If All You See…

…is a waterfall caused by Extreme Rain from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on turning America into Haiti.

Read: If All You See… »

WRAL Poll Shows Economy Is Top Issue For Most Citizens

This is yet another poll that shows Trump should really just focus on the economy. Stop with all the Being Trump, and talk about people’s wallets

NC voters united on economy as top 2024 issue, divided on immigration and abortion, WRAL News poll shows

North Carolina voters view the economy and health care as the top issues heading into the 2024 general election season, according to a new WRAL News poll.

The latest WRAL poll asked voters to name the issue that’s most important to them. The results showed concerns about crime education, guns and half a dozen other topics.

Voters agree on the importance of many top issues, but not all. Abortion and immigration are the two most polarizing topics among supporters of Democratic President Joe Biden and his presumptive Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump.

The poll asked voters to rate a variety of issues on a scale of 1 to 10, with higher numbers signifying the issues were more important to them. When asked about immigration 54% of Trump supporters gave it the highest possible priority, triple the 18% of Biden supporters who said the same.

Similarly, on abortion, 35% of Biden supporters gave it the highest possible priority, about twice the 18% of Trump supporters who said the same. In fact, so many registered Republican voters rated abortion as a low priority that it ranked last overall among all voters in the state, even despite nearly all Democrats and unaffiliated voters indicating it’s a medium-to-high priority issue for them.

Those are numbers that will drive out the bases. The problem here is that WRAL gives no link to the poll, and doesn’t really touch on the numbers from the headline.

The economy emerged as the top issue in the poll, with 42% of all likely voters giving it their highest possible ranking, 10 out of 10. Health care came second — its average score was tied with the economy, although fewer people gave it the highest possible priority — followed by crime and public safety.

Next was national security and international affairs — possibly driven by high-profile debates over issues such as whether to continue supplying Ukraine and Israel in their ongoing wars against Russia and Hamas, or how to address China’s growing wealth and influence.

Education, immigration and guns came next, followed by mental health and addiction issues. Tied for last were abortion and the environment.

Citizens know the economy is not doing well. They see it every day they go to buy food. They know crime is a problem. Trump has a chance to talk about healthcare, considering that Obamacare did not help much. Citizens see that international national security is a mess under Biden. Trump should not focus on base issues like immigration, and focus on the things that could drive Never Trump Republicans to hold their nose and vote Trump. He could tell them “sure, you don’t like me, that’s fine. But, we agree on the issues. Do you agree with Biden? Do you want four more years of this?” And he should stop getting in spats with Republicans and private citizens. Yeah, I know I’m asking a lot.

What the article on the poll doesn’t say is anything on the opinions of Independents. Are they included? 24% of people polled on candidate support in NC stated they were Independents. Trump needs to focus on what they care about, like the economy. He needs their votes. He might even attract some squishy Democrats, who know things are not good. But, Trump is Trump, and he’ll continue with his old playbook, so, time will tell.

Read: WRAL Poll Shows Economy Is Top Issue For Most Citizens »

Doom Today: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Maybe Possibly Make Bananas More Expensive

The best they can offer is “in the next few decades”

Climate change will make bananas more expensive. Here’s why some experts say they should be already.

Industry experts say the price of bananas globally is very likely to rise due to the impact of climate change — but some believe paying more for bananas now could mitigate those risks.

Industry leaders and academics gathered this week in Rome for the World Banana Forum issued a warning over the impact climate change is having on production and supply chains on a global scale. But some also suggested that price hikes on grocery store shelves now could help prepare the countries where the fruit is grown to deal with the impacts of the warming climate.

As temperatures increase beyond optimal levels for banana growth, there’s a heightened risk of low yields, Dan Bebber, a British professor who’s one of the leading academics on sustainable agriculture and crop pathogens, told CBS News on Tuesday from Rome.

“Producers like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Costa Rica, will see a negative impact of rising temperatures over the next few decades,” he said. Some other countries, including major banana producer Ecuador, currently appear to be in a “safe space” for climate change, he added.

So, who loses their job when this doesn’t happen? Are there any penalties for fearmongering?

You do have to love that the climate cultists think the cost should be artificially increased now, eh? Now, if that did happen they would then forget that it was artificial and blame the increase on ‘climate change’.

Higher prices “will help those countries that grow our bananas to prepare for climate change, to put mitigation in place, to look after soils, to pay their workers a higher wage,” he said. “Consumers have benefited from very, very cheap bananas over the past few decades. But it’s not really a fair price, so that is really something that needs to be looked at.”

The price is the price. If the producers want to charge more, go for it. But, don’t play this little cult game.

Read: Doom Today: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Maybe Possibly Make Bananas More Expensive »

Sanctuary City DC Scaling Back Assistance To Illegals

D.C. is a city that votes beyond overwhelmingly Democrat. They talk a big game on being inviting to illegals, but, when the rubber hits the road, they aren’t all that happy

While bused migrants overwhelm other cities, D.C. scales back services

D.C. has begun to scale back its migrant assistance program and plans to close one of the hotels it uses to house those bused in from Texas and Arizona, even as other cities across the country plead with the Biden administration for more resources to deal with an influx of asylum seekers crossing the border.

No buses have arrived in D.C. since November, sparing the District some of the recent strain that other cities have felt in trying to house and support thousands of migrants. But some immigrant groups say the city is unnecessarily forcing out those who had been staying at three Northeast Washington hotels.

Greg Abbott needs to get on the ball and ship a bunch more

Robert C. White Jr. (D-At Large), who is chair of the D.C. Council’s housing committee, said the city has to set limits on the amount of migrant aid it can provide or risk being overwhelmed like other cities.

“If we send a signal — even if it’s not deliberately — that we have endless resources to help migrants, then we encourage more to come here and we would be setting them up for disappointment,” White said. “What we want is the best possible resettlement, but for a manageable number of people.”

Surprise! Democrats suddenly realize that signalling illegals to come is a bad idea. At least when it is their city getting swamped.

Migrant services have been an expensive proposition for the District; since the buses began arriving, the city has spent about $59.3 million on migrant services such as housing and food, with about $9 million of that amount reimbursed by the federal government, according to DHS.

Yeah, illegals are not free. They’re taking way more out of the system than they could possibly contribute.

BTW, where did D.C. ship all the illegals? How many are taking up space, very expensive space, in D.C.? Space that could be used for lawful residents of the U.S.? And the city will still have to pay to house and feed the illegals.

Read: Sanctuary City DC Scaling Back Assistance To Illegals »

Your Fault: Texans Are Trapped In A Fortress Of Solitude Or Something

The Warmists said we could have fixed this with a tax, but, you had to be difficult

Climate change is trapping Texans in an arid ‘fortress of solitude,’ expert says

Texas faces a brutal climate and development paradox heading deeper into the 21st century, a state climate scientist said.

“Everything is bigger in Texas, including our climate challenges,” said Jay Banner, a geologist at the University of Texas at Austin.

“Texas sees synergistic issue more than anyplace else,” Banner said.

The state is trapped between two difficult realities, Banner told audiences at South By Southwest, Austin’s signature technology and culture event.

About 40 percent of homes in the United States are at “extreme” risk from climate change — whether in the form of heat, wind or air quality, according to data from First Street Foundation.

In other words, complete and utter doom from a tiny increase in the global temperature since 1850. It’s always something doomsday with these folks. But, really, the intention here is to try and convince Right leaning Texans to join the climate cult by preaching doom.

“We wash our hands and it goes down the sink, and then we use clean water to pee in,” Banner said. “Our toilet is filled up with drinking-water quality water. It takes a lot of energy to pick up water and pump it around time. We have to do our business in water that’s drinkable.

“So instead we can use grey water — you wash your hands, could go right to fill up your toilet tank.”

These people.

Read: Your Fault: Texans Are Trapped In A Fortress Of Solitude Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a lake that will soon disappear from Permanent Drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on the virtual lifestyle.

Read: If All You See… »

England Bans The Use Of Puberty Blockers

England is starting to show some common sense when it comes to the transgender fad, probably one of the most dangerous fads for kids in the modern era

Children Will No Longer Be Able to Access Puberty Blockers at England Clinics

Children in England will no longer receive puberty blocker prescriptions, the National Health Service (NHS) of England said, confirming that the medicine will only be provided to youth who were taking part in clinical research trials. Children can still receive puberty blockers through some private practices.

Puberty blockers are used to delay the onset of puberty by blocking the body from making sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. The hormonal suppressants do not reverse any changes that have already happened, but can block physical changes like breast development and facial hair.

“We have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of [puberty blockers] to make the treatment routinely available at this time,” an NHS England policy document released on Tuesday read. The decision comes after a public consultation on the topic, interim policy, and independent review of gender identity services for underage children, the NHS England said.

The American College of Pediatrics says about puberty blockers

  • Puberty blockers may cause mental illness
  • Puberty blockers may cause permanent physical harm – Temporary use of Lupron has also been associated with and may be the cause of many serious permanent side effects including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment and, when combined with cross-sex hormones, sterility.
  • Cross-sex hormones (testosterone for women; estrogen for men) may disrupt mental health
  • Transgender interventions for children are experimental and dangerous

The article also notes

…cross-sex hormones put youth at an increased risk of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, blood clots and cancers across their lifespan. Add to this the fact that physically healthy transgender-believing girls are being given double mastectomies at 13 and hysterectomies at 16, while their male counterparts are referred for surgical castration and penectomies at 16 and 17, respectively, and it becomes clear that affirming transition in children is about mutilating and sterilizing emotionally troubled youth.

The fad is being driven by unhinged adults, including parents, who somehow think convincing children they are trans is a good idea. This is how you end up with parents who have 2-4 kids who claim to be trans, something that never ever used to happen. It was super rare that even one felt that way. The adults and parents should be jailed and the kids placed with responsible, rational adults. Back to the original article

From 2021-2022, more than 5,000 youth were referred to the Gender Identity Development Service, a national health clinic in the U.K., compared to less than 250 a decade earlier. The clinic is closing at the end of March.

That’s a hell of a jump. What caused it? Deranged adults who want to harm children.

The move has been widely criticized by LGBTQ+ groups. Mermaids, an organization that supports gender-diverse children and their families, called the decision “deeply disappointing, and a further restriction of support offered to trans children and young people through the NHS.”

Those people should be jailed for child abuse. Unfortunately

Fewer than 100 youth are receiving puberty blockers through the NHS. The health agency said that those receiving treatment will be able to continue care at Leeds and University College London Hospital.

So, there are other avenues for adults to continue to abuse children. The NHS ban is a good start.

Read: England Bans The Use Of Puberty Blockers »

NYC Warmists Could Force Pizzerias Out Of Business

Following a cult is all fun and games till it kills off your favorite food, and an NYC classic

New York City taking a slice out of iconic pizza shops with new green rule

More than 100 iconic New York City pizzerias could be forced out of business thanks to a quietly approved plan requiring wood- and coal-fired stoves to cut carbon emissions by 75%, a pie shop owner told Fox News.

“This regulation will go a long way to put an end to charming wood-fired pizza restaurants in New York City,” Brooklyn pizzeria owner Paul Giannone, known as Paulie Gee, told Fox News. “A sad day in my opinion.”

The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) rule, which will take effect April 27, applies to restaurants with cook stoves installed before May 2016. The mandate, originally proposed in June, requires affected pizzeria owners to install a filter, then hire an engineer to regularly inspect the carbon emissions.

Giannone, who opened Paulie Gee’s Pizzeria around 14 years ago in Brooklyn, told Fox News he spent $20,000 on emission-control air-filters for his wood-fired oven in anticipation of the DEP rule. He said he was glad to install the devices after receiving a neighbor’s complaint about excessive smoke, but added that many businesses can’t afford it.

$20K. That’s no cheap bit of an installation for any small restaurant. Many are just tiny places, and the only way to afford it and stay in business is to increase prices, meaning consumer interest will drop. And then pay the inspectors

“All New Yorkers deserve to breathe healthy air, and wood- and coal-fired stoves are among the largest contributors of harmful pollutants in neighborhoods with poor air quality,” the DEP spokesperson told Fox News in an email. “This common-sense rule was developed with restaurant owners and environmental justice groups and is a product of years of review.”

In other words, they listened to the cultists working for EJGs who most likely have never run a business, much less a restaurant. Soon residents of NYC will get that “healthy air”, because the pizza places will go away. Along with a lot of small restaurants.

The rule led a Jewish bakery to spend over $600,000 on new air filtration systems ahead of its approval, the New York Post reported. Another iconic pizzeria, John’s of Bleecker Street, spent more than $100,000 on a smoke reduction system.

Big places who want to stay in business. This is just insane.

Read: NYC Warmists Could Force Pizzerias Out Of Business »

PRC Looks To Protect Illegals Convicted Of Violent Crimes

Of course it is the People’s Republik Of California leading the way. Will the bill pass?

California bill would extend legal aid to illegal immigrants convicted of violent felonies

A bill introduced in the California state assembly would extend taxpayer-funded legal aid to illegal immigrants convicted of violent or serious felonies, with the Democratic lawmaker who introduced it saying it would be a step forward for racial justice.

The Representation, Equity and Protections (REP) for all Immigrants Act would remove restrictions on grant funds to provide immigration-related legal services to those convicted of violent or serious felonies, according to the official summary of the bill.

The funds would come from the One California program, which provides $45 million in grants each year for nonprofits to provide free immigration legal services, and to conduct “education and outreach” in “immigrant communities.” The funding is intended to help those who cannot otherwise afford an attorney.

These are illegals convicted of violent crimes, often against US citizens in the PRC, by PRC courts. Why this need to give them lawyers at that point?

The services include legal representation, including those facing deportation, and also those applying for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, naturalizing and Temporary Protected Status (TPS). But it currently bars those funds from being used for those convicted of certain crimes.

The bill, introduced by Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D), would end those restrictions and also update the program to expand the services that can be provided to include interpreters, social services and litigation costs.

That’s the point: to make sure these violent illegals are not deported. And I thought they told us that Dreamers were all super awesome law abiding folks.

In a press release, his office said that “the program has failed to match California’s commitment to equity, as the program prohibits funds from being used to assist certain individuals who had past interactions with the criminal legal system.”

It’s equitable to protect illegals who committed violent crimes, usually against U.S. citizens? Against California taxpayers? This is insane. It’s no wonder people were saying San Francisco took a rightward turn when they wanted more a proper number of police: California is just going all-in on protecting criminals rather than victims, than potential victims.

But, hey, Californian’s overwhelmingly voted for this, so, enjoy. Any illegal crossing out of California should be immediately deported.

Read: PRC Looks To Protect Illegals Convicted Of Violent Crimes »

Oakland Taco Bells Switch To Drive Thru Only Due To Crime

You can run for the border but you can’t go in

Well, hey, Democrats in Oakland, you voted for the conditions that caused this

Oakland Taco Bell locations close dining rooms due to safety concerns

Taco Bell locations in Oakland have ceased indoor dining indefinitely, switching to drive-through service only.

As first reported by the Daily Mail, signs posted in the windows of Taco Bell restaurants in Oakland, including the location at West Grand and Telegraph avenues, notified customers of the dining room closure.

The decision to halt dine-in operations reportedly stems from repeated robberies at some of the locations and safety concerns.

In a statement to KTVU, a spokesperson for Taco Bell indicated that the franchise owner and operator chose to shutter the dining rooms.

“Providing a safe environment for team members and customers is the priority at Taco Bell restaurants,” the statement read. “The franchise owner and operator has informed us that they are consistently evaluating and working to ensure a safe environment by implementing procedures, such as closing dining rooms, and hiring security guards, and they have taken extra measures to meet with local law enforcement”.

The locations, for which there are 4 across Oakland (a 5th has different ownership and is a combo with KFC), will also no longer take cash. Some close at 3am and others at 2am. I can see them scaling back the hours soon, as well. If they don’t just close after the window folks getting guns stuck in their faces, even though they have no cash. There are a bunch in San Francisco, you can almost expect them to follow the lead. And the other fast food joints in Oakland will be watching intently and possibly changing their stores to drive-thru only.

Read: Oakland Taco Bells Switch To Drive Thru Only Due To Crime »

Pirate's Cove