Category Archives: Web/Tech

Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny Trashes Twitter’s Trump Ban

If anyone would know what living under a real authoritarian system is like, Navalny would Top Putin Rival, Russian Dissident Alexei Navalny: Trump Twitter Ban ‘Unacceptable’ Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny – one of President Vladimir Putin’s most prominent foes who nearly died last year of suspected poisoning by the state – called Twitter’s decision […]

Climate Cultists Now Coming After 5G

Sure, this is only one French government advisor based on a report from one council, but, how quickly might this spread throughout the Warmist community? Of course, are all the Warmists willing to give up their own acquisition of 5G smartphones? 5G Could Worsen Climate Change, Claims French Government Advisor The widespread installation of fifth […]

All You Warmists Should Cut Back On Your Gadgets And Streaming Or Something

I’m sure all of you younger climate cultists would be happy to give up all your smartphones, gaming systems, and streaming shows and movies, right? No more videos of everyday life, no more “creating content”, right? Climate change: Why it could be time to cut back on new gadgets and HD streams We need to […]

You Can Save The World’s Climate Fever By Sending Fewer Emails

The oceans are acidifying and doom is coming, and it’s all your fault Climate change: Can sending fewer emails really save the planet? Are you the type of person who always says thank-you? Well, if it’s by email, you should stop, according to UK officials looking at ways to save the environment. The Financial Times […]

Good News: Reinstating Net Neutrality Could Be A China Joe Priority

Here’s an issue that never came up during election season: Net Neutrality. It seems like a small issue, but, since most of us use the Internet, it is actually pretty dogone big. China Joe surely loves him some Big Government control of the Internet, just like Obama and China Bringing back net neutrality rules is […]

FCC Chairman Stands By Killing Off The No Good, Really Bad Obama Era Net Neutrality Rule

Hey, remember when they told us the Internet would die without Obama’s Net Neutrality (which was really more about a government soft-takeover of the Internet by making it a public utility)? FCC chairman stands by net neutrality repeal after appeals court ruling Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai said on Monday he stands by the […]

Democrats Want To “Close The Digital Divide” To Fight Hotcoldwetdry

I’m starting to think this really has nothing to do with science or the climate To fight climate change, Democrats want to close the ‘digital divide’ One of the starkest inequalities exposed by the coronavirus pandemic is the difference between the digital haves and have-nots. Those with a fast internet connection are more able to […]

Bat Soup Virus Proves We Never Needed Obama’s Net Neutrality

Of course, the thing is, Obama’s version of Net Neutrality (as opposed to the NN practiced since the late 1990’s) was never about about anything other than giving the federal government more power over the Internet, turning it into a public utility to be regulated, and forcing opposing voices off the ‘net Who needs net […]

Netflix Reduces Streaming Speed In European Union Nations

Has anyone noticed a reduction in Internet speed, especially during the day? Doing speed tests through Ookla, I’m seeing well below the 200mb I’m paying for. Not even getting to 100mbps. Multiple tests on my laptop are getting around 35mbps, phone is getting around 63mbps, and tablet around 45. Interestingly, the first two are on […]

Net Neutrality: LA Times Wants To Regulate Internet Like Any Other Utility

It’s been two years since the FCC killed of the latest version of Net Neutrality, which was never about neutrality, but giving the federal government massive new powers over the Internet, Internet companies, and what you see on the Internet. We were all supposed to die from the ending of NN, but, we’re still here, […]

Pirate's Cove