NY Times Seems Upset That States Have A Say, Especially Over Illegal Immigration

Of course, it’s easy for the NY Times to say, since Sanctuary State NY is not a border state

Fight Over Texas Law Underscores a Battle of America vs. Its States

The face-off between Texas and the federal government over whether the state can enforce its own immigration policy reflects a broader and recurring feature of American politics: a number of hot-button issues have become proxy battles over who gets to decide.

During the Trump administration, Democratic-run states like California and blue cities like New York waged legal fights over their right to pass sanctuary laws to protect migrants. Now, the conflict over whether Texas can arrest and deport migrants is just one part of a larger campaign that red states have directed at the Biden administration. (snip)

The balance of power between the national government and states has been a source of tensions in the United States since its founding, leading to the Civil War. But in the 21st century, as partisan polarization has intensified, it has morphed into a new dynamic, with states controlled by the party opposed to the president regularly testing the boundaries.

Two points. First, there would be no need for Texas to do anything if the federal government was performing their job as designated by the US Constitution, repel invasion (Article I, Section 8, paragraph 15). They also are given the power to determine Naturalization laws. However, however, other than “repel invasion”, the Constitution does not specially delegate all powers exclusively to the federal government. It’s more like power sharing with the States at that point. And each state has the authority under the 10th Amendment to protect its borders and its citizens. If the Congress wants to pass a law restricting States, well, they can try. It might not last.

Sanctuary jurisdictions do violate federal law in as they look to protect those unlawfully present in the U.S. Many laws are violated.

Second, states should test the power of the federal government, since Los Federales have assumed way too much power, power they do not have the authorization to take. Look, if California wants to ban fossil fueled vehicles and do single payer healthcare, have at it. That’s their right under the 10th Amendment. And if citizens do not like that, they can move to another state and still be in America.

The political issues run the gamut — and include topics like abortion, gun control, same-sex marriage and even marijuana legalization — but the larger pattern is clear: Whenever one party wins control of the central government, the other party uses its control of various states to try to resist national policies.

“We’re seeing stuff we’ve never seen in the modern era,” said Heather K. Gerken, the dean of Yale Law School who has written about contemporary federalism. “It’s really stunning what kind of proxy war is taking place. It’s all because the vicious partisanship that has long been a feature of Washington has now filtered down to the states.”

States should be doing this all the time. The feds have too much power, too much dominance, too much interference. They take too much in taxation, and spend too much. They are often failing at their core duties as laid out in Article I, Section 8. If the proper power shifted back to the states and The People (remember, the 10th says ““The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”“) a lot of the issues would trend much lower, since people would be paying attention more to their state government, rather than the feds. And then state officials would have their feet held to the fire much more.

A clause in the Constitution says that federal statutes are supreme, and the traditional understanding is that where federal and state law conflict, federal law prevails. At the same time, the Constitution only grants certain powers to the federal government and reserves the rest to states. In practice, the powers of both levels often overlap.

I’m shocked the NY Times noted this reality. So, let’s repeal the 17th Amendment so that Senators are appointed by the state legislatures, and would then vote the way those legislatures want, rather than beholden to their nation parties and rich folks/companies in other states. They would represent the will of their states. Term limits for the House (4 terms, cannot run in any other district or state again). Restrict campaign donations to no more than 2% from outside of a district, that 2% is based on how much was spent the previous election cycle. That would be for starters.

Read: NY Times Seems Upset That States Have A Say, Especially Over Illegal Immigration »

If All You See…

…is a lack frozen over from carbon pollution fueled bad weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Political Hat, with a post on communism and polyamory.

Had to rush out this morning, forgot to set the post up. Sorry!

Read: If All You See… »

Capitalism Can’t Solve Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Just another reminder that the climate cult is pretty much based on hardcore Big Government principles. That this is not about science

Capitalism Can’t Solve Climate Change

Amidst the gathering gloom about climate change and continuing growth in global greenhouse-gas emissions, the one bright spot appears to be clean energy development. 2023 saw another, much-trumpeted record for renewables installations worldwide, with an estimated 507 GW of new generating capacity being nearly 50 percent higher than 2022’s figure.

The positivity is misplaced. Even on the transition from dirty to clean power, the world is still failing. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has estimated that both electricity generation from coal and gas, and total power-sector CO2 emissions, continued to grow in 2023, to all-time highs of 17,252 TWh and 13,575 Mt CO2, respectively. In other words, even as renewables are growing fast, they are not yet growing fast enough to displace dirty power generation, which remains the single largest source of greenhouse-gas emissions.

Worse still, the world is failing on the energy transition for reasons that strike at the heart of capitalist economies, and which will therefore be very difficult to surmount. The core issue here is easy to state. Most countries are relying predominantly on the private sector to drive faster renewables investment; private firms invest on the basis of expected profits; but profitability in renewables is rarely attractive.

Stick with an approach to climate change mitigation in which the private sector continues to be seen as the savior, and we are setting ourselves up to continue to fail.

Is there any need to continue on? These people hate capitalism, and want Government in charge of everything

Veiled by discussion of headline global trends in new renewables capacity investment is the fact that almost all the incremental progress is currently being made in one country: China. Trumpeting 2023’s 50 percent growth in annual global capacity installations as a global achievement is wrongheaded, given that China by itself delivered nearly 80 percent of the increment. (snip)

The main answer is that in China, such development is capitalist in only a very limited sense. Certainly, the entities centrally involved in building out new solar and wind farms in China are companies. But almost all are state-owned. Take wind. Nine of the country’s top 10 wind developers are owned by the government, and such state-owned players control in excess of 95 percent of the market.

Moreover, the state is far from being a passive shareholder in these companies. The companies are best seen as instruments wielded by the state in the service of achieving its industrial, geopolitical, and – increasingly – environmental objectives.

They love them some authoritarianism. I wonder if the climate cultists at Time can explain how well this authoritarianism is working out for the people of China?

Read: Capitalism Can’t Solve Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

Wake School Board Votes To Nag Parents Over Safe Storage

Let’s be honest: parents with firearms do need to store them in a manner that keeps them away from children. They have to balance being able to easily grab the gun in case of home invasion versus their child finding it and playing around with it, and something potentially bad happening. However, is it the job of a school board to nag parents? How often will they nag?

Wake school board approves new safe gun storage initiative

Information on how to safely store guns will soon come to Wake County school families.

The Wake school board approved a resolution Tuesday supporting safe gun storage. It includes a commitment to regularly send information to families and staff about how to safely store firearms. (snip)

The plan that would provide families with information and resources about the importance of secure gun storage several times a school year and the legal consequences for not doing so. That could be in newsletters or by other methods. The system also has a new webpage devoted to resources.

So, apparently, the answer to how often will they nag is “all the time.” Will the teachers be asking the kiddies if mom and dad have firearms at home? You can bet they will. And then there will be preaching to the kids which will then make it back to the parents.

In the past year, at least three adults have been charged after a student brought a gun into a Wake County school.

What is not said, and what never shows up in the news, is if the parent was legally allowed to possess a firearm. And, if the minor had stolen the gun from elsewhere. We usually do not know the age of the minor.


Colorado bill to ban purchase, sale of assault weapons passes first vote

After 12-plus hours of testimony and debate, Colorado Democrats advanced a bill early Wednesday morning to ban the sale or purchase of assault weapons.

The measure, HB24-1292, cleared its initial hurdle in the House Judiciary Committee and now heads directly to the House floor, after a late amendment removed financial penalties, which would’ve routed the bill to another committee, and replaced them with a petty offense charge. The measure still needs two votes in the House before restarting the process in the Senate.

They cannot be made or imported either, so, people cannot go to a surrounding state and purchase one. Obviously, the government is exempt from any of this. Realistically, any law that applies to the People should apply to the government. Then there’s that whole pesky first Amendment thingy, along with Article II section 13 of the Colorado constitution, which really only gives lawmakers the authority to regulate concealed carry.

Undocumented Immigrants Have Right to Own Guns, Judge Rules

A judge this month dropped gun charges against an illegal migrant in Illinois, sparking further debate about the rights associated with the Second Amendment.

U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Coleman of the Northern District of Illinois referenced lower court rulings in dismissing firearm possession charges against Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, who was illegally or unlawfully in the United States when he possessed a handgun in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago on June 1, 2020.

“The Court finds that Carbajal-Flores’ criminal record, containing no improper use of a weapon, as well as the non-violent circumstances of his arrest do not support a finding that he poses a risk to public safety such that he cannot be trusted to use a weapon responsibly and should be deprived of his Second Amendment right to bear arms in self-defense,” Coleman, who was appointed under President Barack Obama, wrote in her eight-page ruling filed March 8.

Carbajal-Flores was charged under Title 18 of U.S. Criminal Code, which legally disallows undocumented individuals to possess firearms and ammunition “or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.”

Well, that’s a hell of a thing. The 2nd applies to lawful citizens, not foreign citizens. In almost all cases, federal law and state law bar foreign nationals from purchasing and/or possessing firearms. Carbajal-Flores may be trustworthy, but, just like in the case of most minors, is barred from purchase/possession. How can a federal background check even be run on him? I’m not usually on blocking people from having firearms in a responsible manner, but, they have to be citizens.

Read: Wake School Board Votes To Nag Parents Over Safe Storage »

Warmist Super Bummed Over Gorgeous Weather For St. Patrick’s Day

It really is just so exhausting at times, reading articles from miserable climate cultists being miserable

From the unhinged doomsday cultist piece. It starts out with some weird stuff about social engineering, particularly in socialist societies, like the old USSR, moving to

With that in mind, let’s turn to this weekend’s unusually warm weather. How did Seattle feel about it?

As much as I admire Seattle Weather Blog, the last line in their March 17 tweet is alarming, if not horrifying, and certainly bad social engineering. To make matters worse, the weekend’s feel-good directive was universally expressed by the local news and social media. Even today, March 18, which is warm and breezy, KIRO 7 encouraged its audience to just “enjoy the sunshine.” But how on earth is this possible when the brightness of the sun and the warmth of the air are freaks of nature? It should be cool and dark during this time of the year. Instead, we are breaking records all over the place.

Cultists just can’t enjoy anything. There will be nice, warm days during Holocene warm periods (some not so nice: more died of heatstroke during the Battle of Monmouth than actual wounds, despite being deep in the Little Ice Ace). There will be ugly, cold days during a Holocene warm period. Monday and Tuesday weren’t exactly warm, and there was lots of snow. It will be a little nicer, at least here, on Wednesday. And here we go

We should be horrified by this weather, not enjoying it, not in the least bit. But what you found all around Greenlake, or going up and down Lake Washington Boulevard, or basking on Alki Beach, or filling the platforms of Pike Place Market were lots of people enjoying what is in fact a living nightmare. But this serious disconnection between reality (anthropogenic global warming and its year-by-year destruction of the world, brief as it was, we only know) is a failure of empowering social engineering. We only know how to enjoy sunny days, no matter what caused them. And unless social engineering intervenes (which is not likely at this point), we will be biking, hiking, and wearing tight shorts or no shirts when “perfect” arrives early in 2025. It’s only going to get worse. This is just fact.

I think I need to head to one of my favorite fun sites, like Izismile, now. This is exhausting.

Read: Warmist Super Bummed Over Gorgeous Weather For St. Patrick’s Day »

Bidenomics: People Draining Their Retirement Accounts To Survive

So, we already know that credit card debt is skyrocketing (though CNN thinks this is OK because Biden is president), credit card delinquencies are rising fast, and non-mortgage interest rates are crushing Americans. So why not hit up the retirement accounts?

Inflation Is Forcing Americans To Drain Their Retirement Accounts Just To Stay Afloat

BidenflationThe share of people who withdrew from their 401(k) for financial emergencies surged to a record high in 2023 as Americans looked to counteract rising prices and shrinking paychecks, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Around 3.6% of 401(k) participants at investment manager Vanguard Group pulled money from their account, compared to 2.8% in 2022 and above the pre-COVID-19 pandemic average of about 2%, according to data from the company given to the WSJ. Americans have been increasingly stressed by high inflation, which has increased prices by 18% overall since President Joe Biden first took office in January 2021.

Of those who withdrew cash from their 401(k) for hardship purposes in 2023, nearly 40% did so to prevent foreclosure on their property, up from 36% in 2022, according to the WSJ. Around 75% of Americans who pulled out of their accounts for hardships pulled out $5,000 or less.

It might not be that huge of a number, but, you combine it with everything else, and it’s no wonder that consumer confidence has plunged. That, while the numbers are slightly, slightly better, people are not thrilled by the economy. And 79% of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going. And it seems, per a Pew poll last month, that Americans are mostly seeing any positive economic news as being in spite of Biden, that it’s happening despite Biden.

Read: Bidenomics: People Draining Their Retirement Accounts To Survive »

Warmist Sacramento To Ban New Gas Stations To Save The Planet

If they were truly concerned they ban all fossil fueled stations in the city now and force them to shut down. I’m seeing at least 20 in the city limits. Be funny as hell if they all decided to take their business to other cities. How many of them are convenience stores, and will be taking their coffee and stuff with them? It would also be funny as hell if all the gas stations refused to sell to the city government. But, then, what’s the chance the city owns at least one depot that dispenses gas?

City introduces milestone law outright banning new gas stations — here’s what the policy means for residents

Sacramento has taken proactive steps to accelerate the phasing out of dirty-fuel-powered vehicles in the city, announcing a plan to ban new gas stations.

That should give Californians who are on the fence about buying an electric car a jolt, with traditional gas stations on the way out in favor of more electric charging infrastructure.

The policy, set out as part of the 2040 Sacramento General Plan, is calling for only “future-ready” facilities to be constructed in the coming years as well as updates to existing traditional gas stations to provide increased electric vehicle refueling points.

CSP Daily News posted part of the plan’s wording, which read, “The city shall prohibit the establishment of new gas stations or the expansion of new fossil fuel infrastructure at existing gas stations unless the project proponent provides 50kW or greater direct current fast charger electric-vehicle charging stations on site at a ratio of at least one new charging station per one new gas fuel nozzle.”

As you might have seen, stations have to periodically close their pumps and dig out the old tanks, replacing them with new ones. So, unless they put in all the chargers they cannot. There might be some new ones that will go “sure, we’ll put in the charging stations, but, we’re going to charge quite a bit for their usage.”

This is all government Authoritative Socialism, controlling the economy, regardless of what those peasants think. Regardless of their needs. But, hey, the people of Sacramento should keep their complaints to themselves: they voted for this. They should be asking if the people in the city government making these rules are driving EVs themselves right now.  And, where’s all this electricity coming from? But, what the high muckitymucks really want is the peasants to have no private vehicles at all.

Read: Warmist Sacramento To Ban New Gas Stations To Save The Planet »

If All You See…

…is a weird sky, probably from carbon pollution induced wildfires, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a Michigan imam saying that Jews will be slaughtered like sheep.

Read: If All You See… »

Moonbat Justice Jackson Upset 1st Amendment Could “Hamstring Government”

Seriously, that’s the point of the 1st Amendment on all points. That’s the point of the first 10 amendments. That’s the point of the Constitution. It says what government may do, and restricts them on the rest. In comes diversity hire Ketanji Brown Jackson

It literally starts with “Congress shall make no law …abridging freedom of speech… Congress passes laws. The Executive follows those laws. That’s the system. It doesn’t mean that the Exec can feel free to go rogue and coerce and limit lawful speech.

(Breitbart) Jackson had earlier presented a hypothetical situation in which social media platforms were allowing a dangerous trend to circulate in which children were encouraged to jump out of windows “at increasing elevations.” She asked whether government authorities could not “encourage social media platforms to take down the information that is instigating this problem.”

Aguiñaga suggested that the government could use the “bully pulpit” to push back against the content of the information, but could not call the social media platforms to encourage them, or coerce them, to take down the information.

Jackson objected, saying that it was not enough to say that the government could post its own speech. There were situations, she suggested, in which the government could “encourage or require this kind of censorship” necessary for public safety.

They can use their bully pulpit. Feel free. Coercing social media companies to remove posts that may or may not be wrong but go against Government Thought on things like, say, COVID, is expressly un-Constitutional.

ABC News “analysis” thinks the Supreme Court will rule in favor of the government

The Supreme Court on Monday appeared likely to reject strict limits on government contact with social media companies amid claims that federal officials had engaged in a “broad pressure campaign” to censor certain viewpoints related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 election. (massive snip)

Justice Amy Coney Barrett posed a hypothetical situation involving FBI calls to a social media platform urging it to take down posts that doxed elected officials, putting the individuals safety at risk. “That’s a problem?” she asked Louisiana Solicitor General Benjamin Aguinaga, representing the plaintiffs.

“I’m a purist on the First Amendment, so my answer would be yeah,” Anguinaga replied.

Except, really, that’s not Free Speech, that’s putting people in danger, and pretty much all the social media companies have rules against doxxing. And, that’s the extent of any “evidence” that the Court will reject strict limits. Highlighting quotes by leftist justices doesn’t count. At worst, it will be a 5-4 decision in favor of the plaintiffs, with long rulings explaining that government is very much limited by that pesky 1st Amendment. Meaning the Biden admin, because there really wasn’t an issue with the Trump admin doing this. Even the Obama admin was not an issue. This will tell future Democrat admins that censorship is not OK.

And Jackson needs to be booted from the Court, if she doesn’t understand the Constitution, if she has so misread it, if she’s simply blowing off the explicit writing on the paper.

Read: Moonbat Justice Jackson Upset 1st Amendment Could “Hamstring Government” »

Biden Regime Looking To Pass More Restrictive Auto Rules

Why is it that no one in the Credentialed Media ever asks Biden and the high mucky mucks in the, say, EPA, if they’re personally driving SUVs right now? Why Biden travels in a massive, low MPG fossil fueled limo with dozens of fossil fueled chase vehicles?

From the link

The Biden administration is expected this week to finalize highly anticipated regulations targeting gas-powered vehicle tailpipe emissions, considered the tip of the spear in its efforts to electrify the transportation sector.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is slated to issue the final rulemaking — which officials have boasted will incentivize greater adoption of electric vehicles (EV), but which opponents have criticized as a de facto mandate — as soon as Wednesday, industry sources told Fox News Digital. The regulations, a key part of President Biden’s climate agenda, would ultimately force automakers to more rapidly expand electric options in their fleets beginning in a matter of years.

“It certainly won’t do anything to improve human health. It won’t do anything to reduce pollution,” American Energy Institute president and CEO Jason Isaac, who has researched the EV market, told Fox News Digital in an interview. “We’ve proven in this country that we’re already a world leader in clean air. All it’s going to continue to do is push the costs of electric vehicles on to purchasers of internal combustion engine vehicles.”

“This is purely being done for campaign reasons — to really appease the leftist large donor base that are the climate alarmists that are driving this movement towards really what is a forced energy transition, which is just increasing the cost of everything,” Isaac added.

And those large donors mostly do not drive EVs themselves. What this will do is make private vehicles too expensive for the average middle and working class Americans. All for a scam.

Overall, under the proposal, which EPA unveiled in April 2023 and will go into effect in 2027, the White House projected that 67% of new sedan, crossover, SUV and light truck purchases would be electric by 2032. In addition, up to 50% of bus and garbage truck, 35% of short-haul freight tractor and 25% of long-haul freight tractor purchases could also be electric by then.

Yeah, well, they should be asking the actual drivers about this, and most are not asking for this. They think this is none of the government’s business. Automakers know this, even those who are pushing hard, or, at least, had been pushing hard, on EVs.

Read: Biden Regime Looking To Pass More Restrictive Auto Rules »

Pirate's Cove