November 23, 2010 – 9:02 am
It is not just the Obama Administration that is tone deaf as to what is going in with airport checkpoints: you can add the Washington Post and writers Jon Cohen and Ashley Halsey III to the list – Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans support full-body scanners at airports Nearly two-thirds of Americans support the new […]
November 14, 2010 – 9:31 am
Liberals have long been having fits on the editorial pages, ranging anywhere from Hissy to Conniption to Unhinged Tools. Saturday’s full feeling of the paper is wacky and unhinged enough to make one go WharrblGarbl! Try Something Hard: Governing Yeah, it can be hard, which is why a man with virtually no real world experience, […]
November 11, 2010 – 7:00 pm
You just can’t make this stuff up, folks. Well, really, it can be made up, just not by you, because you are not raving paranoids living in a unicorn infested world of hopey changey unreality, like Ezra Klein does Since the election, there’s been a lot of talk about what President Obama and the Democratic […]
November 10, 2010 – 9:03 am
It’s pretty much mule fritters Former President George W. Bush is denying a report that he once said he would have endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 if the Democrat had asked. “This is ridiculous and untrue,†Bush spokesman David Sherzer told POLITICO. “President Bush proudly supported John McCain in the election and voted for him.†[…]
November 9, 2010 – 12:17 pm
Obviously, the article is meant to portray the Republican Party as a Patriarchy, with women as second class citizens. But, really, how many women would want to run after the way the Democrats and liberal media treated, and treat, them? O’Donnell, Fiorino, Whitman, Angle, and McMahon are just a few of the GOP female candidates […]
November 5, 2010 – 7:54 am
The humorous headline for this Politico article: “Is losing good for business?” Why is that humorous? Both on the front page and at the top of the single article page, they feature a picture of Rachel Maddow. You know, the Rachel Maddow who was prominent on that loser of a liberal radio station, Air Deadbeat, […]
November 2, 2010 – 8:56 am
Perhaps Mikey is looking for a little attention, just wanting to make a splash. Perhaps he really believes this filth of an opinion piece. Regardless, this has to be one of the most disgusting things I have read from a major news outlet in quite some time, even with Eugene Robinson still being employed by […]
October 31, 2010 – 7:56 pm
Hey, Katie, 411, there’s a midterm election in just two days, in which the policies of your Messiah will be repudiated. You might want to pay attention. Then again, maybe that’s what this “investigation” is about (?) Clint Eastwood has made a new movie about the afterlife. Does he know anything about that? Katie Couric […]
October 31, 2010 – 9:00 am
Obviously, Maureen Dowd will assuaredly vote for Obama in 2012, yet, one can certainly see her pushing for a different Democrat to be the 2012 runner. She is not a happy bunny Barack Obama became president by brilliantly telling his own story. To stay president, he will need to show he can understand our story. […]
October 23, 2010 – 8:03 pm
You just have to love it when climate alarmists have absolutely no f***ing idea what they are talking about The more carbon that gets released into the atmosphere, the higher the average temperature rises. That’s a scientific fact. Oh, really? No so fast, chump. Our bodies are made of 20% or more carbon. Yes, carbon […]