Category Archives: Wonky Media

Play Politics With Irma: People Want Trump To Open Mar-A-Lago As Storm Shelter

No matter what happens, Democrats are required by rule to make it political. It’s what they do. And, as you read this, remember that the publication date shows two hours before the posting of this post, as the hurricane has already been lashing Florida Florida residents call on Trump to open Mar-a-Lago as a shelter […]

Hot Take: Irma’s Locked And Loaded Towards Trump Properties

Remember, though, that the media is totally non-partisan and utterly un-biased, so the news media tells us. And that’s how we end up with this bit of unhinged #resist from NBC News and writer Ben Popken (via Twitchy) Irma Locked and Loaded Towards Several Trump Properties Ire and fury are expected to rain down on […]

Washington Post: Since Impeachment Is A Long Shot, There’s Something Else Unhinged That Can Be Done

The unhinged fantasies of Democratic Party voters, and, yes, some Republicans, that Trump will be impeached are not good for their mental well being. This constant bleating that something will show up, that he’s committed some sort of crime, that they can invoked the 25th Amendment, and, further, somehow get impeach VP Mike Pence at […]

Washington Post Attempts To Blame Trump For Harvey, Hits Obama Instead

The Editorial Board of the Washington Post has finally joined in on the “ZOMG, Harvey was made worse by Hotcoldwetdry!” bandwagon. They try and punch Trump and his administration in the face, but, who was president the past eight years? Houston is paying the price for public officials’ ignorance PRESIDENT TRUMP assured the nation over […]

Trump To Head To Texas Tuesday

The media and Democrats are having a tough time finding a way to bash Mr. Trump and his response to Hurricane Harvey. Of course, if you take a peek through the Twitter timelines of a lot of Democrats, you’ll find zero mention of the storm About the only ones I’ve found are those from Texas […]

NY Times Is Suddenly Very Concerned About Executive Pardons

At least when it comes to one person, the NYT Editorial Board is upset Say No to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Mr. Trump By pardoning an official who showed contempt for a judge, the president would show contempt for American courts. It would be difficult for President Trump, who has insulted judges and tried to interfere […]

Predictable: NY Times Figures Out Way To Slur Trump On Afghanistan Plan

Seriously, who would have thought that the NY Times Editorial Board would come out and slam Mr. Trump? Mr. Trump on Afghanistan: More of the Same; No End in Sight If there is a compelling case to be made for deepening the United States military involvement in Afghanistan, where the 16-year-old war has already lasted […]

NY Times Finally Manages To Work Firearms Into The Charlottesville Narrative

It’s taken the editorial board of the NY Times almost a week to finally realize “hey, people were carrying guns at the rally!!!!!”, and they’ve decided to be Offended, just as you think The Gunmen at ‘Free Speech’ Rallies Even before violence erupted in Charlottesville, Va., last weekend, city residents and the police anxiously watched the […]

Washington Post Decides To Make Potential Civil War In Venezuela All About Trump

I remember an article, long long ago, somewhere in 2006, where a liberal nutjob suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome was profiled. She would wake up early, because life under George W. Bush was just too much to deal with, then grab a non-alcoholic beer, chain-smoke, and wonder “what she should scream about this day”. Should […]

Washington Post Decides To Write What Trump Should Have Said About Charlottesville

The Washington Post Editorial Board is in its normal snit fit mode, having decided to make the Charlottesville riot all about President Trump. Because #Resist. They’ve decided that what Trump said wasn’t presidential, so, they decided to create their own version of what a presidential president would say about the incident, because what Trump said […]

Pirate's Cove