Category Archives: Wonky Media

Reuters Finally Notices That Zimmerman “Showed Signs Of Injury”

After George Zimmerman has already been convicted in the court of public agitation, Reuters finally decides to add some factual content Neighbors of George Zimmerman say he had bandages on his nose and head the day after he shot dead Trayvon Martin, supporting statements by the neighborhood watch volunteer that he was beaten in a […]

E.J. Dionne Missed The “New Civility” Memo

Headline of his latest whiny screed Obama levels straight shots at Supreme Court and Ryan budget A rather violent headline, eh? And he ends with Progressives would be wildly irresponsible if they sat by quietly while a conservative Supreme Court majority undid 80 years of jurisprudence. Roosevelt wasn’t a wimp, and Obama has decided that […]

Mo Dowd: “Know Who Would Want Augusta National To Include Women? Jesus”

I’m not so sure Jesus would approve of Democrats patronizing women as a voter block which needs to be told what to do. He probably wouldn’t appreciate the Nazi reference, either: What Would Jesus Do at the Masters? THERE was a boys’ club, of course, a band of ardent, jockeying disciples. But as his fame […]

In Debunking Myths About Obamacare, Washington Post Forgets To Debunk Them

They’re just “challenging everything you know”, and essentially proving you, meaning those who understand Obamacare, rather than simply being cheerleaders for a bill you didn’t read, 100% correct (WP) 1. The “individual mandate” forces everyone to buy health insurance. The law states that, beginning in 2014, individuals must ensure that they and their dependents are […]

ABC News Shocked At The Emotional Outpouring For Pope Visit

No, really, it’s like the can’t imagine the love Catholics have for the Pope Pope’s Arrival in Mexico Sparks Surprising Emotion It’d be surprising if they were mad, upset, angry, and so forth, but So well before dawn Saturday, two dozen youths from a Guadalajara church group gathered near the school where the Pope Benedict […]

NY Times Attempts To Become More Irrelevant

Question: how often do you see NY Times articles featured at Memeorandum or the blogs you read? Not that often anymore. When the Times tried their “Times Select” program, pay-walling certain content, the opinion articles were barely ever featured. They removed the wall, and suddenly Maureen Dowd, Paul Krugman, and the others were showing up. […]

AP Tries The “More Supply Doesn’t Decrease Price” Trick

Statistics can tell you anything you want (WRAL) It’s the political cure-all for high gas prices: Drill here, drill now. But more U.S. drilling has not changed how deeply the gas pump drills into your wallet, math and history show. A statistical analysis of 36 years of monthly, inflation-adjusted gasoline prices and U.S. domestic oil […]

About That “Obama Reaches 50% Approval” Poll…

Al Reuters breathlessly tells us that the guy presiding over the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression and making a serious hash of it rocks For the first time since early July, more Americans approve of the job President Barack Obama is doing than disapprove, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll that shows his […]

Media Works Hard To Protect Obama On Gas Prices

The 90% liberal/Democrat media is sure to do all in its power to protect (NMP) Obama regarding the rising gas prices, which have been high for the majority of Obama’s time in office, and that protection is starting at the Washington Post, which forgets that its cost of doing business is going up and profits […]

CNN: Even Evil Guys Like Rush Deserve Their Free Speech Rights

Think I’m kidding about the evil part? Alas, no (CNN) Editor’s note: Marc J. Randazza is a Las Vegas based First Amendment attorney. He is licensed to practice in Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts and Nevada. He is the editor of the law blog, The Legal Satyricon. I despise Rush Limbaugh. I despise almost everything I […]

Pirate's Cove