Category Archives: Wonky Media

Mostly Left Leaning Media Put Romney’s Mormon Faith In Spotlight

You’re shocked by that revelation, I can tell (Politico) Mitt Romney wants voters to see him as the man to save the economy and right the country, the redeeming American hero riding in on the proverbial white horse. Just not that White Horse. That’s the one in the old Mormon prophecy attributed to Joseph Smith, […]

Friedman: “If Only Obama Would Talk About His Super Awesome Record”

The NY Times’ Thomas Friedman is a bit upset that his lord and master Barack H. Obama won’t talk about all his accomplishments, without realizing that most of Obama’s accomplishments are seen in a negative light by Americans DURING a recent discussion in Seattle with a group of educators, one of them surprised me when […]

MSM: Obama’s Faith Is Off The Table, Romney’s Isn’t

Sunday, two of the biggest papers on the East coast decided to run long articles on Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith. The NY Times one trended on Memeorandum Sunday, and included subtle digs at Mitt being very religious (see Ann Althouse for more) As a young consultant who arrived at the office before anyone else, Mr. […]

Family Of Romney Prank Target Not Real Happy With Washington Post

In their attempt to attack Romney as a mean person (I don’t remember similar stories about how nasty John Kerry could be in treating people like peons coming from the MSM in 2004), the Washington Post forgot that there are real people affected (via Hot Air headlines thingy) (ABC News) Betsy Lauber, one of John […]

Romney Castigates Reporter Over Stupid Questions

Via Hot Air from Buzzfeed comes this video of Romney being interviewed by CBS4 in Colorado. As Allahpundit points out, the money quote comes at about 2:15. Watch the whole lead up to understand why Romney is annoyed, having to discuss social issues “Aren’t there issues of significance that you’d like to talk about? The […]

Romney Makes Fun Of Obama’s Slogan

Of course, ABC reporter Emily Friedman can’t seem to get past the part about Romney speaking in front of those evil rich people Mitt Romney Makes Fun of Obama Campaign Slogan During High-Dollar Fundraiser That’s the headline Mitt Romney this evening, speaking to a group of high-dollar donors at the Ritz-Carlton hotel, poked fun at […]

Fearmongering Today: If Court Strikes Down Mandate, States Might Have To Pass Their Own

It’s time for another breathless look in the crystal ball to find out “OMG, if the mandate is struck down, Bad Things might possibly happen!!!!!!!” Remember when the news used to be about things that have happened, rather than seeing reporters do their best Madame Zelda impression? (Politico) If the Supreme Court strikes down the […]

E.J. Dionne: Romney’s Economic Plans Are Radical Because They Don’t Include Goverment

In Liberal World, the only entity that can truly make the economy grow is The Government Romney’s principled, radical view for America It turns out that there is at least one question on which Mitt Romney is not a flip-flopper: He has a utopian view of what an unfettered, lightly taxed market economy can achieve. […]

Politico Runs Racially Charged Headline, Calls Rob Portman “Vanilla”

The headline is a multiple entendre, but one of those entendres, intentionally or not, that is evocative of a nasty racial stereotype about white men*: Politico When I first saw the headline this morning, the multiple meanings were clear: Rob Portman is in serious need of some sunlight, the notion of a Portman VP is […]

Sarah Palin Jokes About Having Secret Service Shoot Fish And Game Commissioner

And the 90% liberal media went ballistic, as did the liberal blogs……oh, wait, sorry, I meant crazy Joe Biden said it, and the only other news outlet to cover it other than conservative leaning CNS News is CNN, which didn’t seem to find anything wrong with what Joe said (CNN) After his tour via airboat, […]

Pirate's Cove