Category Archives: Wonky Media

Michelle Bachmann Asked By Chris Wallace “Are You A Flake?”

I’m a little late to this party, and, we might be able to excuse any reporter from asking a really stupid question once in a while, but, come on, Chris, you or someone on your staff should have said “hey, will this be really dumb to ask?” The big Memeorandum pull is from the Huffington […]

When It Comes To Illegal Immigration, The South Is Raaaaacist and Intolerant

This bit of liberal idiocy comes from the Christian Science Monitor, with the story republished gleefully at MSNBC, and takes a stab at saying that Blue (Democrat) states are nice to illegals and Red (Republican) are big meanies: Red-blue divide widens on illegal immigrants America’s red and blue states are increasingly going in exactly opposite […]

Apparently, The GOP Is “Rigging The 2012 Election”

In Liberal World, requiring people to actually show proof that they are themselves is mean and bad and evil and rigging the 2012 election, according to the Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne An attack on the right to vote is underway across the country through laws designed to make it more difficult to cast a ballot. […]

NY Times Finally Discusses Obama’s Golf Image And How Bad It Looks

Oh, wait, sorry, my bad. The Fish Wrap does everything possible to avoid mentioning that Obama has played 72 times, 14 this year, and 11 weekends in a row, but, they do say For Many Politicians, Golfing Is Off Course Less than 20 miles from the Capitol’s steps, through the buttoned-down section of the city […]

NY Times Editorial Board Hated The GOP Debate

Hence, the Republicans on display must have actually done a good job! (Fish Wrap) Monday’s Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire — full of historical error, economic obfuscation, avoidance of hard truths and even outright bigotry — was a feast for connoisseurs of political dysfunction. Desperate to avoid being outflanked on the right, the seven […]

Palin Emails Revelation: Tons Of Hate Emails And Death Threats

Once again, the British media does the work that the American MSM refuses to do Sarah Palin emails: Enemies sent a series of death threats The release of 24,000 pages of Sarah Palin’s emails shows that she received a barrage of abusive emails including death threats in the run up to the 2008 presidential race. […]

Good News! NY Times Exposes Yet Another Secret Program

The NY Times has apparently given up on its research into Sarah Palin’s tanning bed interest, after realizing that, damnitall, she was a hard working governor who did an excellent job, and turns their attention to screwing dissidents around the world The Obama administration is leading a global effort to deploy “shadow” Internet and mobile […]

Palin’s Email Show A “Long Lost Palin” – Cue The PDS

First off, The Politico tells us there are “no bombshells in the Palin emails.” Unless we consider that these same liberals who are chomping at the bit to desperately find something within the emails have managed to put out enormous amounts of CO2 and killed lots of trees to print the 24,000 pages of innocuous […]

The Earth Is Full, And We Need A Happiness-Driven Growth Model….DERP?

The NY Times’ Thomas Friedman brings full bore Barking Moonbat Syndrome, adding in so many Liberals insanity models, but, mostly forgets to offer, you know, solutions. This is what Liberals are best at: bitching and whining, but, refusing to offer a path to fixing the problem, as well as refusing to Do Something themselves. Anyhow, […]

Obviously, Twitter Shares Part Of The Blame For Weiner Being Pond Scum

ABC News doesn’t come out specifically and say that Twitter shares the burden for Rep Anthony Weiner (D-NY) sexting issue, but they sure imply the hell out of it! Congressman Weiner: Did Twitter Make Sexting Too Easy? In the end, of course, New York Congressman Anthony Weiner said he did it to himself. He was […]

Pirate's Cove