Category Archives: Wonky Media

Trump’s Press Secretary Is A Stalinist Or Something

Usually, people in the Media Industrial Complex (MIC) go with fascist or some sort of Nazi/Hitler reference. This is a new one by Excitable Richard Cohen at the Washington Post Sean Spicer’s Stalinist apparition Sean Spicer is the appropriate face of the new Trump administration. He is the White House press secretary, the spokesman and […]

Everybody Panic: Trump Has More Power To Quarantine People!

Today’s prognostication of doom has brought the Surrender Monkey back, as the NY Times’ Kyle Edwards, Wendy Parment, and Scott Burris hyperventilate Why the C.D.C.’s Power to Quarantine Should Worry Us The administration of Donald J. Trump has even more authority to detain people than the Obama administration had during the Ebola crisis. The Centers […]

Suddenly, The Permanent Campaign Is Problematic Because Trump

Politicians are in permanent campaign, and have been for quite some time. Certainly, Mr. Obama did this, even after his 2nd presidential election, and he wasn’t just campaigning for other Democrats (most of them who really didn’t want him around), but as if he was going to run for a 3rd term. Now, though, many […]

Washington Post: This Is The Most Ominous Inauguration In History!

The Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne, Jr. is continuing his Moonbat Meltdown This is the most ominous Inauguration Day in modern history Whether or not Trump is “legitimate,” he’s legitimately terrifying. Whether Dionne wrote the headline or subhead, or an editor did, either way, they’re utterly bat guano insane, and bear out in the actual article […]

Sore Losers Call Trump A Sore Winner Or Something

Ever since the election results came in, Democrats have been the ultimate sore losers, and the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank has been a participant. He’s attempted to mansplain the woman card to Kellyanne Conway. He’s whined numerous times about Russia. He’s stated that the election was rigged. He’s essentially been a sore loser. Now we […]

NY Times Is Concerned Over Trump’s “Deep Danger For Legitimate, Aggressive Journalism” Or Something

There’s deep concern that Donald Trump is undermining responsible journalism that will hold him accountable See? (NY Times) If there was any doubt, the uproar this week over BuzzFeed’s publication of unverified allegations about President-elect Donald J. Trump made clear that the gatekeeper role once played by major news media organizations has vanished in the […]

David Brooks Seems Pretty Upset That Trump Does Things Different Than Other Elected Leaders

One of the reasons people jumped on the Trump train was that he was not an insider, not a career politician. He thought different and talked different. He tended to communicated directly with citizens, primarily via Twitter, which, of course, has the Legacy Media very upset, because they prefer to be the gatekeepers of the […]

Washington Post: The President Refuses To Face Reality On Russia Or Something

No, not that president. Not the one who’s been in office since 1/20/2009. The other one, which has the Washington Post Editorial Board Very Concerned Trump refuses to face reality about Russia ALTHOUGH PRESIDENT Obama’s sanctions against Russia for interfering with the U.S. presidential election came late, his action on Thursday reflected a bipartisan consensus […]

White Working People Voted Against Themselves Or Something

Liberals and their compliant media are still in utter denial as to just why Hillary lost the election. They’ve created elaborate Excuses, rather than simply dealing with the notions that a) Hillary was a horrible candidate, b) she and her team had a poor strategy, and c) Democrats policies are unpopular in practice. Instead, we […]

Washington Post Suddenly Concerned About A Divisive Tone From The President

No, not the one who’s been in office for almost 8 years. Nor the one who seems to be involved in actual events. No, this one, as posed in the “news” section by Philip Rucker and John Wagner Trump’s tone could pose challenge as he seeks to govern a deeply divided nation He strode out […]

Pirate's Cove