry said. 12 years of sanctions. 12 years of Saddam stonewalling inspector. 12 years of sanctions violations by Saddam. Etc. I would […]

There Goes the Oil Issue.

In an article for Stars and Stripes, John Kerry makes a major mistake, and refutes one of the Lefts major arguments about the war in Iraq: Kerry: I think in the first war, their oil was a critical consideration, because Saddam Hussein’s intent was to take over the oil fields. Jim Baker said publicly that […]

Kerry on the Stump

Talk about taking a page from Michael Moore, Kerry is complaining about Bush’s reaction in that Florida schoolroom. “Had I been reading to children, and had my top aide whispered in my ear, ‘America is under attack,’ I would have told those kids very politely and nicely that the president of the United States had […]

A Thought for the Day

Why does the media, even the far left media, mostly refer to Kerry as John Kerry, or Mr. Kerry, not Senator Kerry? Very rarely will you see him refered to as Senator Kerry. Even the Massachusets and DC papers rarely refer to him as Senator Kerry. Senator is not that hard of a word. 3 […]

Terror Warnings Politically Motivated?

Are the terror warnings politically motivated? Not by the Bush Admin, but by the Left. There are several new stories today by the NY Times, Washington Post, and the AP, regarding the terror warnings issued Sunday, about both the USA abd Great Britain. Both the Grey Lady and the AP cite another source for the […]

Oil up, Oil down.

CNN/Money effectively, in the space of one paragraph, destroys every leftwing argument about the price of oil being high as GWB’s fault. Oil prices have risen by more than one-third since the end of 2003 on worries that accelerating global demand has left supplies tightly stretched with little leeway for disruption. What seems to be […]


Here’s a little hint: if you have a deep thought, use Word, or Notepad, or something to type it, saving often. I just lost about 300-400 words from a Windows crash, and, at least in my opinion, it was good stuff. Was on a role. And now that thought will no coalese properly. Bummer. Kerry. […]

There is No DNC Attack Machine

Of course not. The left NEVER attacks. Just ask Collin McNickle. He was the reporter who ask Teresa HK about what “un-american” meant, and she told him to “shove it.” Check out the editorial, especially the last line.

Timing? Old Intelligence? Playing Politics?

So we have the DHS issuing terror alerts, and of course the timing is suspicious. And the Bush Administration is being accused of playing politics. AND it is old info. I am just simply amazed at how the left plays so fast and loose with, well, everything. So what if the info is several years […]

Kerry is wrong again.

Was perusing Kerry’s nomination speech, looking at the little tidbits, and came across this: “Let there be no mistake: I will never hesitate to use force when it is required. Any attack will be met with a swift and certain response.” Sounds good, does it not? Makes Kerry sounds strong, and resolute. And, I absolutely […]

Pirate's Cove