If All You See…

…is an area flooded from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on Sweden having the lowest death rate in Europe from COVID.

Read: If All You See… »

Election Interference: Chuck Schumer Calls For New Israeli Elections

After whining about election meddling since even before Trump was elected, Chuck decided it was a good thing to demonize the guy who is prosecuting a war against terrorists who attacked, raped, tortured, and murdered civilians, including women and babies

Chuck Schumer calls for new elections in Israel, criticizing Netanyahu’s leadership

In the most significant criticism by a U.S. leader against the Israeli government since its war with Hamas began, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday called for new elections in Israel to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish official in the U.S. ever, said in remarks on the Senate floor that “the Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after Oct. 7.”

“The world has changed — radically — since then, and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past,” Schumer, D-N.Y., said in what was billed as a major address.

Netanyahu has “lost his way,” Schumer continued, “by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel” and by indicating he isn’t interested in the formation of an independent Palestinian state, which has been a U.S. goal for decades. Schumer said Netanyahu has aligned himself with “far-right extremists” like Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who he said are “pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows.”

“Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah,” he said.

The Wall Street Journal notes

The Israel-Hamas war is melting brains on the Democratic side of the aisle, and the latest evidence is a remarkable speech Thursday by Sen. Charles Schumer calling for new elections to replace Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Yes, the Majority Leader is telling Israelis to replace their government—or the U.S. “will have no choice” but to intervene to “change the present course,” whatever that means.

Mr. Netanyahu is the duly elected Prime Minister of an American ally. Israeli voters will have a chance to hold him accountable, if they choose, for whatever policy and security lapses left his country vulnerable to Hamas’s vicious invasion on Oct. 7. He also will have to answer for how effectively he has prosecuted the war, including whether he has struck the right bargains in exchanging temporary cease-fires for the release of Israeli hostages, and whether the ultimate end-state for Gaza leaves Israel safer or otherwise.

But precisely because Israel is a democracy, accountability for Mr. Netanyahu is baked in. The Prime Minister at this moment represents a broad consensus in Israeli society that the country can’t afford to allow Hamas to continue its violent and corrupt control of Gaza after the horrors unleashed on Oct. 7.

Chuck was essentially appeasing his hardcore, Jew hating, Islamic extremism loving, base, despite being a Jew himself. If Netanyahu is booted, does Chuck think he’s going to be replaced with someone who goes soft? When the US was attacked at Pearl Harbor we joined the war in Europe, then the war in the Pacific. We bombed Germany, Italy, and Japan with reckless abandon. We dropped two nukes on Japan. That’s war. And the demolition of Hamas and all the Palestinians who support them has been a long time coming. Don’t want none, don’t start none. But, the Democratic Party has long been a hotbed of anti-Israel sentiment which has morphed in Jew hatred.

All Schumer was doing was giving aid to the murderous Islamic extremists.

Read: Election Interference: Chuck Schumer Calls For New Israeli Elections »

Surprise: PRC Not Close To Keeping To Their Climate (scam) Goals

It’s so weird. Didn’t the majority of the citizens of the People’s Republik Of California vote for this? Don’t they support all this? Aren’t they out there reducing their own carbon footprints? Using less electricity? Selling their fossil fueled vehicles and buying an EV, taking the bus, walking and biking? Buying 2nd hand clothes?

California isn’t on track to meet its climate change mandates — and a new analysis says it’s not even close

California will fail to meet its ambitious mandates for combating climate change unless the state almost triples its rate of reducing greenhouse gases through 2030, according to a new analysis released today.

After dropping during the pandemic, California’s emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and other climate-warming gases increased 3.4% in 2021, when the economy rebounded. The increase puts California further away from reaching its target mandated under state law: emitting 40% less in 2030 than in 1990 — a feat that will become more expensive and more difficult as time passes, the report’s authors told CalMatters.

“The fact that they need to increase the speed of reduction at about three times faster than they’re actually doing — that does not bode well,” said Stafford Nichols, a researcher at Beacon Economics, a Los Angeles-based economics research firm, and a co-author of the annual California Green Innovation Index released today.

“As we get closer to that 2030 goal, the fact that we’re further off just means that we have to decrease faster each year.”

I have a solution: car manufacturers should stop selling fossil fueled vehicles in the state. Fossil fuels companies should stop selling their products to the PRC state government, slowly scaling back so they sell none. Which could create an issue for all the food production. Airlines should refuse to fly any state employee or elected official. And no fuel for the private jets of elected officials. All AC systems should be shut off at government buildings. It would be a good start, right?

Read: Surprise: PRC Not Close To Keeping To Their Climate (scam) Goals »

DHS Claims They Will Immediately Send Illegal Haitians Back Home

But, will they? Will they really do that? Will Biden allow that when his left wing wack base demands they be given asylum

DHS warns Haitian illegal immigrants arriving by boat face ‘immediate repatriation’

The Department of Homeland Security says that any illegal immigrants arriving by boat, including from Haiti, face “immediate repatriation” – amid brewing concerns about a potential migrant wave coming from the conflict-plagued country.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, DHS said it is “monitoring the situation in Haiti and coordinating closely with the State Department and international partners.”

The Caribbean nation has seen a significant escalation in violence as gangs have overrun the capital, burning police stations and attacking the main airport. Gangs have also raided some of the largest prisons, releasing thousands of inmates.

The increased violence raises the possibility of a new wave of migrants coming from the country, both at the southern land border, where migrants surged into Del Rio in 2021 in the thousands, and by boat.

On Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced he is sending soldiers and officers, as well as aircraft and boats to “protect” the state from vessels carrying illegal immigrants.

Do we really want more 3rd world failed state violent, illiterate, uneducated, criminal illegals? No. Did you know the Dominican Republic has a wall along parts of its border to stop Haitians from coming into the DR? Haiti is an unsafe, dangerous, dirty country, despite all that money supposedly dumped into it by the Clinton Foundation and the UN. It’s squalid. There’s is no need for more failed state folks here dragging things down and bringing their failed state lifestyles.

And do we need cannibals?

They’re also not migrants, since they’re still in Haiti. But, one report states the Biden regime is discussing using Gitmo to process these people from a 3rd world hellhole.

Read: DHS Claims They Will Immediately Send Illegal Haitians Back Home »

Climate Crisis (scam) Could Totally Be A Difference Maker This Election

Every election cycle they tell us the climate cult could make a difference, and every election cycle it always polls as low hanging fruit. But this time it could be different!

Euroviews. Climate change matters to more and more people – and could be a deciding factor in the 2024 election

electric vehicleIf you ask American voters what their top issues are, most will point to kitchen-table issues like the economy, inflation, crime, health care or education.

Fewer than 5 per cent of respondents in 2023 and 2024 Gallup surveys said that climate change was the most important problem facing the country.

Despite this, research that I conducted with my colleagues suggests that concern about climate change has had a significant effect on voters’ choices in the past two presidential elections.

Climate change opinions may even have had a large enough effect to change the 2020 election outcome in President Joe Biden’s favour.

Is there anyone of consequence that actually thinks this, that Hotcoldwetdry made a difference in 2020? That Trump beat Hillary over global boiling? Have those in Europe noted that more and more EU citizens are opting out of the ‘climate change’ agenda? They may believe that it is mostly/solely the fault of mankind, or even just 51%, but, they are not happy over the Fascist solutions being implemented.

We used 2016 and 2020 survey data from the nonpartisan organisation Voter Study Group to analyse the relationships between thousands of voters’ presidential picks in the past two elections with their demographics and their opinions on 22 different issues, including climate change.

The survey asked voters to rate climate change’s importance with four options: “unimportant,” “not very important,” “somewhat important” or “very important.”

In 2020, 67 per cent of voters rated climate change as “somewhat important” or “very important,” up from 62 per cent in 2016. Of these voters rating climate change as important, 77 per cent supported Biden in 2020, up from 69 per cent who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016.

If that’s the case then why did Hillary lose?

This suggests that climate change opinion has been providing the Democrats with a growing electoral advantage.

Yeah yeah yeah, but, almost none of them practice what they preach. Again, this is something Trump could take advantage of. He could talk about implementing smarter solutions that do not involve taking away people’s freedom and life choices while necessarily skyrocketing their cost of living. He could pick off quite a few independents. But, really, Democrats are sheep and will vote Democrat no matter what, and since most Warmists are Democrats it makes little difference in voting. Republicans won’t switch to D over ‘climate change’. It’s all just wishful thinking from a doomsday, Authoritarian cult.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Totally Be A Difference Maker This Election »

If All You See…

…is a waterfall caused by Extreme Rain from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on turning America into Haiti.

Read: If All You See… »

WRAL Poll Shows Economy Is Top Issue For Most Citizens

This is yet another poll that shows Trump should really just focus on the economy. Stop with all the Being Trump, and talk about people’s wallets

NC voters united on economy as top 2024 issue, divided on immigration and abortion, WRAL News poll shows

North Carolina voters view the economy and health care as the top issues heading into the 2024 general election season, according to a new WRAL News poll.

The latest WRAL poll asked voters to name the issue that’s most important to them. The results showed concerns about crime education, guns and half a dozen other topics.

Voters agree on the importance of many top issues, but not all. Abortion and immigration are the two most polarizing topics among supporters of Democratic President Joe Biden and his presumptive Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump.

The poll asked voters to rate a variety of issues on a scale of 1 to 10, with higher numbers signifying the issues were more important to them. When asked about immigration 54% of Trump supporters gave it the highest possible priority, triple the 18% of Biden supporters who said the same.

Similarly, on abortion, 35% of Biden supporters gave it the highest possible priority, about twice the 18% of Trump supporters who said the same. In fact, so many registered Republican voters rated abortion as a low priority that it ranked last overall among all voters in the state, even despite nearly all Democrats and unaffiliated voters indicating it’s a medium-to-high priority issue for them.

Those are numbers that will drive out the bases. The problem here is that WRAL gives no link to the poll, and doesn’t really touch on the numbers from the headline.

The economy emerged as the top issue in the poll, with 42% of all likely voters giving it their highest possible ranking, 10 out of 10. Health care came second — its average score was tied with the economy, although fewer people gave it the highest possible priority — followed by crime and public safety.

Next was national security and international affairs — possibly driven by high-profile debates over issues such as whether to continue supplying Ukraine and Israel in their ongoing wars against Russia and Hamas, or how to address China’s growing wealth and influence.

Education, immigration and guns came next, followed by mental health and addiction issues. Tied for last were abortion and the environment.

Citizens know the economy is not doing well. They see it every day they go to buy food. They know crime is a problem. Trump has a chance to talk about healthcare, considering that Obamacare did not help much. Citizens see that international national security is a mess under Biden. Trump should not focus on base issues like immigration, and focus on the things that could drive Never Trump Republicans to hold their nose and vote Trump. He could tell them “sure, you don’t like me, that’s fine. But, we agree on the issues. Do you agree with Biden? Do you want four more years of this?” And he should stop getting in spats with Republicans and private citizens. Yeah, I know I’m asking a lot.

What the article on the poll doesn’t say is anything on the opinions of Independents. Are they included? 24% of people polled on candidate support in NC stated they were Independents. Trump needs to focus on what they care about, like the economy. He needs their votes. He might even attract some squishy Democrats, who know things are not good. But, Trump is Trump, and he’ll continue with his old playbook, so, time will tell.

Read: WRAL Poll Shows Economy Is Top Issue For Most Citizens »

Doom Today: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Maybe Possibly Make Bananas More Expensive

The best they can offer is “in the next few decades”

Climate change will make bananas more expensive. Here’s why some experts say they should be already.

Industry experts say the price of bananas globally is very likely to rise due to the impact of climate change — but some believe paying more for bananas now could mitigate those risks.

Industry leaders and academics gathered this week in Rome for the World Banana Forum issued a warning over the impact climate change is having on production and supply chains on a global scale. But some also suggested that price hikes on grocery store shelves now could help prepare the countries where the fruit is grown to deal with the impacts of the warming climate.

As temperatures increase beyond optimal levels for banana growth, there’s a heightened risk of low yields, Dan Bebber, a British professor who’s one of the leading academics on sustainable agriculture and crop pathogens, told CBS News on Tuesday from Rome.

“Producers like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Costa Rica, will see a negative impact of rising temperatures over the next few decades,” he said. Some other countries, including major banana producer Ecuador, currently appear to be in a “safe space” for climate change, he added.

So, who loses their job when this doesn’t happen? Are there any penalties for fearmongering?

You do have to love that the climate cultists think the cost should be artificially increased now, eh? Now, if that did happen they would then forget that it was artificial and blame the increase on ‘climate change’.

Higher prices “will help those countries that grow our bananas to prepare for climate change, to put mitigation in place, to look after soils, to pay their workers a higher wage,” he said. “Consumers have benefited from very, very cheap bananas over the past few decades. But it’s not really a fair price, so that is really something that needs to be looked at.”

The price is the price. If the producers want to charge more, go for it. But, don’t play this little cult game.

Read: Doom Today: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Maybe Possibly Make Bananas More Expensive »

Sanctuary City DC Scaling Back Assistance To Illegals

D.C. is a city that votes beyond overwhelmingly Democrat. They talk a big game on being inviting to illegals, but, when the rubber hits the road, they aren’t all that happy

While bused migrants overwhelm other cities, D.C. scales back services

D.C. has begun to scale back its migrant assistance program and plans to close one of the hotels it uses to house those bused in from Texas and Arizona, even as other cities across the country plead with the Biden administration for more resources to deal with an influx of asylum seekers crossing the border.

No buses have arrived in D.C. since November, sparing the District some of the recent strain that other cities have felt in trying to house and support thousands of migrants. But some immigrant groups say the city is unnecessarily forcing out those who had been staying at three Northeast Washington hotels.

Greg Abbott needs to get on the ball and ship a bunch more

Robert C. White Jr. (D-At Large), who is chair of the D.C. Council’s housing committee, said the city has to set limits on the amount of migrant aid it can provide or risk being overwhelmed like other cities.

“If we send a signal — even if it’s not deliberately — that we have endless resources to help migrants, then we encourage more to come here and we would be setting them up for disappointment,” White said. “What we want is the best possible resettlement, but for a manageable number of people.”

Surprise! Democrats suddenly realize that signalling illegals to come is a bad idea. At least when it is their city getting swamped.

Migrant services have been an expensive proposition for the District; since the buses began arriving, the city has spent about $59.3 million on migrant services such as housing and food, with about $9 million of that amount reimbursed by the federal government, according to DHS.

Yeah, illegals are not free. They’re taking way more out of the system than they could possibly contribute.

BTW, where did D.C. ship all the illegals? How many are taking up space, very expensive space, in D.C.? Space that could be used for lawful residents of the U.S.? And the city will still have to pay to house and feed the illegals.

Read: Sanctuary City DC Scaling Back Assistance To Illegals »

Your Fault: Texans Are Trapped In A Fortress Of Solitude Or Something

The Warmists said we could have fixed this with a tax, but, you had to be difficult

Climate change is trapping Texans in an arid ‘fortress of solitude,’ expert says

Texas faces a brutal climate and development paradox heading deeper into the 21st century, a state climate scientist said.

“Everything is bigger in Texas, including our climate challenges,” said Jay Banner, a geologist at the University of Texas at Austin.

“Texas sees synergistic issue more than anyplace else,” Banner said.

The state is trapped between two difficult realities, Banner told audiences at South By Southwest, Austin’s signature technology and culture event.

About 40 percent of homes in the United States are at “extreme” risk from climate change — whether in the form of heat, wind or air quality, according to data from First Street Foundation.

In other words, complete and utter doom from a tiny increase in the global temperature since 1850. It’s always something doomsday with these folks. But, really, the intention here is to try and convince Right leaning Texans to join the climate cult by preaching doom.

“We wash our hands and it goes down the sink, and then we use clean water to pee in,” Banner said. “Our toilet is filled up with drinking-water quality water. It takes a lot of energy to pick up water and pump it around time. We have to do our business in water that’s drinkable.

“So instead we can use grey water — you wash your hands, could go right to fill up your toilet tank.”

These people.

Read: Your Fault: Texans Are Trapped In A Fortress Of Solitude Or Something »

Pirate's Cove