Category Archives: Web/Tech

Obama Now Pushing….Copyright Reform!

I’m sure that this will somehow create jobs or something, and is obviously an extraordinarily important issue to the American people The White House today proposed sweeping revisions to U.S. copyright law, including making “illegal streaming” of audio or video a federal felony and allowing FBI agents to wiretap suspected infringers. In a 20-page white […]

Why, Yes, Jesse Jackson, Jr. Does Stand By His Idea Of A Free iPad For All Students

I thought about making everyone take a guess, but, hey, it’s Friday morning, almost time to take the thinking caps off for the weekend, and really, I doubt anyone would have a tough time figuring out what this far left progressive would want to do Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) said he stood-by a proposal […]

For Valentine’s Day, Sex Or Remote Control?

I guess it’s not jus Eco-loons who have difficulty with Valentine’s Day The peripherals company has strategically leaked a few results from the report, Global Remote Control Trends Study, in the run-up to Valentine’s Day, including the finding that more than a third of Americans (36 percent, to be exact) would rather forgo sex for […]

Arkansas And N.Y. Look To Play Nanny With Distracted Pedestrians

Having solved all their actual issues, it’s time for a big dose of nannyism Lawmakers in at least two states are looking to pull the plug on texting pedestrians and iPod-obsessed runners, claiming their diverted attention borders on disaster. After targeting drivers who paid more attention to their phone calls and text messages than the […]

iPhone Accuweather App – Anyone Have An Old Version?

So, I upgraded a ton of iPhone apps today, and, apparently Accuweather is now at 4.0, and it sucks big time. Anyone have an earlier version they can send me? Never mind: I thought about it, and checked my last laptop backup, and I have version 3.0.8, and replaced! See, backing up is a Good […]

BTW, Don’t Forget To Recycle Your Old Electronics

No, this will not be a sarcastic enviro-weenie post. I’m actually dead serious in my belief about recycling old electronics, regardless of government mandates Get a new flat-screen TV for Christmas and wondering what to do with the old console? Finally replacing that turntable with an MP3 player? Just upgrading your Mac? Whatever it is, […]

Majority Of Americans Want FCC To Keep Hands Off Internet

Obviously, this means that Democrats will do exactly the opposite of what the American people want American voters believe free market competition will protect Internet users more than government regulation and fear that regulation will be used to push a political agenda. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 21% of Likely […]

FCC Passes Net Neutrality, Annoys Everyone

Expect Congress and the courts to jump in quickly over this extreme over-reach by the FCC. From The Hill Tuesday’s strongest statements came from the Republican commissioners, who said the agency is overstepping its authority and attempting to act as a lawmaking body. “The FCC is not Congress. We cannot make laws,” said Republican Commission […]

FCC To Vote On Net Neutrality Today, Create Problem Where None Existed

Liberals blame Bush era policies for the economic mess we’re in right now, as well as a raft of other problems. Conservatives (rightly) blame the economic mess on Democrat policies, and highlight the problems caused by other legislation, such as ObamaCare and the Porkulus. Altogether, though, notice that government tends to create more problems while […]

FCC Moving Ahead With Net Neutrality

Something seems to be missing from their idea regarding what the Internet should be about, though Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski is moving forward with a net neutrality order at the agency’s December meeting, setting the stage for a likely fight over the contentious web rules on Capitol Hill. Genachowski released the agenda for […]

Pirate's Cove