March 12, 2011 – 5:49 pm
This one’s from a few days ago, but, proves what we all know: Paul Krugman is a completely biased liberal hack A followup on the post about mostly economics reading; on politics, culture, etc. there are other blogs I read fairly often. On politics, Greg Sargent, Josh Marshall, Digby, and I still get a kick […]
March 10, 2011 – 8:58 am
What, are you skeptics and deniers stupid or something? Why won’t you believe that greenhouse gases have created the snowiest week 8 on record? Why won’t you believe that someone living a modern life is responsible for earthquakes and volcano eruptions, caused by carbon dioxide release? Why won’t you believe that greenhouse gas release by […]
March 9, 2011 – 7:54 am
The Left is pulling out all the stops in order to make sure that the role of “extremist Islam” in America is ignored, and that the hearings are marginalized, if not prematurely ended. They’d be much more comfortable if King was investigating what America did wrong, or Christianity or Judaism. Remember, if a Christian or […]
March 7, 2011 – 8:02 am
This morning, the Politico has a story up regarding Obama’s tough stance towards leakers of secret material, one of the few things in which I actually agree with Mr. Obama. Previously, President Bush tended to ignore the leakers, when he should have been prosecuting them to the extent of the law. Obama? He and his […]
March 6, 2011 – 7:42 am
Of course, they want to do this because it just makes sense, not because they are big meanies like those Republicans In Wisconsin. So, will all the usual Left side agitators show up and protest at the NY Times building? State Workers and N.Y.’s Fiscal Crisis At a time when public school students are being […]
March 3, 2011 – 7:54 am
Most MSM outlets have mostly ignored the violence, disgusting and harsh rhetoric, and violent and disgusting signs at the liberal rallies of late, mostly occurring in Madison, Wisconsin. The Politico decides to finally take a stab at them, and, it turns out just like you would think Videos become a weapon in Wisconsin fight I […]
February 28, 2011 – 11:50 am
No, seriously, and it gives him “That Iraq Feeling” I don’t watch cable news, or actually any kind of TV news. But I gather that there’s a virtual blackout on the huge demonstrations in Wisconsin, except on Fox, which portrays them as thuggish and violent. So, wait, wait, he doesn’t watch any TV news, yet, […]
February 21, 2011 – 8:44 am
File this story under “media ObamaZombies”: Wisconsin Puts Obama Between Competing Desires The battle in Wisconsin over public employee unions has left President Obama facing a tricky balance between showing solidarity with longtime political supporters and projecting a message in favor of deep spending cuts to reduce the debt. Really? Well, it would have been […]
February 10, 2011 – 4:53 pm
Buried on MSNBC’s front page Wednesday was an interesting article from Reuters, which I found using my Fluent News iPhone app. And those are pretty much the only places this story resides. Just imagine the following came out while Bush was president, or during a John McCain presidency: this story would be one of the […]
February 8, 2011 – 9:12 am
Comedy gold from the USA Today Is climate change causing millions to migrate? Interesting. During the last glacial period, mankind migrated from Asia across the landbridges to the North American continent, and down to South America. During the Little Ice Age, mankind migrated from Europe to the New World. Two new studies paint contrasting views […]