Category Archives: Wonky Media

Say, Did The Trump Admin Really Lose A Bunch Of Illegal Alien Kids?

No. One of the things leftists have been going hog wild over the past few days in regards to illegal immigration (also on kids in cages and prison bus for toddlers, both of which happened under Obama, but they still tried to Blame Trump) is Trump losing 1,500 illegal alien kids, which Is The Worst […]

New Study Links Trump With White American Intolerance And Authoritarianism Or Something

Over at A View From The Beach (which has a great morning post on swimming), Fritz has a long running series on Reasons Trump Was Elected, like this one. Many of them revolved around shoddy, idiotic, unhinged, Trump Derangement Syndrome media reports. Like this one by Excitable Noah Berlatsky at NBC News The Trump effect: […]

Washington Post: Hey, The Problem Is All The Guns

The funny part here is that the same paper, along with most others, was utterly uninterested in investigating the Obama/Holder gun running scheme Operation Fast and Furious, which resulted in scores being killed and wounded in America and Mexico, including children and two federal agents. At least one of those same guns that were lost […]

TDS: “No One Is An Animal” Or Something

It takes a special kind of stupid, a special brand of Trump Derangement Syndrome, to declare that absolutely no one is an animal, as we see from the Washington Post’s E. J. Dionne finally jumping in No one is an ‘animal’ It’s never right to call other human beings “animals.” It’s not something we should […]

After Santa Fe Shooting, NY Times Blames Congress For Failing To Pass Gun Control That Wouldn’t Have Made A Difference

This is pretty much expected out of the NY Times which is itself protected by armed security, and seems to be a reprint of an article they ran on February 15th, with a few changes How Congress Has Dithered as the Innocent Get Shot Once again, Americans are facing a tragedy involving guns. This time, […]

Trump “Defends” His Animals Remark Or Something

The day after the NY Times utterly took President Trump out of context (which led to many, many, many leftist media outlets, personalities, and elected Democrats to follow suit) regarding his MS-13 are animals remark, the NY Times is doubling down on their #TDS Trump Defends ‘Animals’ Remark, Saying It Referred to MS-13 Gang Members […]

Washington Post: ZOMG, Trump And Team Drop Comments On North Korean Negotiations!

It’s kinda hard to tell the difference between the Washington Post and uber-Lefty Internet sites like Slate, Salon, and Vox, as David Nakamura loses it, as typical ‘Stay tuned!’: Trump and advisers treat fate of North Korea prisoners as a cliffhanger As he has sought to build anticipation for his high-stakes summit with Kim Jong […]

Washington Post Finally Finds Way To Dismiss Iran Deal Revelations

Exactly what does America get out of the Iran deal? Sure, there are a few things, like not having to go to war and stopping Iran (on paper) from developing nuclear weapons for a time, which are both issues created because Iran is run by despicable people. A few companies, such as Boeing, get to […]

USA Today: Big Panel Of Trump Supporters Think Trump’s Lying About Stormy Daniels, And Don’t Care

This is what passes for “journalism”: asking some Trump supporters about Stormy Daniels Trump voters think he’s lying about Stormy Daniels. And no, they don’t really care. Yes, they think President Trump’s lying about Stormy Daniels. And no, they really do not care. Americans who voted for the president say they don’t believe his denial […]

Who’s Surprised That The Washington Post Uses Waffle House Shooting To Call For Gun Banning?

Who’s also surprised that the Washington Post Editorial Board forgets to include an important bit of information? Why did the accused Waffle House shooter get back his guns? THERE WERE plenty of warning signs about Travis J. Reinking. He once told police that music superstar Taylor Swift was stalking him and hacking into his phone. Another time, […]

Pirate's Cove