April 13, 2014 – 8:20 am
Obviously, it would be too much to ask for the NY Times to have an article on either their web front page and/or dead tree edition about the situation in Nevada between the BLM, Cliven Bundy, and all the supporters. No, what’s really important is to manufacture some type of civil war going on in […]
March 29, 2014 – 7:58 am
There’s nothing like beating a dead horse. Obviously, the Times cares a bit because a) this happened in the NY Times local area, and b) it’s a chance to smear Christie, a possible GOP 2016 candidate, and c) a chance to smear a Republican governor. The last two are Important for other media (read Leftist) […]
March 25, 2014 – 3:20 pm
When we refer to the left as Progressives, what we are talking about, as Jonah Golberg wrote in his book Liberal Fascism, is that they are nice fascists. They’re just here to help. With massive government control. This is why Jonah put a smiley face on the cover. Transfats are bad for you, so they […]
March 24, 2014 – 11:12 am
Previously, we saw the NY Times editorial board calling for lots of Government restrictions on electronic cigarettes, which matches some in the progressive community doing the same. In fact, the Times has been covering e-cigs for awhile now, and taking the position that since we do not really know, regulate! Today we get Selling a […]
February 23, 2014 – 3:04 pm
Remember, the NY Times and other media outlets freaked out over Sarah Palin’s “bullseyes” (via Watts Up With That?) Blown up As I wrote the other day “Let’s not forget, Warmists have called for “deniers†to be jailed (and here. Here. Lots more where they came from) and executed (also the first jail link. And […]
January 30, 2014 – 10:45 am
First, this sounds like what the Left termed “uncivil discourse”, linking guns with a politician (hey, I don’t make the rules). Second, the Liberal Media has been investigating Christie non-stop since the day this “scandal” broke in a manner more reminiscent of a teen boy searching to see every video of their favorite porn star […]
January 18, 2014 – 6:53 am
Since the day stone cold killer Dennis McGuire was exectuted, many media outlets have expressed their concern. Now the NY Times, essentially the “paper of record”, joins in (NY Times)  As the lethal drugs flowed into his veins in the Ohio death chamber, Dennis B. McGuire at first “went unconscious†and his body was still, […]
January 13, 2014 – 8:36 am
John Podhoretz discusses at the NY Post Why Bridgegate made headlines but Obama’s IRS scandal didn’t Most government scandals involve the manipulation of the system in obscure ways by people no one has ever heard of. That is why George Washington Bridgegate is nearly a perfect scandal — because it is comprehensible and (as they […]
January 11, 2014 – 11:48 am
This probably isn’t the dumbest and hyper-partisan piece written over “lane closures”, but it certainly rises pretty high up New Jersey narcissist Things we learned about Chris Christie during his 108-minute apologia: “I’m a very loyal guy.†“I am not a focus-group-tested, blow-dried candidate.†“I’ve worked for the last 12 years in public life developing […]
January 11, 2014 – 6:45 am
And Udall apparently knew about it. Fortunately, most of the media has applied a collective yawn over this abuse of power. Lane closures are more important cause Republican governor (Fox News) Democratic Colorado Sen. Mark Udall is under fire following reports that his staff pressured the Colorado Division of Insurance to walk back its claims […]