November 11, 2013 – 7:35 am
Over at the NY Post, Michael Goodwin argues that the NY Times’ cheerleading for Obamacare harms the nation, noting that watchdogs became lapdogs. The NY Times continues its lapdog status as the Editorial Board comes out with yet another absurd piece The debate over the effect the Affordable Care Act will have on individuals and […]
October 17, 2013 – 9:07 pm
Even though only 17% of the government was (supposedly) shutdown, the cheerleaders at CNN are super happy. How happy? With a massive graphic I caught this CNN graphic while I was walking through the customer waiting room on my way in with lunch, and had to literally take a couple steps back in a pseudo […]
October 16, 2013 – 7:45 am
Facts are apparently false. Here’s the Washington Post’s fact checker, Glenn Kessler, giving it the old college try to protect the “Affordable” Care Act, something many, many liberals, and ultra squishy “Republicans” who spend more time bashing Republicans than Democrats, have tried before “The president has exempted over 1,200 groups, including members of Congress, from […]
October 4, 2013 – 7:12 am
Apparently this will become a meme (at least for me) as the sorta-shutdown continues, with the Washington Post Editorial Board sipping the sweet sweet kool-aid of demagoguery. Remember, they aren’t “rabid partisans“, same as Senator Dianne Feinstein. This one gets even more non-rabidly partisan In shooting near Capitol, government workers rush into danger (Two paragraphs […]
October 3, 2013 – 7:55 am
Yesterday the Editorial Board of the Washington Post said they weren’t partisan, but, hey, those Republicans were failing America. Today, they ask why Obama is playing games with closing monuments and stuff Republicans hate national security Government shutdown puts U.S. security at risk IF HOUSE Republicans have had an obsession to rival their hatred of […]
October 2, 2013 – 9:03 am
There’s all sorts of fun bomb throwing materializing in the mostly Liberal media, both from journalists/opinion writers and nutty Democrats. You have wacky Joan Walsh blaming it all on raaaaacism. Crazy Alan Grayson says the GOP has literally been drinking on the job. Womb Whisperer Andy Sullivan talks about the “nullification party“. Ezra Klein wonders […]
October 1, 2013 – 8:03 am
Yesterday the Politico was incensed by Republicans “tossing insults” at the Senate for being “lazy”, having taken the weekend off. Today, worse insults emanating from Democrats are treated a wee bit differently House Democrats lash out at GOP over shutdown Visibly angry and at times raising their voices, House Democrats slammed Republicans for sending Washington […]
September 30, 2013 – 8:25 am
Really, Republicans are damned if they do damned if they don’t in the majority of American media, so they might as well do Republicans toss insults at Harry Reid Washington’s shutdown blame game is already in full force – and the government isn’t even closed yet. About 20 House Republicans gathered on the steps of […]
September 24, 2013 – 10:33 am
Politico finally notices that Obamacare is a train wreck. Of course, said train wreck is based on a throwaway line the Obama campaign came up with on the spur of the moment because Obama knew nothing about healthcare prior to attending a campaign event. This follows on the heals of the Washington Post noticing that […]
September 18, 2013 – 4:37 pm
I wonder if Piers “Musket” Morgan will mention this on his show tonight for his 10 viewers? And, shockingly, this appeared in the NY Times. The content editors must have started their cocktail hour early The suspect in the killing of 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday test-fired an AR-15 assault rifle […]