February 12, 2015 – 7:08 am
These are the kinds of stories that will emanate from the Credentialed Media as the silly season, ie, primaries leading to the general election, approaches and gets in full swing, at least as how it applies to Republicans. There will be lots of concerned articles as well as “just wondering”, like how they wondered multiple […]
February 11, 2015 – 8:02 am
Obviously, this is one of those horrible actions by evil Christians, right? (tweets via Twitchy) https://twitter.com/neuroluv/status/565405142523322368 https://twitter.com/EdhiAbdulSattar/status/565476331098750978 (Raleigh N&O) Police charged a Chapel Hill man Wednesday with first-degree murder in the deaths of three Muslim students in a quiet neighborhood near Meadowmont just south of N.C. 54. Craig Stephen Hicks, 46, is being held in […]
February 9, 2015 – 8:14 am
This makes me wonder: if Brian Williams could believe he was able to trot out these whoppers on a constant basis, who else in the news media does the same? Questioning Brian Williams’s claims that ‘gangs’ terrorized the Ritz-Carlton during Katrina There’s a story Brian Williams likes to tell. He has told it in a TV […]
February 3, 2015 – 6:50 am
Alternate title: NY Times Totally Unconcerned About Barack Obama’s Luxury Travel On Public Credit Card (NY Times) As Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey waited to depart on a trade mission to Israel in 2012, his entourage was delayed by a late arrival: Mr. Christie’s father, who had accidentally headed to the wrong airport. A […]
January 30, 2015 – 7:03 am
In Liberal World, getting rid of any tax is a bad idea. This comes our way via the extremely well paid people who sit on the low diversity Editorial Board No Case for Killing the Medical Device Tax In seeking to dismantle the Affordable Care Act piece by piece, congressional Republicans have placed a high […]
January 16, 2015 – 9:07 am
Does anyone think the NY Times would be upset if “hate speech” crackdowns and restrictions were enacted towards Conservatives, Tea Party members, or Christians? Anyhow, the Times was also not brave enough to show the total front cover of the latest Charlie Hebdo. This one is written by the editorial board Wrong Responses to Charlie […]
January 3, 2015 – 7:30 am
And that they might look to pass Republican/Conservative policy agendas! (WP) Legislators in the 24 states where Republicans now hold total control plan to push a series of aggressive policy initiatives in the coming year aimed at limiting the power of the federal government and rekindling the culture wars. The unprecedented breadth of the Republican […]
January 2, 2015 – 7:41 am
When Conservatives talk about media bias, we note that one of the methods is to simply leave relevant information out of articles. They attempt to create a narrative, and since people will often only read that article, they may fail to know about said relevant information. Here’s WRAL Sea level report shows increasing pace of […]
November 7, 2014 – 8:44 am
No, really. This is what they find important after the thrubbing Obama and the Democrats endured Congress should allow D.C.’s marijuana legalization to stand D.C. VOTERS, as expected, gave overwhelming approval to a ballot initiative that would legalize marijuana and, as expected, there were immediate rumblings from Capitol Hill of plans to block its implementation. […]
November 5, 2014 – 8:22 am
Yes they are Negativity Wins the Senate Republicans would like the country to believe that they took control of the Senate on Tuesday by advocating a strong, appealing agenda of job creation, tax reform and spending cuts. But, in reality, they did nothing of the sort. Even the voters who supported Republican candidates would have […]