Category Archives: Web/Tech

Android Today: Text Later And Stupid Zombies 2

Two interesting apps for y’all today. The first is Text Later, which does exactly what the name implies. I originally downloaded this a week ago when I wanted yo make sure a coworker was alerted to a condition that needed to be addressed first thing in the morning, 8am. Since I was scheduled at noon, […]

Android Today: Music Players

While I rely mostly on my 5 year old Creative Zen as my primary MP3 player in the car, I do use my phone quite a bit to play music out and about. I probably have around 2/3 to 3/4 of my songs on my Droid. So, like you, I need a good player. There […]

Android App Of The Day: Gingerbread Keyboard

Starting a new thing, since I’m definitely a tech geek. Listing some of my favorite apps. Today’s is Gingerbread Keyboard, also known and Keyboard From 2.3. Can’t provide a proper link while using my Droid to write this. Obviously, it is based on the Gingerbread keyboard. I find it extremely easy, it was one of […]

Android Apps: What Rocks?

I had a friend email me asking what applications I use on my Android, since she just switched over from iPhone to Droid. This is a modified version of what I sent her, figured might as well not waste a long email, eh? Plus, something different. I have two Droid’s, phone is an HTC One […]

Sony BDPS 5100 Sorta Review

As you might remember from about 2 weeks ago I mentioned that my Blu-ray player had died, so I got a new one. Well, because Gumball did this… ..I decided to get to check out some others. Well, really, there were a few features I really wanted, such as volume on the remote. I ended […]

$78 Of Awesome Phillips Blu-ray 3D

Sadly, my current Blu-ray player, an LG BD530, died. At least in terms of playing DVDs/CDs. Won’t recognize any disc, so I can’t even attempt to clean the laser. It’s been having a problem recognizing discs for a few months now. Sigh. It lasted about 2 1/2 years. I won it at the company Christmas […]

Hooray, We’re Saved From Evil People Who Unlock Their Mobile Phones

Yes, you can now be fined big time and even do a stint in jail as a felony (ABC News) You likely have a cellphone that you bought from a carrier, like AT&T, Verizon or Sprint, and that phone only works on that carrier’s cellular and data network — unless you “unlock” it. That is […]

Government Really Concerned About Regulating All The New Tech

When Conservatives talking about reducing the impact of Big Government, this is the kind of thing we are referring to (Politico) What happens here at the annual Consumer Electronics Show certainly doesn’t stay here, at least not as far as Washington is concerned. Stuffed into the seemingly endless Las Vegas Convention Center isn’t just a […]

Latest Cybersecurity Bill Even More Of A Concern Than Last Attempt

If you thought SOPA/PIPA were bad, wait till you see CISPA (ABC News) Congress is set to act on cybersecurity legislation that has been making its way through committees in both chambers for several years. The House is set to vote on these bills during the week of April 23, dubbed “Cybersecurity Week.” The Senate […]

Another ObamaFail, This Time Regarding UN Internet Regulation

As usual, Obama has been a bit too preoccupied with stuff, like golf, vacations, campaigning, impugning the Supreme Court, campaigning, to do the job he voluntarily ran for (Politico) Faced with the prospect of United Nations regulation of the Internet, the United States has yet to appoint a leader for an upcoming battle with other […]

Pirate's Cove