Category Archives: Wonky Media

USA Today Picks Up The Mantle That Obama’s Not At Fault For Gas Prices

Ah, how times change Anyhow What can U.S. do to halt rising gas prices? Not much Rising gas prices are always a bad thing for an incumbent president, especially one heading into a tough re-election battle. But President Obama admitted in a speech in Miami recently that there’s not all that much he can do […]

Washington Post: It’s Like Totally Dangerous That Obama Doesn’t Talk About Climate Change Thay Much

No, seriously, that’s the headline A dangerous shift in Obama’s ‘climate change’ rhetoric Perhaps Obama’s just tired of discussing the weather President Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday was a prime example of this shift. The president said “climate change” just once —compared with zero mentions in the 2011 address and two in 2010. […]

Eugene Robinson: Extreme Rick Santorum Shouldn’t Be Let Near White House

One thing that I have missed during the King Obama years has been the truly unhinged lefties being unhinged. They were a lot more fun when Bush was president, but, hey, with the 2012 silly season in full swing, they are coming out of the woodwork (Washington Post) Before there was the Tea Party to […]

New Hampshire “Scientists” Urge GOP Contenders To Embrace Climate Change Hoax

The Warmists just won’t give up their cultish beliefs, and The Hill is there to run with the story without any fact checking Fifty New Hampshire scientists Thursday called on the Republican presidential candidates to accept the “overwhelming” scientific evidence behind climate change. The scientists issued the joint statement just weeks before the Jan. 10 […]

Washington Post: Hey, Why Is Occupy So Darned Whitebread?

The Washington Post’s headline is actually Why blacks aren’t embracing Occupy Wall, but, it might as well have asked why the Occupiers are 98.4% pale faces Occupy Wall Street might seem like a movement that would resonate with black Americans. After all, unemployment among African Americans is at 15 percent, vs. almost 8 percent for […]

College Grads Moving Back Home Damages Trickle Down Economics

(A little bit of serendipity. I wrote this one earlier in the morning, and just heard Rush talking about it as I was headed home from the gym.) And, if you are a woman, you are in big trouble, because you aren’t buying all sorts of womanly stuff (NY Times) Like most of her friends, […]

Fish Wrap Deems Most Of OWS Reports “Anecdotal”

Whew! And here I thought that all the police reports, arrests, and interviews with people both inside the Occupy movement and in the surrounding area were actually facts (NY Times) The arrest of a Crown Heights man last week on charges of sexually assaulting a protester at Zuccotti Park added to an already raucous public discussion […]

MSNBC Discusses North Carolina’s Forced Sterilization Program, Avoids Mentioning The D Word

What happened in North Carolina, and 37 other states, was a travesty. I’ve mentioned it before. Forced sterilization of Blacks, the poor, “defectives”. Brian Williams, with his new “Rock Center” program, delves into the issue. After bringing the human interest part to the story, we get North Carolina was one of 31 states to have […]

I Declare Politico’s Attack On Herman Cain Racist

Obviously, the big news Sunday night through Monday was the very old sexual harassment charges against Herman Cain while I was away visiting with the parents. It’s sent the media, including some on the right, into a frenzy, even going so far as saying Cain’s campaign is over. It all begs the question: who leaked […]

Politico’s Ben Smith Compares Palin To Mussolini

Very subtly, though (The Politico) Palin lovers, Palin haters, a half-dozen publishing houses, and elements of the mainstream media who tracked her plans long after the Republican campaign bypassed her suddenly face a future without their entertaining, unpredictable, and now scarcely relevant subject. Palin’s circle of online admirers greeted her announcement with shock and dismay. […]

Pirate's Cove