March 3, 2013 – 8:27 am
It’s nice to wake up on a Sunday morning and give a hearty chuckle followed by a good facepalm. The NY Times’ Jackie Calmes needs KCCO The latest budget impasse ushered in a new round of austerity on Saturday, with the nation facing reduced federal services, canceled contracts, job furloughs and layoffs. For those who […]
February 27, 2013 – 8:58 am
Nowhere in this article, which could have been written by the White House (but, really, this is just the way Liberals think) is it mentioned that Sequestration is simply a slight reduction in the growth of government Austerity Kills Government Jobs as Cuts to Budgets Loom I know, I know, you’re really, really, really broken […]
February 14, 2013 – 9:05 am
Our long national nightmare is over! (Politico) Sen. Marco Rubio’s inopportune case of cotton mouth during his State of the Union response may slow his rapidly rising stock, but will likely have no little lingering impact on his 2016 prospects, Republican operatives said Wednesday. “The water moment did not bother me,†said Republican strategist Bruce […]
February 12, 2013 – 9:00 am
Here’s Joe Nocera writing an op-ed for the NY Tomes, The ‘Die Hard’ Quandry, in which he’s really, really concerned Later this week, the fifth installment of the “Die Hard†movies is scheduled to open in theaters across the country. “A Good Day to Die Hard†stars, once again, Bruce Willis as John McClane, a […]
February 7, 2013 – 7:17 am
If there’s one major media outlet those on the Left go to for news and opinion, it would be the NY Times. The same NY Times that excoriated Bush for, well, everything he did. In this case, we’re talking about going after Islamist terrorists. We all remember the hysteria regarding Abu Ghraid. The constant drumbeat […]
February 5, 2013 – 7:12 am
Let’s take a look at a few headlines, shall we? EXCLUSIVE: Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans Justice Dept. document justifies killing Americans overseas if they pose ‘imminent threat’ Memo Cites Legal Basis for Killing U.S. Citizens in Al Qaeda Official memo justifying drone strikes leaks Those are just a […]
January 30, 2013 – 11:09 am
Strangely, the phrase “Operation Fast And Furious” is never mentioned (LA Times) There are plenty of reasons right here at home to support President Obama’s effort to reform the nation’s gun laws. But if Congress requires additional arguments, it should consider that easy access to guns is also undermining the United States’ avowed goal of […]
January 7, 2013 – 5:25 pm
This is a hoot, a Pat McCrory promise tracker Gov. Pat McCrory took office on Jan. 5, 2013, and like all politicians has made some promises to get the post. As the state’s first Republican governor in 20 years, McCrory will face some unique problems and challenges, even with a GOP-controlled legislature. WRAL News will […]
January 7, 2013 – 8:11 am
The Journal News, which published the names AND addresses of 33,614 registered gun owners in two NY counties, and wanted information in order to publish more from a third, is all sorts of upset in regards to the response they received. Fortunately, the NY Times is there to provide a sob story in their defense […]
January 5, 2013 – 3:54 pm
Today’s freakout anti-gun screed from the NY Times Indeed, the N.R.A.’s solution to the expansion of gun violence in America has been generally to advocate for the more widespread deployment and carrying of guns. I recently visited some Latin American countries that mesh with the N.R.A.’s vision of the promised land, where guards with guns […]