Category Archives: Web/Tech

Iphone 3g 3.0 Software – Activate Cellular Data Network

Updated my iPhone and 2 of the store models, everything went well, except for mine, which is giving me an error IPhone Could Not Activate Cellular Data Network. One fix is supposedly to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings Tried that twice, no luck. Tried my sim in 3 other devices (yes, I […]

IRS Could Soon Tax Your Company Wireless Device

Yet another case where Obama’s promise not to raise taxes on people making less then $250k, or whatever the level that Joe Biden gaffe’d on is, could soon be broken? Sort of (more on that later) The use of company-issued mobile phones could trigger new federal income taxes on millions of Americans as a “fringe benefit.” […]

Guy Who Never Heard Of Internet Spends $19K On Nude Photo Of Carla Bruni

Dude, seriously? A revealing photograph of former model and France’s current first lady Carla Bruni was bought for $19,600 by an anonymous bidder Thursday at a Berlin auction house. The image is one of 10 prints of a nude Bruni lounging in an unmade bed captured by American fashion photographer Pamela Hanson in 1994. Um, […]

Road Rage Twittering. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

When angry ideas go dangerous. Ralph the Wonder Llama is not amused Why waste your time futilely shaking your fist at the driver or møøse who cut you off on the country road when you can take him to task on the information supermøøsehighway? AKBadDrivers is a month-old Twitter feed that takes road rage into […]

Worst Headline Of The Year

And it has got to be in the Top 10. Chicago Sun-Times Blind kids on the brink of being shown the door Well, I couldn’t find a top 10 for headlines doing a Google search, but, how about the Top 10 Worst Nude Scenes?

WP 2.7.1 Upgrade

Just upgraded to 2.7.1, didn’t really want to, but, it is supposed to trim down some of the coding to relieve some of the stress on the server. Oh, well, what is done is done. There is basically one thing I do not like: the add picture button is missing from the visual editor. Sure, […]

Hotlink Protection Back On

Had to turn the hotlink plugin back on, due to some possible bandwidth theft clogging my server. Let me know if anything looks funny. Most of my pictures are either at Photobucket or a separate Gallery page, but, some are hosted internally.

Internet Slander/Libel Law Coming To North Carolina?

Back on February 8th, John Hawkins wrote an article How The Internet Damages Our Culture. In it, he wrote Well, you have individuals from all over the world, who can talk anonymously to people they have no personal connection to and they can say absolutely anything without fear of getting punched in the nose. Put […]

To Kindle Or Not

So, I’m over at Andrew Sullivan’s spot, just to see what craziness he may be up to. Plus, to be honest, I enjoy the pictures he posts. He has a couple posts up about the Kindle and Ebooks, which leads to this post by Kindle skeptic Rob Horning Amazon has released a new Kindle.It costs […]

Blackberry Upgrade 4.5

On a note separate from my usual missives, if you have a Blackberry Curve, Pearl, 8800 series, or 8700 series, you really need to upgrade to Blackberry 4.5. You thought your Crackberry was great beforehand? Wait till you see what 4.5 does. Me, I primarily use my for email. One corporate account on a BES server […]

Pirate's Cove