Category Archives: Wonky Media

Surprise: Washington Post, NY Times Editorial Boards Decide To Slam Trump On Syria

In all fairness, some of their complaints are warranted, but, neither condemned nor slammed Obama’s fecklessness when it came to Syria and establishing red lines at the time, and it’s a little late to offer criticism now. Both were super excited to proclaim the diplomacy of Obama and Sec of State John Kerry awesome when […]

TDS: Trump’s Military Gender Confused Ban Is Insidious Or Something

I really don’t care that much about the article, which is about as loopy as it gets. I’m just getting a kick out of the headline. Someone must have had “insidious” as their word of the day Trump’s transgender troop ban is as insidious as ever PRESIDENT TRUMP announced a ban on transgender people in the military […]

Washington Post: Trump Is Scaremongering On Sanctuary Cities Or Something

The one thing that is never explained by Liberal supporters of illegal aliens and sanctuary jurisdictions is “why?” Why are they so hell bent on protecting people who are in our nation illegally? What they do know, in this day, is that Trump is a big meanie for daring to want states, cities, and counties […]

CNN: Say, Enforcing Immigration Law Is Like Jews Under Hitler

Every day, a new beclowing (Breitbart) CNN published a news article on Wednesday evening that suggested the enforcement of federal immigration law was equivalent to the murder of six million Jews in the Holocaust. The article, by Kyung Lah and Alberto Moya, was presented as news, not opinion. Its central premise was that a Jewish woman was […]

NY Times: We Should Let Generation Tide Pod Lead On Gun Control Or Something

Every teenager thinks they Know It All. I bet you thought that when you were in high school and college. I bet I did too. And, we all did dumb stuff when we were young. And every adult generation made fun of the dumb stuff kids did. But, I don’t remember my generation doing things […]

Washington Post: The Public Has Spoken On Gun Control, So Don’t Wait For White House Or Something

I wonder if the Washington Post Editorial Board ever thought “perhaps we should put our #Resist away, stop our Trump Derangement Syndrome, and act like adults, because, if we aren’t unhinged, perhaps we could convince Mr. Trump to deal with issues.” Na. The public has spoken on gun control. Don’t wait for the White House. […]

“Infantry Level Firepower” Is Now Apparently A Thing

We’ve had many different types of scaremongering by people who have no real understanding of guns, such as this recent one which yammered on about “full semi-automatic“. Now the NY Times brings you With AR-15s, Mass Shooters Attack With the Rifle Firepower Typically Used by Infantry Troops When a gunman walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas […]

Illegal Alien Trying To Go Through Correct Process Is Arrested By ICE And This Is Mean Or Something

We have another poster child for the illegal alien supporters, one who was just trying to do the Right Thing, you guys, as Jeff Gamage and the Philly Inquirer show their bias Seeking legal status in America, immigrant grabbed in Philly by ICE and jailed Let’s write that correctly: “Attempting to game the system, previously […]

Dan Rather Network Gives “5 Things More Difficult To Buy Than Guns” The Old Pre-School Try

The network that brought you fabricated documents that weren’t verified in the least due to political bias is doing stupid things yet again. I wonder if they plan to give up the armed security at all their properties, as well as stop using guns in their TV shows? Anyhow, this is about as click-baity as […]

CNN: The Gun Violence Debate And Election 2016 Are Totally Similar!

First off, liberals, like those at the failing, click-baity, #resist CNN, just can’t MoveOn from losing the 2016 election fair and square, after having nominated an unpopular, shady, un-charismatic woman who failed to campaign in several states, which meant she was beaten fair and square by a political neophyte who did the things required to […]

Pirate's Cove