Category Archives: Wonky Media

How Do Obama’s Vacations Compare?

Here’s CBS News attempting to provide a little cover for the partier in chief There has been criticism of the president’s vacation at this time. But how does the number of vacation days the president has spent compare to his predecessors? CBS Radio’s Mark Knoller has kept track of presidential vacations for years and supplied […]

OMG, Bachmann Needs To Drop Out Now, Flubs Elvis’ Birthday!!!!!!11!!!!

This is so terrible, I mean, really, really horrible, one of the worst things ever! Not quite as bad as when she said she “had visited 57 states, and had one more to go*”, but, eeeeeeeeeeek! Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann stepped all over Elvis Presley’s blue suede shoes while stumping Tuesday, when she mistakenly wished […]

Obama’s Apparently Got A Vision Problem

So says The Politico’s Glenn Thrush Of all the presidents to occupy the Oval Office in recent years, Barack Obama would seem the least likely to be wrestling with what President George H. W. Bush so unforgettably called “the vision thing.” Glenn would have done well if he explained what “the vision thing” is. In […]

Latest Media Drama: Bachmann’s Aides Shoved Them!

Big news over at Memeorandum, with CNN’s Don Lemon all upset Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann was at the center of an unusual campaign moment on Friday that involved reporters trying to ask her questions – and the Republican presidential candidate essentially being cocooned by a ring of protectors. Because that has never happened before in […]

NY Times: You Aren’t Buying CFLs Because You’re Stupid And Don’t Know Better

Here’s one from a few days ago (via Tom Nelson). Let’s go through the preamble before we get to the meat YOU may have heard that the federal government wants to limit your choice of light bulbs, starting in January. If only. Thanks to regulations taking effect that month under the Energy Independence and Security […]

The Real Mystery Behind Climate Change (Hoax)

An opinion piece at the Chicago Sun Times (hey, don’t they kill a lot of trees to publish their paper and put out lots of CO2 to deliver them?) by an unknown author shows their love for climate alarmist Jon Huntsman, who, as I understand it, is still actually running for the GOP nomination (yeah, […]

Washington Post Writes About “GOP-Anti Tax Orthodoxy” As If It’s A Bad Thing

Of course, amongst the whole range of Democrat voters…liberals/progressives/socialists/anarchists…..refusing to raise taxes on That Guy (not themselves) is a bad thing The Republican Party once had a home for the thinking of Tom Coburn, Mike Crapo and Saxby Chambliss. But that party is long gone. The three U.S. senators banded together a few months ago […]

Politico Op-Ed: TEA Partiers Are Terrorists

The actual headline reads “The tea party’s terrorist tactics“, which is interesting, when one considers that The Politico, like so many other leftist news outlets, refers to actual Islamist terrorists as militants and insurgents. And, having kept track of so many liberal blogs and forums for a long time, the Left generally thinks of Conservatives […]

Culture Of Civility: You TEA Partiers Are The Hezbollah Wing

Here’s a good one for Nice Deb is she starts up her New Tone posts from The NY Times’ Thomas Freidman Alas, that is the Tea Party. It is so lacking in any aspiration for American greatness, so dominated by the narrowest visions for our country and so ignorant of the fact that it was […]

Did Team Obama Pay The Washington Post For Fawning Coverage?

Apparently, they watched a different speech than the rest of us did. Here’s Charles Krauthammer on Obama’s Monday night repeat, via Gateway Pundit: Don Surber has some other quotes which lambaste President Snippy Pants. And So It Goes In Shreveport eviscerates (whoops, sorry, uncivil word) Obama’s class warfare scaremongering blamestorming 5 year old tantrum presser. […]

Pirate's Cove