Category Archives: Wonky Media

CNN Decides To Scaremonger On Florida Gun Laws

In some areas, such as Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, California, New Jersey, New York, there are are massive gun restrictions. Heavily burdensome. Yet, interestingly, there are a lot of crimes that occur which involve the use of a gun. But, hey, CNN You don’t need a permit or license to buy a gun in Florida. (And […]

So, Of Course The Washington Post Is Calling For The Ban Of “Weapons Of War”

This is all they know how to do. This is what they want to do. Ban “assault weapons”, then move on to banning other weapons and ownership. Because it works well in California and Chicago Ban these weapons of war …. That the suspected 19-year-old gunman in the Florida shooting was able to legally purchase an […]

Imaginary FBI Employees Have Anger, Worry, And Fears Of Lasting Damage

The Washington Post’s Matt Zapotosky and Devlin Barrett have written another fantasy story, chock full of anonymous sources and unnamed people, which is leading the Sunday edition on both the web and dead tree versions on the top of the front page Inside the FBI: Anger, worry, work — and fears of lasting damage In […]

ZOMG, Trump’s Saturday Night Massacre Is Totally Happening Before Our Eyes!

I ran across a post at Sad And Useless yesterday about Modern Journalism. Go ahead and click the link first…..OK, now you have an idea of the over-the-top, unhinged, make everything beyond rationality journalism of today. Moving forward, we get this bit of insanity by Norman Eisen, Caroline Fredrickson, and Noah Bookbinder at Politico Trump’s […]

Leave It To The NY TImes To Go Barking Moonbat On Trump’s SOTU

I did not see the State of the Union address, as I got home very late from working with a client. I do see that he called for bipartisanship President Trump appealed for unity in his first State of the Union speech, declaring a “new American moment” even as many glum Democrats in the audience […]

The Syria Conflict Is Now Trump’s War Or Something

Remember the good old days of Obama’s first term when everything negative was Blamed on George Bush? Heck, even the failure of Obama’s $787 billion Stimulus was blamed on Bush. Now, though, the NY Times Editorial Board decided to spin the wheel of blame and lands on Syria Is Now Mr. Trump’s War As a […]

NY Times Spins Wheel, Finds Something New To Be Outraged At Trump: Guantanamo Bay

Perhaps the NY Times Editorial Board has become bored with all their other Outrage material. So, they sat around and brainstormed with some martinis and came up with this and a cute graphic From the link Even before he took office, President Trump made it clear that no one would be getting out of […]

Washington Post: You Know All Those Bonuses And Wage Hikes Weren’t Really Caused By The Tax Bill Or Something

Despite many companies specifically stating that the bonuses and wage increases they’re offering being a direct result of the GOP tax law, the Washington Post doesn’t want to believe it, because they’re too wrapped up in their Trump Derangement Syndrome and #Resist to give credit where credit is due. Really, the only thing missing from […]

NY Times Rushes To Make Hawaii Missile Alert All About Trump

In case you missed it, there was a missile alert sent out in what we are told is a complete comedy of errors that there was a ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. CNN’s article forgot to mention Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: “Our leaders have failed us. Donald Trump is taking too long. He's not […]

Responsible Journalism: Trump’s Physical Won’t Tell Us About His Mental Fitness Or Something

The Russian collusion thing hasn’t actually gone anywhere further than talking points, and, after over a year of yammering, hasn’t actually proven any collusion. None of the other things have worked, either, so Democrats are going back to one of their standards for when there is a Republican president: that he has mental issues. This […]

Pirate's Cove