Category Archives: Wonky Media

Federal Lawsuit Filed Against Obama’s Gun Control Orders

Something about constitutionality (Bloomberg) U.S. President Barack Obama’s expansion of background checks for would-be gun buyers is being challenged in a lawsuit by a political activist who claims the changes violate the Constitution and the federal rule-making process. (snip) “It is clearly arbitrary and capricious for the defendants, each and every one of them, to […]

Washington Post Editorial Board Says MLK, Jr., Would Totally Accept Refugees

In case you were unaware, today is Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. As such, it behooves the Washington Post Editorial Board to publish an editorial which proclaims that he would support all the “Syrian” refugees and other Muslims that Mr. Obama wants to import to the United States, an editorial that starts out, unshockingly, with […]

NY Times: “How are cops supposed to know who the good guy or the bad guy is with the gun?”

It’s a new year, so, the NY Times Editorial Board uses the occassion to pimp gun control with their usual flavor of hysteria Two Ways of Dealing With Guns This is a big day for Texans yearning to flaunt their handguns in belt and shoulder holsters. A new “open carry” law enacted by the Republican […]

Typical: Washington Post Uber-Liberal Attacks Ted Cruz’s Children

Leftists will do anything to uphold their dogma, and will rationalize it any way possible (Breitbart) Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a 2016 GOP presidential candidate who’s currently surging in polls six weeks ahead of the first primary contests, fired back at a Washington Post cartoonist for mocking his daughters Caroline and Catherine. “Classy,” Cruz tweeted […]

North Carolina Muslim Women Start Hashtag Against Radical Islam

Just kidding. They’re upset with Donald Trump (supposedly) Area Muslims turn to social media to combat Trump’s rhetoric Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s call for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” has been roundly criticized as bigoted, unconstitutional and potentially dangerous for American interests abroad, but some local Muslims say […]

Washington Post: Republicans Are Totally Into Gun Pride

Today’s opinion piece disguised as a straight news article, by Phillip Rucker and Sean Sullivan, appearing on the front page of the web page. It’s meant to say how Republicans are outside the mainstream in their support of guns and gun rights. Funny how the Washington Post never does the same about radicalized Muslims, who […]

NY Times Totally Upset That GOP Won’t Allow People On Arbitrary No Fly List To Be Denied Firearms

There are lots and lots of silly opinion pieces and editorials, long on outrage, short on facts. The NY Times Editorial Board provides possibly the dumbest one of the day Tough Talk and a Cowardly Vote on Terrorism Investigators now believe that what initially seemed a workplace shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., was a well-planned attack […]

Washington Post: The Common Thread In Gun Violence Is Guns!

The hell you say! The Washington Post Editorial Board is vexed by all the gun violence caused by guns. Not people, of course. They generally aren’t the problem. The guns just leap into their hands and lead the person under hypnosis, and pull their own triggers. This is probably one of the sillier, more meaningless […]

Days After Terror Attack By Islamists In Paris, NY Times Uses Occasion To Demonize Right Wingers

I bet you thought this kind of thing only occurred in bat guano insane sites like Salon and Islamist defenders on social media. Negative, though at least the NY Times Editorial Board waited till Monday to post their screed, which is long on complaints against those who stand against the radical Muslims, and short on […]

Is The GOP Establishment Panicking Over Trump And Carson?

That’s what the Washington Post is implying Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win Less than three months before the kickoff Iowa caucuses, there is growing anxiety bordering on panic among Republican elites about the dominance and durability of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and widespread bewilderment over how to defeat […]

Pirate's Cove