April 11, 2019 – 2:58 pm
Democrats just won’t give up on Net Neutrality, as it is a great way to put a massive government control on something that everyone depends on, and, quite frankly, are hooked on House Democrats Pass Bill Reinstating Obama-Era Net Neutrality Rules House Democrats passed H.R. 1644, the Save the Internet Act, 232-190, featuring unanimous Democrat support and […]
March 20, 2019 – 3:00 pm
If you’ll hearken back to a UK Guardian article about selfie madness in national parks, about how people taking selfies are ruining the parks and ruining the experience for others. And, no matter how far left the UK Guardian is, they are exactly correct. Too many are going to beautiful places not to enjoy them, […]
March 4, 2019 – 9:33 am
With the latest version of the Apache server, which is one of the backend requirements to run a website, several functions have been killed off. I’ve already mentioned the loss of the ability to run a plugin which allowed things like bold, italic, embedding links, and more for commenting. I can look to put something […]
December 13, 2018 – 7:38 am
Back before my Twitter account was killed for unknown reasons, I posted a tweet daily about #AmericaWithoutNetNeutrality, making fun of the wankers who thought Doom was coming. Nope, sorry, we survived (via Twitchy) One year ago this week, after the Trump administration and @AjitPaiFCC reversed anti-innovation internet regulations instituted by the previous administration in 2015, […]
November 21, 2018 – 10:13 am
If you happen to notice some photos missing, as you did especially with the If All You See.. posts yesterday, and, looks like still today, I host a goodly chunk of photos on Photobucket. They go down every now and then, and had a big outage yesterday. Photos that are working tend to be those […]
October 20, 2018 – 7:33 am
Does anyone else think it’s rather reckless, and dangerous, for the editorial board of one of the world’s leading newspapers to call for censorship, even of things they call disinformation? The Poison on Facebook and Twitter Is Still Spreading Social platforms have a responsibility to address misinformation as a systemic problem, instead of reacting to […]
October 1, 2018 – 6:45 am
From a legal standpoint, this makes sense. From a political standpoint, the DOJ shouldn’t bother, because then we could watch even more companies leave California, showing us the way Big Government works California just passed its net neutrality law. The DOJ is already suing The Department of Justice said it is filing a lawsuit against […]
August 28, 2018 – 8:05 am
The Net Neutrality supporters just won’t give up in their attempt to make the Internet the same type of public utility as the 1940’s phone system. Here’s Andrew Zwicker, an assemblyman and Democrat in New Jersey giving it a shot, and, you just have to wonder what’s in it for people like Andrew N.J. and […]
August 24, 2018 – 6:49 am
The supporters of the Obama era Net Neutrality, which would have turned the Internet into a public utility the same was the 1940’s wired phone service was, think they totally have the perfect example as to why Net Neutrality is needed. Here’s big NN supporter (and unhinged lunatic) Alyssa Milano Well, holy fucking shit. Verizon […]
August 15, 2018 – 7:51 am
Remember the utter doom that was to come with the end of the 2015 Obama Net Neutrality order, which was passed by unelected bureaucrats and turned the Internet into the same type of public utility as a 1940’s wired home phone system? Remember, it was going to be the end of the Internet? Hey @CNN, […]