Category Archives: Wonky Media

MSM Beclowning: Digging For Ways To Slur Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally

When you really, truly need to see the the Old Media make complete fools and clowns of themselves, well, here is Epic Fail Glenn Beck is borrowing some lines from President Barack Obama. At his rally with tens of thousands on the steps of Lincoln Memorial, Beck used the closing lines of then-candidate Obama’s campaign […]

Hmm, Maybe CNN Isn’t Mega-Biased: 10 Things The GOP Must Do In 10 Weeks

Yesterday, the Clinton News Network gave informed Obama of the 10 things he needed to do in the next 10 weeks. Today, we find the 10 things the GOP must do in the next 10 weeks (from a liberal perspective). Let’s give them their due (somewhat, they are still left leaning) 1. Focus on jobs, […]

Un-Biased CNN Now Giving Obama Mid-Terms Advice

Anyone remember CNN doing the same thing for Bush? No? 10 things Obama must do in 10 weeks President Obama is facing criticism that his message has gone off track at a crucial time for his party and administration. With the midterm elections just 10 weeks away, the president’s approval ratings are at their lowest. […]

Sunday Stupid: 9/11 Debris Field Mosque And NY Times Columists

Happy Sunday! I had every intention this morning to write about a different topic. Perhaps about illegal immigration or climate creationism. Or, about a lost blind, deaf, 3 legged dog being found. Or, how about France surrendering to driftwood? Alas, I made the mistake of typing in my browser bar, then clicking the “Opinion” […]

Surprise! Weekly Job Claims Way Up

Yet again, the “surprise” word is thrown out, along with “unexpectedly” Weekly Jobless Claims Post Surprise Jump, Hit 500,000 New U.S. claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly climbed to a nine-month high last week, yet another setback to the frail economic recovery. Frail? There has to actually be economic recovery to be considered frail. We’ve heard […]

You Know What Scares The Washington Post? Soccer Moms With Guns

Interestingly, they aren’t worried about soccer moms protecting themselves from the violence in Washington, D.C., or from the vast numbers of criminals who have un-registered firearms. No, it’s the threat of soccer moms possessing firearms legally: Gun-toting soccer moms a scary thought in D.C. area, but not out west In the red rock and sand […]

NY Times Exposes Yet More Secrets From The War Against Terrorism

They are little secrets, but, loose lips sink ships, or, better put, idiot newspapers publishing operational secrets causes real American citizens to be butchered by jihadi barbarians. At first blush, the article, published on the front page of the Sunday edition, seems to be attempting to show that Barack Obama is no cream puff. No. […]

NY Times: That Missouri ObamaCare Referendum Tuesday Is Meaningless

The Fish Wrap Of Record chimes in about an important issue, and decides it just ain’t all that, because all you right wing wackos will be the majority of the voters who show up. No, really For all its symbolic import, the first plebiscite on the Obama health care law, to be held Tuesday in […]

NY Times Corrects Itself Over John Lewis Raaaaacism Issue

Apparently, it’s Raaacist Weekend at the Times. So far, we have, among others, Race: Still Too Hot to Touch (Money paragraph: In many ways, Ms. Sherrod’s ordeal followed a depressingly familiar pattern in American life, in which anyone who even tries to talk about race risks public outrage and humiliation. They should substitute Conservative for […]

ABC News: All You Folks Against Illegals Are Raaaaacist

Once again, a media outlet builds a cute little strawman argument regarding the illegal immigration debate. They know they do not have a leg to stand on, and it would not be particularly popular, if they tried their real argument, namely, that they are in favor of saying “screw the law, we want new voters.” […]

Pirate's Cove