Category Archives: Wonky Media

Times, Post Seem Rather Upset About FBI Reopening Hillary Server Case

By now you’re surely familiar with the FBI bringing back it’s examination of the Hillary email server case. Powerline wonders if this is about Huma Abedin committing perjury, but, I’m not sure that Comey would announce the inquiry in this manner for just perjury, not this close to the election, no matter how close she […]

Say, How About A List Of All The People, Places, And Things Trump Has Insulted?

It’s going to be a NY Times heavy blogging day, because, quite frankly, the Fish Wrap is a constant source of amusement for me, what with the far far left opinions, stories, their utter buy in on ‘climate change’ (while refusing to make any changes in the writers lives nor at for the Times’ operations), […]

Silly Headline Of Day: “WikiLeaks poisons Hillary’s relationship with left”

Seriously, Politico writer Kenneth P. Vogel blames Wikileaks for the poisoning, not Hillary, with that headline Donald Trump is pointing to a stream of hacked emails as proof that Hillary Clinton would be a compromised president, but a surprising number of progressives are drawing similar conclusions — albeit for atotally different reasons. Some of the […]

Big Takeaway From 3rd Debate: Trump Hates Democracy Or Something

Who watched the debate, raise your hand. OK, good. I watched for about the first 40 minutes, before I realized that game 4 of the Dodgers-Cubs was on, and never really went back to the debate. Trump started strong, but, really missed some big opportunities to hit back at Hillary with facts that matter. He […]

NY Times Suddenly Very Concerned Over People Complaining About Vote Rigging

The Editorial Board of the NY Times is in a snot over Trump’s constant comments about the election being rigged, which is being aped by his most ardent supporters, and use this as a means to attack all Republicans Shameful Silence on Donald Trump’s Lies About Vote-Rigging It may be too late for the Republican […]

NY Times: Trump Is Modern Day Hitler Or Stalin Or Something

It’s invariable. Every election cycle the media works hard to elect the Democrats while painting the Republicans as wanting some sort of authoritarian regime. With George Bush, they all complained about the coming Theocracy. They had a bit more of a problem with McCain, but, they branded him a hard-core Conservative who was willing to […]

Washington Post: Say, How Much Damage Could A President Trump Do?

I’m continuing to see a pattern here from the Washington Post Editorial Board. It’s another day, another crazy editorial from the WP editorial Board. Previously, we’ve learned that a Pres Trump could deport freely (hooray!), that he’d end the era of US global leadership (not much left to lose after 8 years of Obama) or […]

Washington Post: A President Trump Could Destroy The World Economy Or Something

I’m starting to see a pattern here from the Washington Post Editorial Board. It’s another day, another crazy editorial from the WP editorial Board. Previously, we’ve learned that a Pres Trump could deport freely (hooray!), that he’d end the era of US global leadership (not much left to lose after 8 years of Obama) or […]

Progressive Haven Of NY Times Suddenly Upset About This Whole “Democracy” Thing

Progressives have long been big adherents of Direct Democracy, where the people vote for lots and lots of things directly to determine the outcome. Think of ballot initiatives. This is different from representative democracy, where people vote lawmakers, who then go and vote the way their big moneyed donors constituents determine. But, NY Times writers […]

Washington Post: A President Trump Could End The Era Of American Global Leadership Or Something

Sunday, the Washington Post Editorial Board told us that a President Trump could “deport freely”, which was supposed to be a negative. Monday we learn something interesting (which fails to mention the phrase “leading from behind”) A President Trump could end the era of American global leadership IN NO realm is the U.S. president more […]

Pirate's Cove