Category Archives: Wonky Media

Oh Noes, The Sarcasm Of Sarah Palin Hurts Widdle Lib Feewings!

Back in the day when I spent quite a bit of time on the Harball forum at, there was a word we would sling around when someone was put in a corner where there main response would be along the lines of “you’re mean” or “GFYS”: reduced. That word applies very well to this […]

Fish Wrap Guest Editorial Pretty Much Says Folks On The Right Are All Neo-Confederate Racists

I know, I know, you’re shocked that a NY Times op-ed would attempt the “you’re all racists for opposing The One.” Guest editorialist  Jon Meacham gives it the old hysterical and disingenuous try, but, he makes a major whopper along the way. After discussing some of the kerfuffle in Virginia regarding Confederate History Month, Meacham […]

AP Notices Black TEA Partiers Called Racist Names, But, It’s Not Racism, Cause They’re Conservatives

Finally, the MSM is waking up to the fact that not all TEA Partiers are whites and right wing extremists. In fact, there are actually Black TEA Partiers They’ve been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement […]

The Politico Brings The “You Don’t Say” Story Of The Day

David Catanese at the Politico yanks out the Democrat talking points to say you people who disagree with the far left agenda of the Democrats are just plain big old meanies – Spring forecast: Incivility with a chance of rage MANCHESTER, N.H. – If the experience of this state’s two Democratic House members is any […]

ObamaCare Is Huge Foreign Policy Victory For Obama. Wait, What?

There are some days where LibThink really gives me a migraine The passage of the U.S. health care bill is a major foreign policy victory for President Barack Obama. It empowers him by demonstrating his ability to deliver. Nowhere is that more important than in the Middle East. The reminder was timely: This man is […]

Obama In Afghanistan, AP Writes About “Inherited War”

It would have been nice if President Neophyte had spent some time visiting with the troops (see the more), but, as most are not Democrat voters and unlikely to donate……. Anyhow, you simply have to love the way the AP writes it President Barack Obama made a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Sunday for a […]

NY Times Upset That Debate Rages On When It Should Be Done

Somebody get a waaaaah-mbulance for the Fish Wrap Health Vote Is Done, but Partisan Debate Rages On As jubilant Democrats prepared for President Obama to sign their landmark health care legislation in a big ceremony at the White House, Republicans opened a campaign on Monday to repeal the legislation and to use it as a […]

NY Times “Worried” Over Iraq Elections And Democracy

Here we go. Wait for the punchline The latest election results in Iraq point to a heated and possibly lengthy power struggle between the Shiite coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki and the rival secular slate led by Ayad Allawi. That is not a surprise, but it is still worrying. There is much […]

Latest Fish Wrap Outrage: Private Contracters Tracking And Killing “Militants”

The NY Times is outraged! In a front page expose, today’s edition features yet another secret operation exposed because, well, because they can, and because they, like so many lefties, hate the thought of Muslim extremists having their Constitution Rights, as extended to the entire world, violated, along with being killed without a long, drawn […]

MSDNC Finally Covers Democrat Crackup, Does A Bit Of Projection

God forbid MSNBC covers the story of the Dems cracking up like a house with termites, no, they have to go with Divided party? It’s not just GOP, but also Dems Face meet palm For all the evidence of a divided Republican Party, the Democratic Party has its own widening cracks that could make a […]

Pirate's Cove