Category Archives: Wonky Media

NY Times: In Name Of Diversity And Stuff, You Rubes Need To Get Used To Terrorist Attacks

Liberals worship their talking points of diversity and multiculturalism, to the point that they feel a deep, abiding need to defend the indefensible. And they’ll do and say anything to defend it Our Best Defense Against Terrorists How we react to terrorism has become a measure of who we are, as individuals and as a […]

Washington Post: Trump’s Saddam Comments “Disqualifying” Or Something

The Washington Post editorial board is rather vexed over Donald Trump’s Saddam Hussein comments Donald Trump is wrong about Saddam Hussein SADDAM HUSSEIN was not “so good” at killing terrorists, as Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed. On the contrary, he was one of the contemporary world’s foremost sponsors of terrorism. He harbored or funded some […]

NY Times: Due To Brexit, America Should Break With Britain Again

Like most liberals, the NY Times Editorial Board seems rather upset regarding a day that celebrates Freedom. So, why not combine it with their hatred of Brexit? Freedom, Fireworks and Brexit This year, the commemoration of the break with the British Empire on the Fourth of July is particularly rich in material for mulling the […]

NY Times: Say, “Have Muslims Created a Harmful Atmosphere for Gays?”

The Editorial Board of the NY Times has already treated us to a smattering of Blamestorming post Orlando Muslim terror attack, blaming Republicans, Conservatives, Tea Party members, the NRA, all gun owners, anyone who opposes gay marriage and men pretending to be women showering with young girls, and, of course, Christians. They’re more than willing […]

CBS Shocked, Shocked!!!!! That It Only Took 38 Minutes To Purchase An “Assault Weapon”

It seems to be a big thing now for Leftist media fools to go into gun stores and purchase an “assault rifle” to prove how easy it is. It’s as easy as going into a Starbucks and ordering a cup of coffee, you guys! (CBS News) In Virginia, where the Virginia Tech shootings killed 32 […]

NY Times Thinks There Needs To Be A New Grand Old Party

I love when non-Republicans advise the GOP on how to act. In this case, it is resident “radical Centrist” Thomas L. Freidman, who, despite being a self avowed “radical centrist”, tends to take the side of the extreme Left more often. Regardless, he does actually make a few good points Dump the G.O.P. for a […]

Good News: NY Times Says Trump Isn’t Quite Hitler. Yet

It’s normal in American politics for someone to label a politician as “Hitler” or Nazis. Usually, this is aimed at a Republican politician, even though the policies of Hitler tended to have more in common with Leftists/Progressives. George Bush was called Hitler non-stop. Reagan was Hitler. Arnold Schwarzenneger was also Hitler. So was Dick Cheney. […]

NY Times: Say, People Are Just Barely Getting By In Obama’s Economy

Obviously, being the NY Times Editorial board, the word “Obama” fails to appear In the United States, nearly one-third of adults, about 76 million people, are either “struggling to get by” or “just getting by,” according to the third annual survey of households by the Federal Reserve Board. That finding, dismal though it is, represents […]

Washington Post Suddenly Cares About Our War Dead

It’s always amusing as Memorial Day weekend rolls around and Liberals in the media suddenly become fans of the U.S. military. Until Tuesday. In this case, the Washington Post editorial board has a message A Memorial Day message to the candidates THE COUNTRY’S war dead are a kind of closed society, elevated above us by […]

Washington Post: You Stupid Citizens Are Dragging Down Obama’s Awesome Economy By Not Spending

There’s nothing more amusing than seeing the Obama Media Lapdogs spin things to protect Dear Leader. Obama will be the first president to never see a year of 3% GDP growth. And guess whose fault it is? The Washington Post’s Fred Hiatt* tells blames us The economy’s real drag: Us American consumers aren’t what they […]

Pirate's Cove