Supreme Court To Hear Arguments On Government Censorship Of Online Opinions They Don’t Like

I love the way the AP terms this in their headline

Supreme Court weighs how far federal officials can go to combat controversial posts on hot topics

Realistically, it should be “none”. If the government wants to attempt to provide counter information, feel free, though, that would be pretty disturbing if they are replying to a standalone post/tweet/whatever.

In a busy term that could set standards for free speech in the digital age, the Supreme Court on Monday is taking up a dispute between Republican-led states and the Biden administration over how far the federal government can go to combat controversial social media posts on topics including COVID-19 and election security.

The justices are hearing arguments in a lawsuit filed by Louisiana, Missouri and other parties accusing officials in the Democratic administration of leaning on the social media platforms to unconstitutionally squelch conservative points of view. Lower courts have sided with the states, but the Supreme Court blocked those rulings while it considers the issue.

The high court is in the midst of a term heavy with social media issues. On Friday, the court laid out standards for when public officials can block their social media followers. Less than a month ago, the court heard arguments over Republican-passed laws in Florida and Texas that prohibit large social media companies from taking down posts because of the views they express.

The cases over state laws and the one being argued Monday are variations on the same theme, complaints that the platforms are censoring conservative viewpoints.

I wonder if the lawyers will mention that many of the opinions expressed online that government asked social media companies to censor were actually true?

The states argue that White House communications staffers, the surgeon general, the FBI and the U.S. cybersecurity agency are among those who coerced changes in online content on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and other media platforms.

“It’s a very, very threatening thing when the federal government uses the power and authority of the government to block people from exercising their freedom of speech,” Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill said in a video her office posted online.

It is threatening, and disturbing, that government forces are trolling social media looking for posts they do not like. It tells me that they are Fascists and there are way too many federal employees if they have time to do this. And that they have lost sight of what the Constitution states. Where did they get any authority to do this when the 1st Amendment specifically states that government cannot censor Free Speech?

Free speech advocates say the court should use the case to draw an appropriate line between the government’s acceptable use of the bully pulpit and coercive threats to free speech.

“The government has no authority to threaten platforms into censoring protected speech, but it must have the ability to participate in public discourse so that it can effectively govern and inform the public of its views,” Alex Abdo, litigation director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, said in a statement.

They’re welcome to participate: offer information. But, most of what we see from government is government-speak talking points which usually sound like mule fritters.

The opinion should be out this summer. Realistically, if Biden’s regime was doing this he and anyone involved should be impeached/fired.

Read: Supreme Court To Hear Arguments On Government Censorship Of Online Opinions They Don’t Like »

Moonbat NY Reparations Council Blames Whites For Climate Crisis (scam)

It just goes to show, this whole thing really has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with far left politics

NY reparations panel members blame whites for climate change, blast Sen. Tim Scott and want to defund cops

Two representatives appointed to a committee considering paying reparations claimed whites were responsible for climate change, slammed Israel and pushed to defund the police.

Ron Daniels and Lurie Daniel Favors — both appointed to New York’s commission on Reparations and Racial Justice by state Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie — made several fiery statements including Daniels slamming black US Sen. Tim Scott as “Uncle Tim,” according to a review of their public statements.

“White Folks Messed Up the Weather = Black Folks Save the Planet,” Daniels, a longtime activist who ran for president on the minor party Peace and Freedom Party in 1992, said in an Oct. 25, 2021 posting on X.

What, exactly, have black folks done to save the planet? If he wants to be racist (and, Favors seems to be pretty racist herself, both by the tweet in the article and other tweets), and he has lots more hating on white people, lots of black supremacy, well, let it be known that if anthropogenic climate change is real, it’s because white people, along with Asians, Latinos, and Indians, have pretty much come up with most things over the past few centuries. If he doesn’t like it, he can stop using the automobile, bus, airplane, air conditioning, phones of all types, computers, electricity, radio, helicopters, penicillin, lightbulb, Internet, and so much more. Heck, he can stop using Twitter, which was invented by white people. But, really, I do not like to stoop to the same racial animosity as these wackjobs.

Really, these wackjobs link everything to ‘climate change’. It seems to encompass everything. It’s a joke.

Read: Moonbat NY Reparations Council Blames Whites For Climate Crisis (scam) »

SCNY Sees District Resemble Third World Brothel And Bazaar

Would you like to take a guess who represents the Sanctuary City NY district?

AOC district neighborhood labeled ‘Third World’ as migrants clog streets and prostitutes overrun every block

An area in Squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district is being described as looking more like a Third World country as opposed to a thriving American neighborhood, as desperate migrants block up sidewalks selling food and shilling clothing items while prostitutes openly solicit sex from passersby — reportedly including teens.

The neighborhoods of Corona, Jackson Heights and Elmhurst — a once-vibrant community in northwestern Queens — has now essentially deteriorated into a large flea market with trash overflowing on street corners, leading to unsavory and unhygienic conditions, as video obtained by Fox News Digital shows.

Meanwhile, the neighborhood’s main strip along Roosevelt Avenue has become so renowned for its prostitution that locals have nicknamed the area “the market of sweethearts,” and viral online videos advise prospective johns on how to make use of sex workers’ services there.

In exclusive Fox News Digital photos, sex workers were seen on Wednesday standing outside storefronts soliciting men. Residents say the prostitutes usually take their clients into makeshift brothels for sex. These alleged sex workers operate during all hours of the day, even as families walk by with their children in strollers, and often hang out in front of area supermarkets. Prostitution is against the law in New York.

Yo, Sandy, are you visiting your district much? Taking a walkthru? Seeing what’s going on? Also, seriously, Fox News, they are illegal aliens, and it’s cute that you use the politically sanctioned phrase “sex workers”. They’re prostitutes. Hookers.

The video shows an almost endless stream of vendors with piles of clothes stacked along the streets, while others sell sneakers, pots and pans and toys and photo frames.

At the end of the clip, three people can be seen sitting in the trunk of a car. The trio has a stall set up encroaching onto a pedestrian crossing and their used boxes block the path of walkers crossing the road. Only licensed vendors are permitted to sell food or goods in public spaces in New York.

“Like most of my like-minded residents, we see this as a third-world market,” Frías, 43, tells Fox News Digital. “Basically, you just see clothes thrown across the floor … the items are stolen from donation bins or stolen from stores, and they just set up shop outside brick-and-mortar businesses. They take away trade from these businesses and don’t pay taxes.”

And the authorities are basically doing nothing about it. Even after a big raid in January, for which Mayor Adams was present, no one was really arrested, no one fined, nothing shut down.

The seat is currently held by Cruz (a far left Progressive), who tells Fox News Digital that a group of elected officials, separate from Moya, have been meeting with city and state agencies to work on “safe solutions for quality of life concerns.” Cruz has previously called for more permits to be issued for street vendors, and she has also sponsored legislation to decriminalize prostitution. Ocasio-Cortez herself has also called on the city to issue more vendor permits.

So, the illegals are to be rewarded for their illegal behavior? SCNY deserves every issue happening.

Read: SCNY Sees District Resemble Third World Brothel And Bazaar »

Weekly Books And Entertainment Post

What’s up this past week?

Jeepers Creepers – not sure why so many love it. A couple kids making bad decisions that they know are bad
Invasion of the Body Snatcher (original) – Seen it before, still love it
Abattoir – seen it before, I like it
The Last Broadcast – Meh. made it halfway through
Texas Chainsaw – not great, but, good watch. Seen it before
Apollo 18 – I have it on DVD, but, haven’t seen it forever, better quality on Hulu
Started Dual on Hulu, keep forgetting to come back to it
Arq on Netflix
War Of The Worlds (original) – seen it before, still great. Would prefer the black and white

Some Masterchef Australia
Some Tiny House Hunting – finished the series
Some Monty Python’s Flying Circus
Survivor (the new season)
A bunch of NJ Devils games
Halo – Caught up to episode 7 season 2
Started The Signal on Netflix – on episode 2. So far so good. You can kinda notice it’s dubbed, missing some of the emotion.

Finished Terror For Now by Bob Howard – long
Finished on After Z Part 5 by JS Patrick – also long
Started World War Mars by Rick Partlow

Read: Weekly Books And Entertainment Post »

If All You See…

…is a fish which is part of a species migrating to the North Poll due to warming waters, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Virtual Mirage, with a post on Tyson Foods firing Americans and hiring illegals.

It’s a good week for fishing!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the mockingbird is totally going to town (he’s actually doing gunfire from the rednecks across the river), and bars made a lot of money from people celebrating St. Patrick’s Day early. This pinup is by Peter Driben with a wee bit of help.

What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Geller Report notes Biden regime about to give Iran $10 billion
  2. IOTW Report covers some artistic atrocities in England
  3. Legal Insurrection has the anniversary of 15 days to slow the spread
  4. Moonbattery has the people behind Biden’s “defense” policy
  5. neo-neocon wonders why they are so intent on trying Trump in Georgia
  6. Outside The Beltway discusses fixing the credit card system
  7. Pacific Pundit covers the left wing media running with Trump’s bloodbath comment, totally out of context
  8. The First Street Journal notes what happens when you don’t lock up criminals
  9. The Gateway Pundit discusses the campus Jew hater’s favorite weapon
  10. The Last Refuge covers Excitable Mike Pence not voting for Trump
  11. The Lid notes West Point going Woke by replacing “Duty, Honor, Country”
  12. The Right Scoop shows a lunatic Dem who says she “feels like a slave”
  13. Victory Girls Blog covers Kamala Harris saying federal marijuana restrictions are absurd
  14. Not A Lot Of People Know That says Net Zero is dead
  15. And last, but, not least, Greenie Watch covers a new film questioning the climate crisis scam

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Biden Regime Looks To Send Tens Of Millions More To Failed State Haiti

There are rumors that Biden is yammering about $130 million more, but, let’s start with

US aid chief to announce $25 million in humanitarian assistance for Haiti

U.S. aid chief Samantha Power is set to announce $25 million in humanitarian assistance for Haiti on Friday, according to a statement seen by Reuters in advance, as the Caribbean nation faces a long-running political and humanitarian crisis.

The additional assistance from the U.S. Agency for International Development will go toward immediate food assistance, essential relief supplies, relocation support and emergency health care, Power said in the statement.

Psycho-social support, safe drinking water and protection for the most vulnerable, including women and girls, will also be part of the aid, Power said.

The additional aid comes after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at talks in Jamaica on Monday pledged $33 million in humanitarian aid for Haiti, which Power said comes on top of the $146 million already provided by the U.S. since October 2022.

Heavily armed gangs have taken over much of the capital in Haiti, and rights groups have reported widespread killings, kidnappings and sexual violence. More than 360,000 people are internally displaced in Haiti, according to U.N. estimates.

So, the aid has been worthless? Canada just announced $123 million a few weeks ago. And consider

(Daily Caller) The Biden administration, through a variety of agencies, has approved about $680 million in contracts and grants intended to fund operations that would bolster the Haitian government’s ability to tackle organized crime, provide healthcare to the country’s residents, support infrastructure and spur economic growth, federal spending records show. Despite hundreds of millions spent, gangs now run rampant in Haiti and have forced its prime minister to resign, controlling as much as 80% of the country’s capital city of Port Au Prince as of March 5, according to a United Nations estimate.

How much has the Clinton Foundation spent in Haiti for nothing? Let’s go back in time to 2015

What Does Haiti Have to Show for $13 Billion in Earthquake Aid?

Americans texted tens of millions of dollars in donations and governments gave billions, but five years after an earthquake left corpses and rubble piled across Haiti, 85,000 people still live in crude displacement camps and many more in deplorable conditions.

The disconnect between the massive amount of private and public aid and the poverty, disease and homelessness that still plague the country raises a question that critics say is too difficult to answer: Where did all that money go? (snip)

The United Nations said that in total $13.34 billion has been earmarked for the crisis through 2020, though two years after the quake, less than half of that amount had actually been released, according to U.N. documents. The U.S. government has allocated $4 billion; $3 billion has already been spent, and the rest is dedicated to longer-term projects.

And in 2024, even after the money was spent, Haiti is 100% shithole, and violent, backwards, failed state. So, sure, why not dump even more taxpayer money into the nation?

Read: Biden Regime Looks To Send Tens Of Millions More To Failed State Haiti »

If All You See…

…is a device used to move around when the world floods, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Gates Of Vienna, with a post on when Islamization deniers celebrate Islamization.

Read: If All You See… »

Comrade Sanders Pimps Bill For Joe Biden Work Week

None of this is the business of the federal government to regulate, but, that doesn’t stop people like Bernie Sanders from pushing it. Probably for votes

Bernie Sanders pushes bill to establish a four-day workweek

unintended consequencesSen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., held a hearing Thursday on a bill he introduced to reduce the standard U.S. workweek to four days without loss of pay.

The bill, titled the “Thirty-Two Hour Work Week Act,” would reduce the standard workweek from 40 to 32 hours over the span of four years, including lowering the maximum hours required for overtime compensation for nonexempt employees. It would also require overtime pay at time and a half for workdays that last more than eight hours and overtime pay that would pay workers double their regular pay if their workday is longer than 12 hours.

A press release on the bill described it as an “important step toward ensuring workers share in increasing productivity and economic growth driven by technological advancements.”

“Moving to a 32-hour workweek with no loss of pay is not a radical idea,” Sanders said in a statement. “Today, American workers are over 400 percent more productive than they were in the 1940s. And yet, millions of Americans are working longer hours for lower wages than they were decades ago. That has got to change.”

This is the Joe Biden Work Week: work 30 hours a week or so and then take the weekend off. Unless the Democrats take over Congress and control the White House, this has zero chance of passing. Democrats might not even vote for it if they do have control. Businesses would need more employees to be able to make it through the week. They aren’t going to go for that. And businesses will invest even more on automation to replace employees.

This is not the 1940s, and I’m pretty sure many were working long hours to defeat Germany, Italy, and Japan. And here’s what you could be looking at

1. Fewer Hours Means Less Time to Get Things Done

While studies have shown that a 4-day workweek can enhance productivity, it also presents a challenge. With fewer hours in the week, there may be limited time to accomplish all necessary tasks.

This makes the 4-day workweek impractical for certain industries, including:

Healthcare and emergency services that require 24/7 coverage

Retail and hospitality businesses that have direct client interactions

Large enterprises with complex operations

There would be the stress of working harder than before to get things done in the shortened time frame. Things like training, trust, team bonding, and others would crop up. Customer satisfaction could take a big hit.

And if Comrade Sanders thinks the pay and benefits will stay the same, it won’t. There are many who work 50+ hours a week to be able to get things done. No company will be paying overtime when people hit 33 hours a week. Small businesses which cannot afford to do the workarounds will go out of business, meaning more out of work. Slackers will not get jobs. Automation will skyrocket. In some cases, those 4 days may be 10-12 hour mandatory shifts, not 8 hours.

It really is not the government’s business, and, again, how much of this is a patronizing idea to get the younger folks to vote Democrat? Even though they were going to vote D anyhow?

Read: Comrade Sanders Pimps Bill For Joe Biden Work Week »

Federal Court Halts Silly SEC Climate Cult Rule For Time Being

Yeah, the minute the SEC passed the rule lawsuits were filed. I hope the lawyers are planning on asking the 3 Democrats on the SEC who voted for the rule if they are driving EVs, not taking fossil fueled flights, and living in tiny homes

Court Temporarily Halts S.E.C.’s New Climate Rules

A federal court on Friday temporarily halted new rules from the Securities Exchange Commission that require public companies to disclose more about the business risks they face from climate change, siding with two oil and gas companies that criticized the requirements as costly and arbitrary.

Approved by the S.E.C. this month, the rules require some publicly traded companies to disclose their climate risks, and how much greenhouse gas emissions they produce. Industry groups, as well as their political allies, have filed numerous lawsuits challenging the regulation.

It pretty much applies to most public companies that are regulated by the SEC, which is mostly companies with more than $10 million in assets whose securities are held by more than 500 owners. Supposedly it’s just the biggest of the big companies, which would seem to be targeted and not equal application of the law.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which represents a wide cross-section of industries, filed suit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit this week to stop the rules, calling them unconstitutional. Ten Republican-led states have also sued to stop the rules.

The emergency stay granted by Fifth Circuit judges on Friday came in a case brought by two fracking companies, Liberty Energy and Nomad Proppant Services. “There is no clear authority for the S.E.C. to effectively regulate the controversial issue of climate change,” the two companies wrote in their petition. They were “arbitrary and capricious,” the two companies said, and violated the First Amendment, which protects free speech, by “effectively mandating discussions about climate change.”

In addition, the rules would cost companies “irreparable injury in the form of unrecoverable compliance costs,” they said.

Well, we’ll have to see what happens.

Environmental groups have also challenged the rules, saying the S.E.C. didn’t go far enough in protecting investors.

“As climate impacts like wildfires, floods, and drought disrupt every facet of the U.S. economy, the S.E.C. chose to bury its head in the sand instead of requiring companies to show the full climate risks they pose,” said Hana Vizcarra, an attorney at Earthjustice, which along with the Sierra Club and other environmental groups have also sued the S.E.C.

It’s easy to say for them, since they really do not have a stake in the regulated companies. The SEC should apply the rules to organizations like the Sierra Clumb and EarthJustice. It’s super easy to force others to do things you aren’t required to do.

Read: Federal Court Halts Silly SEC Climate Cult Rule For Time Being »

Pirate's Cove