If All You See…

…is a device used to move around when the world floods, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Gates Of Vienna, with a post on when Islamization deniers celebrate Islamization.

Read: If All You See… »

Comrade Sanders Pimps Bill For Joe Biden Work Week

None of this is the business of the federal government to regulate, but, that doesn’t stop people like Bernie Sanders from pushing it. Probably for votes

Bernie Sanders pushes bill to establish a four-day workweek

unintended consequencesSen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., held a hearing Thursday on a bill he introduced to reduce the standard U.S. workweek to four days without loss of pay.

The bill, titled the “Thirty-Two Hour Work Week Act,” would reduce the standard workweek from 40 to 32 hours over the span of four years, including lowering the maximum hours required for overtime compensation for nonexempt employees. It would also require overtime pay at time and a half for workdays that last more than eight hours and overtime pay that would pay workers double their regular pay if their workday is longer than 12 hours.

A press release on the bill described it as an “important step toward ensuring workers share in increasing productivity and economic growth driven by technological advancements.”

“Moving to a 32-hour workweek with no loss of pay is not a radical idea,” Sanders said in a statement. “Today, American workers are over 400 percent more productive than they were in the 1940s. And yet, millions of Americans are working longer hours for lower wages than they were decades ago. That has got to change.”

This is the Joe Biden Work Week: work 30 hours a week or so and then take the weekend off. Unless the Democrats take over Congress and control the White House, this has zero chance of passing. Democrats might not even vote for it if they do have control. Businesses would need more employees to be able to make it through the week. They aren’t going to go for that. And businesses will invest even more on automation to replace employees.

This is not the 1940s, and I’m pretty sure many were working long hours to defeat Germany, Italy, and Japan. And here’s what you could be looking at

1. Fewer Hours Means Less Time to Get Things Done

While studies have shown that a 4-day workweek can enhance productivity, it also presents a challenge. With fewer hours in the week, there may be limited time to accomplish all necessary tasks.

This makes the 4-day workweek impractical for certain industries, including:

Healthcare and emergency services that require 24/7 coverage

Retail and hospitality businesses that have direct client interactions

Large enterprises with complex operations

There would be the stress of working harder than before to get things done in the shortened time frame. Things like training, trust, team bonding, and others would crop up. Customer satisfaction could take a big hit.

And if Comrade Sanders thinks the pay and benefits will stay the same, it won’t. There are many who work 50+ hours a week to be able to get things done. No company will be paying overtime when people hit 33 hours a week. Small businesses which cannot afford to do the workarounds will go out of business, meaning more out of work. Slackers will not get jobs. Automation will skyrocket. In some cases, those 4 days may be 10-12 hour mandatory shifts, not 8 hours.

It really is not the government’s business, and, again, how much of this is a patronizing idea to get the younger folks to vote Democrat? Even though they were going to vote D anyhow?

Read: Comrade Sanders Pimps Bill For Joe Biden Work Week »

Federal Court Halts Silly SEC Climate Cult Rule For Time Being

Yeah, the minute the SEC passed the rule lawsuits were filed. I hope the lawyers are planning on asking the 3 Democrats on the SEC who voted for the rule if they are driving EVs, not taking fossil fueled flights, and living in tiny homes

Court Temporarily Halts S.E.C.’s New Climate Rules

A federal court on Friday temporarily halted new rules from the Securities Exchange Commission that require public companies to disclose more about the business risks they face from climate change, siding with two oil and gas companies that criticized the requirements as costly and arbitrary.

Approved by the S.E.C. this month, the rules require some publicly traded companies to disclose their climate risks, and how much greenhouse gas emissions they produce. Industry groups, as well as their political allies, have filed numerous lawsuits challenging the regulation.

It pretty much applies to most public companies that are regulated by the SEC, which is mostly companies with more than $10 million in assets whose securities are held by more than 500 owners. Supposedly it’s just the biggest of the big companies, which would seem to be targeted and not equal application of the law.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which represents a wide cross-section of industries, filed suit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit this week to stop the rules, calling them unconstitutional. Ten Republican-led states have also sued to stop the rules.

The emergency stay granted by Fifth Circuit judges on Friday came in a case brought by two fracking companies, Liberty Energy and Nomad Proppant Services. “There is no clear authority for the S.E.C. to effectively regulate the controversial issue of climate change,” the two companies wrote in their petition. They were “arbitrary and capricious,” the two companies said, and violated the First Amendment, which protects free speech, by “effectively mandating discussions about climate change.”

In addition, the rules would cost companies “irreparable injury in the form of unrecoverable compliance costs,” they said.

Well, we’ll have to see what happens.

Environmental groups have also challenged the rules, saying the S.E.C. didn’t go far enough in protecting investors.

“As climate impacts like wildfires, floods, and drought disrupt every facet of the U.S. economy, the S.E.C. chose to bury its head in the sand instead of requiring companies to show the full climate risks they pose,” said Hana Vizcarra, an attorney at Earthjustice, which along with the Sierra Club and other environmental groups have also sued the S.E.C.

It’s easy to say for them, since they really do not have a stake in the regulated companies. The SEC should apply the rules to organizations like the Sierra Clumb and EarthJustice. It’s super easy to force others to do things you aren’t required to do.

Read: Federal Court Halts Silly SEC Climate Cult Rule For Time Being »

SSI To Cut Health Funding For Illegals After Costs Skyrocket

Supporting illegal aliens is all fun and games right up till a state like the Sanctuary State Of Illinois has to actually practice what they preach and pay for it

Illinois to cut state-funded health care for illegal immigrants, green card holders after soaring costs

Illinois officials are poised to slash a pair of state-funded health insurance programs that cover non-citizens and illegal immigrants, citing soaring costs that have surpassed their estimated projections.

In a statement last week, the state announced changes would be coming to the eligibility requirements for the Healthcare Benefits for Immigrant Adults and Seniors program, as the cost to run the initiative ballooned to more than $1 billion over the last year.

Illegal immigrants and non-citizen green card holders who have been in the U.S. for fewer than five years will no longer be covered by a pair of the state’s health insurance programs beginning April 1, according to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS).

“The Department is also committed to ensuring that individuals who are no longer eligible for benefits… receive helpful information about their options so they can connect to alternative coverage, particularly through the federal ACA Marketplace,” the statement read.

I’m shocked. I would have thought the citizens who support the politicians that deem Illinois a sanctuary state would be happy to either forgo lots of state funding for their own needs or pony up a lot more of their earnings. This is not very charitable of them

Last year, Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzer’s budget included a $220 million estimate for the program for FY 2024. But The State Journal-Register reported at the time that a top state health official briefed the Senate’s appropriations committee and said the new estimate was a staggering $880 million above that.

Officials said that both the cost of care and the number of those enrollees have dramatically exceeded their estimates. The state had previously estimated 98,500 enrollees, but said there would be over 120,000 signed up in FY 24.

Huh. You don’t say.

Read: SSI To Cut Health Funding For Illegals After Costs Skyrocket »

Surprise: An Alarming Rise In Long COVID In Americans

Do you know anyone with long Wuhan Flu? I don’t. My parents don’t. Coworkers don’t.

‘Alarming’ rise in Americans with long Covid symptoms

Some 6.8% of American adults are currently experiencing long Covid symptoms, according to a new survey from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), revealing an “alarming” increase in recent months even as the health agency relaxes Covid isolation recommendations, experts say.

That means an estimated 17.6 million Americans could now be living with long Covid.

“This should be setting off alarms for many people,” said David Putrino, the Nash Family Director of the Cohen Center for Recovery From Complex Chronic Illness at Mount Sinai. “We’re really starting to see issues emerging faster than I expected.”

When the same survey was conducted in October, 5.3% of respondents were experiencing long Covid symptoms at the time.

The 1.5 percentage-point increase comes after the second-biggest surge of infections across the US this winter, as measured by available wastewater data.

More than three-quarters of the people with long Covid right now say the illness limits their day-to-day activity, and about one in five say it significantly affects their activities – an estimated 3.8 million Americans who are now experiencing debilitating illness after Covid infection.

A new study found that thousands of people in the UK may not be working because of long Covid. Americans have also missed work at higher rates since the pandemic started.

I have to wonder, how many really, really have it? They should ask things like if they are still wearing a mask. If they are demanding everyone else still wear a mask. If they were mask Nazis during COVID. If they double masked. That might expose that they are really just covidcondriacs.

And, ask how many shots/boosters they’ve had

Although children are not included in the CDC survey, they also experience long Covid, including fatigue, brain fog and headaches, as well as serious respiratory and cardiovascular issues, such as myocarditis, studies show.

You mean the myocarditis linked to taking the Bat Soup Virus vaccines?

While vaccines help reduce the risk of developing long Covid, the best way to prevent it is by avoiding Covid, Putrino said – especially since repeat infections raise the likelihood of prolonged illness. “Every time you get a Covid infection, you place yourself at higher risk of going on to develop long Covid.”

The funny part is how those most likely to wear masks, screech at others to wear masks, and have the shots and 5 boosters are the ones most likely to get Wuhan flu repeatedly.

Anyhow, I’m sure some people are having issues thanks to the Chinese coronavirus, as they were screwing around with it in an unsafe manner, but, is it really 5.3%? Or are lots sandbagging to avoid work/making themselves sick like those who read symptoms online?

Read: Surprise: An Alarming Rise In Long COVID In Americans »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on Sweden having the lowest death rate in Europe from COVID.

Read: If All You See… »

Election Interference: Chuck Schumer Calls For New Israeli Elections

After whining about election meddling since even before Trump was elected, Chuck decided it was a good thing to demonize the guy who is prosecuting a war against terrorists who attacked, raped, tortured, and murdered civilians, including women and babies

Chuck Schumer calls for new elections in Israel, criticizing Netanyahu’s leadership

In the most significant criticism by a U.S. leader against the Israeli government since its war with Hamas began, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday called for new elections in Israel to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish official in the U.S. ever, said in remarks on the Senate floor that “the Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after Oct. 7.”

“The world has changed — radically — since then, and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past,” Schumer, D-N.Y., said in what was billed as a major address.

Netanyahu has “lost his way,” Schumer continued, “by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel” and by indicating he isn’t interested in the formation of an independent Palestinian state, which has been a U.S. goal for decades. Schumer said Netanyahu has aligned himself with “far-right extremists” like Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who he said are “pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows.”

“Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah,” he said.

The Wall Street Journal notes

The Israel-Hamas war is melting brains on the Democratic side of the aisle, and the latest evidence is a remarkable speech Thursday by Sen. Charles Schumer calling for new elections to replace Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Yes, the Majority Leader is telling Israelis to replace their government—or the U.S. “will have no choice” but to intervene to “change the present course,” whatever that means.

Mr. Netanyahu is the duly elected Prime Minister of an American ally. Israeli voters will have a chance to hold him accountable, if they choose, for whatever policy and security lapses left his country vulnerable to Hamas’s vicious invasion on Oct. 7. He also will have to answer for how effectively he has prosecuted the war, including whether he has struck the right bargains in exchanging temporary cease-fires for the release of Israeli hostages, and whether the ultimate end-state for Gaza leaves Israel safer or otherwise.

But precisely because Israel is a democracy, accountability for Mr. Netanyahu is baked in. The Prime Minister at this moment represents a broad consensus in Israeli society that the country can’t afford to allow Hamas to continue its violent and corrupt control of Gaza after the horrors unleashed on Oct. 7.

Chuck was essentially appeasing his hardcore, Jew hating, Islamic extremism loving, base, despite being a Jew himself. If Netanyahu is booted, does Chuck think he’s going to be replaced with someone who goes soft? When the US was attacked at Pearl Harbor we joined the war in Europe, then the war in the Pacific. We bombed Germany, Italy, and Japan with reckless abandon. We dropped two nukes on Japan. That’s war. And the demolition of Hamas and all the Palestinians who support them has been a long time coming. Don’t want none, don’t start none. But, the Democratic Party has long been a hotbed of anti-Israel sentiment which has morphed in Jew hatred.

All Schumer was doing was giving aid to the murderous Islamic extremists.

Read: Election Interference: Chuck Schumer Calls For New Israeli Elections »

Surprise: PRC Not Close To Keeping To Their Climate (scam) Goals

It’s so weird. Didn’t the majority of the citizens of the People’s Republik Of California vote for this? Don’t they support all this? Aren’t they out there reducing their own carbon footprints? Using less electricity? Selling their fossil fueled vehicles and buying an EV, taking the bus, walking and biking? Buying 2nd hand clothes?

California isn’t on track to meet its climate change mandates — and a new analysis says it’s not even close

California will fail to meet its ambitious mandates for combating climate change unless the state almost triples its rate of reducing greenhouse gases through 2030, according to a new analysis released today.

After dropping during the pandemic, California’s emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and other climate-warming gases increased 3.4% in 2021, when the economy rebounded. The increase puts California further away from reaching its target mandated under state law: emitting 40% less in 2030 than in 1990 — a feat that will become more expensive and more difficult as time passes, the report’s authors told CalMatters.

“The fact that they need to increase the speed of reduction at about three times faster than they’re actually doing — that does not bode well,” said Stafford Nichols, a researcher at Beacon Economics, a Los Angeles-based economics research firm, and a co-author of the annual California Green Innovation Index released today.

“As we get closer to that 2030 goal, the fact that we’re further off just means that we have to decrease faster each year.”

I have a solution: car manufacturers should stop selling fossil fueled vehicles in the state. Fossil fuels companies should stop selling their products to the PRC state government, slowly scaling back so they sell none. Which could create an issue for all the food production. Airlines should refuse to fly any state employee or elected official. And no fuel for the private jets of elected officials. All AC systems should be shut off at government buildings. It would be a good start, right?

Read: Surprise: PRC Not Close To Keeping To Their Climate (scam) Goals »

DHS Claims They Will Immediately Send Illegal Haitians Back Home

But, will they? Will they really do that? Will Biden allow that when his left wing wack base demands they be given asylum

DHS warns Haitian illegal immigrants arriving by boat face ‘immediate repatriation’

The Department of Homeland Security says that any illegal immigrants arriving by boat, including from Haiti, face “immediate repatriation” – amid brewing concerns about a potential migrant wave coming from the conflict-plagued country.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, DHS said it is “monitoring the situation in Haiti and coordinating closely with the State Department and international partners.”

The Caribbean nation has seen a significant escalation in violence as gangs have overrun the capital, burning police stations and attacking the main airport. Gangs have also raided some of the largest prisons, releasing thousands of inmates.

The increased violence raises the possibility of a new wave of migrants coming from the country, both at the southern land border, where migrants surged into Del Rio in 2021 in the thousands, and by boat.

On Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced he is sending soldiers and officers, as well as aircraft and boats to “protect” the state from vessels carrying illegal immigrants.

Do we really want more 3rd world failed state violent, illiterate, uneducated, criminal illegals? No. Did you know the Dominican Republic has a wall along parts of its border to stop Haitians from coming into the DR? Haiti is an unsafe, dangerous, dirty country, despite all that money supposedly dumped into it by the Clinton Foundation and the UN. It’s squalid. There’s is no need for more failed state folks here dragging things down and bringing their failed state lifestyles.

And do we need cannibals?

They’re also not migrants, since they’re still in Haiti. But, one report states the Biden regime is discussing using Gitmo to process these people from a 3rd world hellhole.

Read: DHS Claims They Will Immediately Send Illegal Haitians Back Home »

Climate Crisis (scam) Could Totally Be A Difference Maker This Election

Every election cycle they tell us the climate cult could make a difference, and every election cycle it always polls as low hanging fruit. But this time it could be different!

Euroviews. Climate change matters to more and more people – and could be a deciding factor in the 2024 election

electric vehicleIf you ask American voters what their top issues are, most will point to kitchen-table issues like the economy, inflation, crime, health care or education.

Fewer than 5 per cent of respondents in 2023 and 2024 Gallup surveys said that climate change was the most important problem facing the country.

Despite this, research that I conducted with my colleagues suggests that concern about climate change has had a significant effect on voters’ choices in the past two presidential elections.

Climate change opinions may even have had a large enough effect to change the 2020 election outcome in President Joe Biden’s favour.

Is there anyone of consequence that actually thinks this, that Hotcoldwetdry made a difference in 2020? That Trump beat Hillary over global boiling? Have those in Europe noted that more and more EU citizens are opting out of the ‘climate change’ agenda? They may believe that it is mostly/solely the fault of mankind, or even just 51%, but, they are not happy over the Fascist solutions being implemented.

We used 2016 and 2020 survey data from the nonpartisan organisation Voter Study Group to analyse the relationships between thousands of voters’ presidential picks in the past two elections with their demographics and their opinions on 22 different issues, including climate change.

The survey asked voters to rate climate change’s importance with four options: “unimportant,” “not very important,” “somewhat important” or “very important.”

In 2020, 67 per cent of voters rated climate change as “somewhat important” or “very important,” up from 62 per cent in 2016. Of these voters rating climate change as important, 77 per cent supported Biden in 2020, up from 69 per cent who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016.

If that’s the case then why did Hillary lose?

This suggests that climate change opinion has been providing the Democrats with a growing electoral advantage.

Yeah yeah yeah, but, almost none of them practice what they preach. Again, this is something Trump could take advantage of. He could talk about implementing smarter solutions that do not involve taking away people’s freedom and life choices while necessarily skyrocketing their cost of living. He could pick off quite a few independents. But, really, Democrats are sheep and will vote Democrat no matter what, and since most Warmists are Democrats it makes little difference in voting. Republicans won’t switch to D over ‘climate change’. It’s all just wishful thinking from a doomsday, Authoritarian cult.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Totally Be A Difference Maker This Election »

Pirate's Cove