December 28, 2017 – 8:22 am
The Washington Post’s Carol Leonning crafts yet another piece meant to be a hit-job on President Trump, which features absolutely zero named sources for the administration. But, hey, we’re totally supposed to Trust this Trump legal team readies attack on Flynn’s credibility President Trump’s legal team plans to cast former national security adviser Michael T. […]
December 24, 2017 – 8:17 am
Back in 2016, the NY Times mad a big change to their use of anonymous sources policies. They have to be bigly approved by high ranking editors for things where the primary news element is based on anonymous sources. I guess Dean Baquet, Matt Purdy, and Phil Corbett are rather busy, because it seems that […]
December 2, 2017 – 10:37 am
According to ABC News’ Brian Ross, doom was coming down on Trump. Um, but Here's the full "clarification" @BrianRoss read on-air on "World News" tonight — Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) December 2, 2017 As Allahpundit notes So “candidate†Trump asked his top natsec guy to rethink U.S. foreign policy towards Russia, and president-elect Trump reached […]
December 1, 2017 – 6:45 am
Every day there seems to be a negative story on President Trump that offers nothing but unknown, unnamed, anonymous sources. In an age where the media is part and parcel of the #Resistance, where they are even more unhinged and opposed to a sitting Republican president, how can we take the media seriously? How can […]
November 26, 2017 – 7:35 am
Remember the days when it was all about Barack Obama inheriting problems from President George W. Bush? Those days went all the way through his first term, and a little bit into his second. Of course, Donald Trump is president now, so, everything must be blamed/linked to him Hate in America is on the rise […]
November 16, 2017 – 7:24 am
According to the Brady Campaign, California is the state with the most gun restrictions. They have 8 laws on “assault weapons” and magazine size. Eleven on background checks. Seven on high risk gun possession. Twelve on buyer regulations. Seven for possession. Eighteen for domestic violence. The Washington Post Editorial Board seems to forget this Don’t […]
September 10, 2017 – 8:06 am
No matter what happens, Democrats are required by rule to make it political. It’s what they do. And, as you read this, remember that the publication date shows two hours before the posting of this post, as the hurricane has already been lashing Florida Florida residents call on Trump to open Mar-a-Lago as a shelter […]
August 25, 2017 – 10:30 am
At least when it comes to one person, the NYT Editorial Board is upset Say No to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Mr. Trump By pardoning an official who showed contempt for a judge, the president would show contempt for American courts. It would be difficult for President Trump, who has insulted judges and tried to interfere […]
August 9, 2017 – 8:12 am
Perhaps they’d prefer the pajama boy, mom jeans, coddling and bowing version one typically saw from Barack Obama when it came to threats from foreign nations. Or, perhaps they’d approve of signing a deal that would simply push North Korea’s nuclear ambitions off for 10 years while giving them oodles of cash and access to […]
July 7, 2017 – 7:19 am
There’s an old Internet maxim, namely that most people will read the first 3 paragraphs or 30 seconds of any article. After that, they either skim through it, head to the comments, or just move on. I remember an LA Times hitjob on President George W. Bush, castigating him for daring to require active military […]