Climate Cultists Want To Double Gas Prices, Institute Social Cost Of Carbon

The lunatics at Forbes think we just can’t wait anymore

Climate Change Action Can’t Wait For Perfect Solutions

The climate crisis is no longer a future concern; it is a present-day emergency. Multiple reports from leading global bodies such as the IPCC, the World Meteorological Organization, the Copernicus Observatory, NOAA and others consistently warn that we must use every tool at our disposal to combat it.

The IEA and IRENA are among those suggesting solutions using the technologies we have and must develop by providing roadmaps to net zero by 2050, in general there is a plethora of such roadmaps and outlooks.

This isn’t bad, of course, but the path forward is far more complicated than identifying solutions. It’s about ensuring those solutions are genuinely effective and deployed to reduce or remove emissions.

Weirdly, cult writer Nils Rokke forgets to mention what actions he’s taken in his own life, other than “write about the global energy transition and net-zero emissions.”

One stark issue is the hidden cost of carbon, which impacts health, agricultural productivity, property damage, and ecosystems.

The European quota system, for instance, has seen prices of approximately $100, while recent studies, such as Adrien Bilal and Diego R. Känzig’s 2024 paper in the NBER Working Paper Series, suggest the actual social cost of carbon is an astounding $1,065 per ton for a one-degree increase in global temperature. So, who pays the gap of $900? We are far from paying the real cost.

For the average diesel or petrol car, this equates to a social cost of approximately $9 per US gallon. While European fuel prices already include significant taxes, implementing the true social cost would more than double current prices. This would be deeply unpopular, yet it’s a sobering reality: fuel taxation is the only area where we’re even close to covering the full social cost of carbon emissions.

I wonder where all that money would go? Government coffers as a slush fund to reward fellow Comrades as their cost of living skyrockets, perhaps? Because the cost of everything would increase. Food, clothes, shoes, homes, rent, vehicles, you name it.

The reality is that paying the full social cost of carbon seems unfeasible, but mounting evidence shows that the costs of inaction are even higher. For instance, former EU Commissioner for Science and Research and later Environment, Janez Poto?nik, recently highlighted at a conference that the devastating floods in Slovenia last year cost the country an amount equivalent to 16.9% of its national yearly revenue in 2023. This is just one stark example.

If the costs of inaction are so high then why do almost no Warmists ever do anything in their own lives? If they aren’t willing to voluntarily practice what they preach, why should the rest of us allow government to force us?

Read: Climate Cultists Want To Double Gas Prices, Institute Social Cost Of Carbon »

If All You See…

…is a lake drying out from atmospheric cancer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Kamala whining that DeSantis won’t take her calls on the hurricane.

Read: If All You See… »

No Surprise: Jew Haters Celebrate Islamic Terrorism On 1 Year Anniversary Of October 7th Attack

What, you didn’t think people would show respect and compassion, did you?

Anti-Israel protesters show true colors by celebrating October 7 attacks

As if commemorating the one year anniversary of the worst single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust wasn’t harrowing enough, we American Jews were treated Monday to a reminder that the marauders who want us dead are alive and well in New York City.

There they were, in Times Square and in Grand Central and in Columbus Circle and elsewhere in the greatest city on earth, chanting for Hamas, Hezbollah and other death cults committed to raping, kidnapping and killing Israelis, Americans and Jews.

There they were, on American soil, cheering for the monsters who still hold four American citizens in captivity.

There they were, promising to globalize the Intifada and bring the bloodshed that is their only true passion to these shores as well.

The NY Post was all over coverage of the pro-terrorism protest, which is good since the NY Times ignored it. What you had were a bunch of entitled college kids cosplaying as terrorists, showing their support for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, etc, while showing their hatred of Jews and wanting the destruction of Israel, which would be replaced with a Palestinian Caliphate. And these wackjob kids, attending super expensive colleges, are being pushed to do this by actual Islamists, which were imported by the US government post-9/11. And what do these Islamists want?

And I believe that the jaunty little jihadists marching down the block are precisely the sort of wake-up call this great but slumbering nation needs to stretch its limbs and leap into the next big fight for freedom.

You hardly need to be Jewish, or a political scientist, to realize that the so-called pro-Palestine crowd isn’t really all that interested in Palestine.

Their main goal is America, that lone bastion of western civilization, which is why they strategically chose all-American events, like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade or the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting ceremony, as the optimal settings to unleash their mayhem.

Liel Lebovitz is putting it nicely: the Islamic extremists want to utterly take over America, just like they’re attempting to do in European nations. And they’re doing a good job in the EU, as you see huge numbers of Islamists wearing full body covers, and they go and have lots of babies to replace the existing population. There are no go zones, areas which operate under Sharia law. They get into government, including elected ones, to move those nations to Islam.

Normal Americans are finally realizing just how deep-seated — and how dangerous — this hatred truly is, and, as Americans always do, they’re taking action. It’s why we’ve seen donations to Columbia University, that renowned seat of Jew-hatred and bigotry, drop 30% this past year.

It’s why we’ve seen lawmakers demand that we take our own laws seriously and deport any foreign national who is openly and outwardly expressing support for terrorists.

Anyone who espouses support of Islamic terrorism should have their visas revoked and summarily booted and banned from the U.S. If they were given some sort of permanent status after being imported, such as the Somalis up in Minneapolis, that status can be stripped and they should be sent right back where they came from. It is an invasion.

Read: No Surprise: Jew Haters Celebrate Islamic Terrorism On 1 Year Anniversary Of October 7th Attack »

The Goracle Thought Solving The Climate Crisis (scam) Would Be Easier

Alternate headline: guy who sold his climate cult TV station to a news outlet backed by a fossil fuels nation for $20 million wants Other People to comply

Al Gore thought stopping climate change would be hard. But not this hard.

At a congressional hearing on the greenhouse effect in 1981, Al Gore, then a member of the House of Representatives from Tennessee, remarked that it was hard to come to terms with the fact that rising carbon dioxide emissions could radically alter our world. “Quite frankly, my first reaction to it several years ago was one of disbelief,” he said. “Since then, I have been waiting patiently for it to go away, but it has not gone away.”

Gore’s hearings didn’t spark the epiphany he’d hoped among his fellow members of Congress. More than four decades later, the problem still hasn’t resonated with many of them, even as the devastating weather changes scientists warned about have become reality. Wildfires have turned towns to ash, and the rains unleashed by storms like Hurricane Helene have left even so-called climate havens like Asheville, North Carolina, in a post-apocalyptic state, with power lines tossed around like spaghetti.

So he isn’t exactly surprised that the issue is on the back burner this election season. When asked about their plans to fight climate change in the presidential debate last month, Vice President Kamala Harris assured voters she wasn’t against fracking for natural gas, while former President Donald Trump went on a tangent about domestic vehicle manufacturing. The subject took on a more prominent role in the vice presidential debate last Tuesday, when the Republican, Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio, hedged by calling global warming “weird science” while not actually dismissing it, and the Democrat, Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, envisioned America “becoming an energy superpower for the future.” And that was about it.

Doing Something about Hotcoldwetdry is a nice intellectual exercise, but, in Reality Land it is low hanging fruit.

As a prominent Democrat, Gore’s impassioned advocacy has been blamed for making climate change seem like a liberal thing to care about. To Gore, that’s an example of attacking the messenger without looking at the deeper reasons why climate change is politically contentious in the first place. “Even when Pope Francis, for goodness’ sake, speaks out on it, they attack him and say that he’s meddling in partisanship.” If there’s anyone to blame for polarization, he said, it’s the fossil fuel industry, which has tried to take control of the conversation about climate change.

Well, it’s easy when someone like Gore lives in big seaside homes, jets around the world on private fossil fueled planes, and lives the highlife while demanding Everyone Else be forced to do the opposite.

Read: The Goracle Thought Solving The Climate Crisis (scam) Would Be Easier »

As FEMA Does A Half-Assed Job In Western NC, They Worry About DEI

Our government is completely out of touch with Americans

As Americans Suffer, Biden’s FEMA Focuses on LGBTQ and DEI

spite houseThe Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is taking heavy criticism for its massive failures in response to Hurricane Helene, but it appears the agency was spending a lot of time worrying over LGBTQ issues and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies during the Biden era.

As FEMA takes wave after wave of criticism, video of some of the agency’s training sessions and policy discussions have begun filtering onto social media.

In one such video, FEMA’s Director of Education/Training of the agency’s “Pride Federal Employee Resource Group,” Reilly Hirst, is seen celebrating the agency’s efforts to have “conversations with migrant trans women.”

Hirst noted that FEMA was working to make sure “migrant trans women” would be able to “trust” the shelters that FEMA was providing for migrants. Hirst added that FEMA needed to continue making sure shelters don’t “misgender” migrant trans women and that they have access to the bathrooms and bedrooms that they want to use.

In another video of a disaster preparedness meeting, FEMA managers are seeing talking about how they should focus on “LGBTQIA people” and that the agency needs to ensure there is “disaster equity” in its efforts.

This is what the federal government is worried about. Prioritizing some people over other people. Not simply doing their job to help all Americans when they are in need of the job each administration was created for.

FYI, I’m seeing something going around which is false

No, the $750 FEMA grant for disaster victims is not a loan

Misinformation about the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and confusion over what the agency provides has spread in the midst of these disasters. A viral social media post viewed over 5 million times claims FEMA’s $750 Serious Needs Assistance is a loan and has to be paid back. Several VERIFY readers sent us questions to ask if this is true. (snip)

FEMA’s Serious Needs Assistance, which is a program that quickly gives disaster victims $750 for immediate supplies like food and medicine, is not a loan and does not have to be paid back.

Disaster victims get $750 from FEMA’s Serious Needs Assistance grant if the disaster has displaced them from their home and they establish they have critical needs they’d like funding to help cover. The critical needs that the $750 is meant to cover include emergency supplies such as food and water, first aid, childcare items, personal hygiene items and fuel for transportation.

Of course, do we really trust the government and the Credentialed Media to be truthful? Regardless, there are reports that most are being denied the assistance grant. It’s also rather tough for people to apply when they have no electricity, no cell service, no Internet, and many do not even have home phone service, and FEMA personnel are few and far between. They might see that $750 in 6 months.

Read: As FEMA Does A Half-Assed Job In Western NC, They Worry About DEI »

Climate Wackos Are Now Fearmongering About A Category 6 Hurricane

Hurricane Milton is getting all sorts of crazy, so we see

And there’s plenty of that on Twitter. And, even news weenies

Could Hurricane Milton become a Category 6? Why does the NHC’s scale stop at 5?

Hurricane Milton was just a tropical storm a day ago but it powered up incredibly quickly, forming a hurricane Sunday afternoon and surging up into a dangerous Category 5 hurricane within 24 hours as it crosses the very warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

Forecasters from the National Hurricane Center say some weakening is anticipated before it slams into Florida’s west coast Wednesday. But that kind of rapid intensification is frightening.

If it keeps going, would Category 5 be enough to describe it? Do we need to add a Category 6?

Some experts say yes, but don’t expect to see one any time soon.

Of course they do, because it allows them to fearmonger

Hurricane Allen in 1980 reached maximum sustained winds of 190 mph. The “Labor Day” hurricane, in 1935, Hurricane Gilbert, in 1988, Hurricane Dorian in 2019, and Hurricane Wilma in 2005 all reached maximum sustained winds of 185 mph.

You also have the 1938 hurricane that hit Long Island in late September, with reports of 180 mile per hour winds. Though, since it was 1938 no one really has full data, especially as to whether that was sustained or gusts. Particularly since the wind gauge broke.

Hurricane Milton Hits Cat 5: Is It Time To Consider A Category 6?

No. Including the reason that the formatting at your website is atrocious. Seriously, the Warmists have been yapping about this for a few years, and their whole rational is to present ‘climate change’ as doom, despite giant hurricanes happening periodically.

Read: Climate Wackos Are Now Fearmongering About A Category 6 Hurricane »

If All You See…

…is a horrible can of carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a year of Jew hatred.

Read: If All You See… »

Newsweek: JD Vance Is A Big Meanie When It Comes To Illegal Kids In Schools

Newsweek’s Jesus Mesa, a “political reporter”, has his knickers all twisted

JD Vance Blames Migrant Kids for Georgia’s Education Problem

illegal alien DemocratRepublican vice presidential nominee JD Vance blamed migrant children for contributing to the challenges facing Georgia’s public education system during a rally in Lindale, Georgia, on Friday.

Speaking to supporters, Vance linked the state’s educational issues to the large number of undocumented immigrants and their children enrolled in public schools.

“There are over 400,000 illegal aliens in the state. About 120,000 Georgian students are children of illegal aliens,” Vance said at the event. “Think about the impact on education for Georgian children when you add over 120,000 kids, many of whom don’t speak English.”

He attributed these challenges to the Biden-Harris administration’s immigration policies, which he believes have worsened the situation by allowing uncontrolled migration into the country. (snip)

“I have compassion for these innocent kids; I’m not angry with them for coming to this country. Our frustration is with Kamala Harris for allowing the Mexican drug cartels to continue drug trafficking and sex trafficking,” he said.

How dare JD note that Georgia schools are having issues because all those migrant kids do not speak English, have little to no education to start with, and do not understand the culture! How rude!

An American education: Classrooms reshaped by record migrant arrivals

Dana Smith had been teaching first grade at the public school in the small Pennsylvania town of Charleroi for more than 16 years when she found herself confronting a new challenge last year: a sharp rise in students from Haiti who did not speak English.

She started using a phone app to translate lessons, but the constant pauses for translation frustrated her. She wondered if she was hindering the learning of American students who knew some of the basics she was reviewing, a complaint raised by a vocal segment of parents in the district.

“It was very stressful,” she said. “We never know when we’re going to get new ones coming in, where their levels are, how adjusted they are to this culture. The unexpected.”

More than half a million school-age migrant children have arrived in the U.S. since 2022, according to immigration court records collected by Syracuse University, exacerbating overcrowding in some classrooms; compounding teacher and budget shortfalls; forcing teachers to grapple with language barriers and inflaming social tensions in places unaccustomed to educating immigrant students.

Huh. I guess Reuters isn’t a big meanie for pointing out that all these migrant kids let in by Biden-Harris are creating a whole host of problems.

If someone wants to immigrate to America and go through the citizenship process they are required to speak English. They have to be self supporting. If someone wants to come to America on a work or student visa, they have to, get this, speak and write English. They cannot use government benefits. But, if someone wants to just show up at the border and demand asylum, for which 90% will not be eligible, the Biden-Harris admin will simply take them in and dump them in towns around the country, and not care that it creates lots of problems for schoolkids, who are having their education interrupted.

Read: Newsweek: JD Vance Is A Big Meanie When It Comes To Illegal Kids In Schools »

Inevitable: Climate Cult Says Global Boiling Makes Arson Worse

The majority of wildfires in the People’s Republik Of California have one of two reasons: stupidity and arson. Stupidity like failure to properly maintain transmission lines and morons letting their campfires get out of hand. Arson like it being intentional. Throw in a few lightning strikes now and then, because, hey, nature happens. Wildfires have always been a part of nature. But, you know, it’s still your fault that wackjobs set fires intentionally

In California, heat and dry conditions make arson a more potent threat

On a hot Wednesday in July, Ronnie Dean Stout II stood next to a smoking Toyota Yaris near a swimming hole in Chico, California, and watched as flames grew, authorities allege. He made no effort to put the fire out, then pushed the vehicle over a 60-foot embankment, according to a witness account outlined in court documents.

The car rolled into a ravine filled with dry vegetation, which the witness saw “explode” in flames, the court filings say.

Temperatures that day were well above 100 degrees and it was windy — “red flag” conditions ripe for fire. The blaze moved at a breakneck pace. In just 48 hours, the Park Fire had destroyed more than 130 structures, burned 175,000 acres and forced thousands to evacuate, according to the court filing. (snip)

About 10% to 15% of California’s wildfires are ignited by arson each year — and 2024 appears to be in line with the trend. But as climate change leads temperatures to rise, fire seasons to grow longer and drought conditions to become more intense, intentionally set fires have more opportunity to take off and grow.

That has led more than 477,000 acres to burn due to alleged acts of arson this year — by far the most since 2014, when 98,259 acres burned due to arson, according to Cal Fire.

And, because you refuse to give up your fossil fueled travel, along with your money and freedom to government, nutters setting fires will be worse. I’ve been waiting for something like this to pop up, though I expected it years ago. Usually the doomsday cult is a little quicker with their cult talking points.

Jeffrey Prestemon, a researcher at the U.S. Forest Service’s Southern Research Station in North Carolina, said arson also presents an acute risk because fires started that way tend to cause more damage per acre than blazes caused by lightning or other factors.

“They’re often set where … people live, where there are structures,” Prestemon said.

When they occur away from populated areas, which continue to spread, it is more newsworthy. The PRC is a state that has always had issues with high winds and dry conditions. Perhaps the state government should start doing things like creating fire breaks, clearing out the dry brush, and do back burns. Just like native Americans used to do.

Read: Inevitable: Climate Cult Says Global Boiling Makes Arson Worse »

Biden-Harris Regime Offers Compensation For Israel To Hit “Approved” Targets In Iran

I wonder what those approved targets would be? You can bet they aren’t the Iranian oil fields, for which Iran makes a lot of money which supports Iran supporting terrorist organizations which attack Israel and Americans. Nor the nuclear plant, which is meant to produce nuclear weapons. And probably not high ranking members of the Iranian government

US to give Israel ‘compensation’ if it hits acceptable targets in Iran – report

Biden Brain SuckerThe US has reportedly offered Israel a “compensation package” if it refrains from attacking certain targets in Iran, according to a report in Kan11 on Sunday.

Amichai Stein told them that he had received reports from US officials that the US had offered Israel a “compensation package” if it refrained from hitting specific targets in Iran.

This package was offered during negotiations between officials of the two countries on the type of response to the attack from Iran.

The package would include a total guarantee of comprehensive diplomatic protection as well as a weapons package and was offered directly in return for holding off on striking certain targets in Iran.

But, can Israel really trust the Biden-Harris administration? Biden might stay strong through the end of his term, but, would Harris? Just the other day she met with a bunch of Islamic extremist imports who she’s courting for votes, and listened to their concerns, which is pretty much that Israel must be destroyed and replaced with a Palestinian caliphate. She’s pretty much taking the side of Jew haters and people who want to change America into an Islamic nation, one town at a time.

Stein summed it up, saying, “An American official said, ‘If you don’t hit targets A, B, C, we will provide you with diplomatic protection and an arms package.'”

“Israeli officials responded saying, ‘We consider the United States and listen to them. But we will do anything and everything we can to protect the citizens and the security of the State of Israel.'”

Too bad we do not know what the Biden-Harris regime feels is out of bounds. And you know Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders will be extremely wary of any deal that involves Harris.

Read: Biden-Harris Regime Offers Compensation For Israel To Hit “Approved” Targets In Iran »

Pirate's Cove