Category Archives: Wonky Media

News Outlet To Join Climate Cult

Will Advance Media owned be offering all sides of the debate, or just one side? Why we’re joining hundreds of news outlets to cover climate change On September 23, world leaders will gather at the United Nations in New York to decide how global society will deal with one of the most far-reaching problems […]

Washington Post: Possible U.S.-Iran Talks Obscured By Something Ominous

Can you guess what is ominous? Once you see the headline, you’re probably going to think that this Editorial is going to be Trump Derangement Syndrome. Nope The hype of possible U.S.-Iran talks obscured something much more ominous A FRENCH attempt to jump-start talks between the United States and Iran got plenty of attention over […]

Liberals Seem Upset That Conservative Groups Using Same Media Matters Created Targeting Template

Liberals are never happy when people use the same methods back at liberals, eh? Trump Allies Targeting Journalists Are Following Media Matters Template: NY Times New York Times media reporter Jeremy Peters appeared on Morning Joe on Monday morning and discussed a stunning report he co-authored with Ken Vogel that detailed how a networks of […]

NY Times Suddenly In Favor Of Doxxing Campaign Contributors

As long as they are Republican contributors, of course. Now, it’s not hard to find out who has donated to campaigns, especially the big contributors. You can get this information from Open Secrets, among others. It’s public record. But, to use that data to “shame” and harass is disturbing, and along comes to the NY […]

NY Times: Europe Limits Free Speech, You Know

You probably thought that the hot takes from the Times regarding the El Paso shooting (because they’re in the process of memory holeing the Dayton shooter, because his obvious leftism and Democratic Party support is inconvenient) would be on gun control/banning. A discussion of limiting free speech surely wasn’t on your radar, right? The El […]

Gun Store Billboard Causes Ruckus Among People Who Won’t Be Customers

The gun shop cares about their opinion why? This gun shop in a western North Carolina town has caused a ruckus with its billboard. — The News & Observer (@newsobserver) July 30, 2019 From the article A small town gun shop in western North Carolina has drawn the ire of liberals and gun control […]

Washington Post Is Suddenly Very Concerned Over Los Federales Tapping Into Facial Recognition Searches

Now, granted, we should all be concerned when federal agencies are doing this, but, interestingly, the Washington Post and elected Democrats weren’t particularly concerned when someone else was in office FBI, ICE tap in to state driver’s license databases for facial-recognition searches Agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Immigration and Customs Enforcement have […]

Bummer: Fear Builds In Illegal Aliens As Plans For Deportation Raids Builds

It’s actually a good thing when unhinged news outlets which support illegal immigration trot out these stories, because it helps increase the fear among these law breaking illegal aliens, and hopefully gets reported to those who are looking to come illegally/overstay their visas Fear of immigration raids builds as agency’s plans move forward President Trump […]

It’s Independence Day, So, Of Course The NY Times Tries To “Take Stock” Of America

Here's another from the WP going all the way back to 1776 — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) July 3, 2019 At least in the Era Of Trump, news organizations must find ways to hate on America, so, the NY Times editorial board gives it a shot America the Beautiful Taking stock of the […]

NY Times Op-Ed Calls For Doxxing Federal Immigration Officials

This is liberalism: calling for harassment and violence against people who you disagree with, at least while the person in the White House is not part of your Party. Remember, Democrats were not concerned with children being separated while it was occurring under Mr. Obama. Doing the job as required by federal law as passed […]

Pirate's Cove