Category Archives: Wonky Media

NY Times Notices Biden’s 68 Days Of Silence On Classified Docs

Obviously, since this is a rather high on the page article, the NY Times is looking to defend Biden, rather than acting like smelling blood in the water sharks (non-paywalled here) 68 Days of Silence: Why the White House Stayed Mum on Classified Documents The decision by President Biden and his top advisers to keep […]

Secret Group Funding Local News Climate (scam) Journalism

In other words, local news outlets are failing in their jobs, simply publishing cult screeds fed to them Mysterious eco group is funding local climate journalism: ‘Advocacy dressed up as news reporting’ A little-known environmental organization founded by the heir of a billion-dollar fortune has quietly organized large grants for local news outlets to boost […]

Good News: Exercise Is Rooted In White Supremacy History

The smart thing for the editor at Time Magazine should have been to say “you really wrote a piece on this with that headline?” then hit delete and tell Olivia B. Waxman to write something that is not stupid. Because the headline is based literally on her first paragraph The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, […]

Hey, Remember When Trump Was In Office And It Was Racist To Make Chinese Take COVID Tests?

I’m waiting with baited breath for the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, etc and so on to call this racist now that Biden is doing it Joe Biden Demands China Travelers Provide Negative COVID Test After Calling Trump’s 2020 COVID Response ‘Nakedly Xenophobic’ Joe Biden will now require travelers from China to show a […]

NY Times Cries Raaaaacism Over Criticism Of Biden Trading Griner For Merchant Of Death

There have been plenty of wackos on social media playing the race card over this. I had a conversation the other day, which this other person started, that went they same way. They couldn’t provide a rational for trading Griner (who hates America, but, was still being over charged and used as a pawn) for […]

Media Seems Rather Upset Over “Whataboutism” From Trump’s Stupid Dinner With Nick Fuentes

It is possible that two things can be true. Trump can be wrong, and Democrats can be wrong. It’s just that the Credentialed Media ignores the Democrat faux pas/covers for them. How many are covering the case of non-binary wackjob in charge of disposing of America’s nuclear material Sam Brinton stealing a suitcase from an […]

NY Times Is Here To Tell You How To Save Money On Your Biden Inflated Power Bills

This is what it’s come down to: the Times and so many other Credentialed Media outlets telling you how to maybe save money, rather than castigating the Government to stop being part of the problem, namely, policies that cause energy prices to go higher (paywalled Times article here) How to Save on High Heating Bills […]

Washington Post Is Rather Upset That Republicans Can Have Their Say On Social Media

The Washington Post considers almost everything a Republican writes to be “misinformation”. Weirdly, they do not touch on any of the crazy spewed by Democrats (non-paywalled Yahoo version here) This year, GOP election deniers got a free pass from Twitter and Facebook Mark Finchem, the Republican candidate seeking to oversee Arizona’s election system as that […]

Musk Buying Twitter Is A Danger To Free Speech Or Something

Media folks and those who love to censor people for Wrongthink have been apoplectic over Elon Musk buying Twitter. They do not want you to have your say if it conflicts with Modern Socialist dogma. And now AP sources: Musk in control of Twitter, ousts top executives Elon Musk has taken control of Twitter and […]

AP: Most Americans Want More Government Action On Hotcoldwetdry

Strangely, most of the people responding that they want more action do not do much, if anything, in their own lives voluntarily Most in US want more action on climate change: AP-NORC poll Nearly two-thirds of Americans think the federal government is not doing enough to fight climate change, according to a new poll that […]

Pirate's Cove