WWIII Watch: French President, Poland Minister Yammer About NATO Troops In Ukraine

Good ideas all around!

Macron hints at troops in Ukraine, but EU has bigger issues

Emmanuel Macron has set the cat among the pigeons once again. Known for proclivity to provoke debate among EU and NATO allies, the centrist French president raised eyebrows by taking aim at a long-standing taboo in the war in Ukraine: the prospect of deploying Western troops.

“There is no consensus today to send ground troops… [but] nothing should be ruled out,” Macron said at a gathering of Ukraine’s allies in Paris last week, convened amid worrying signs and reported ammunition shortages from the front line of fighting with Russia.

Germany, Spain, Italy, the UK, Poland, NATO and the European Commission all underlined that they had no plans to send ground troops to Ukraine – a long-standing red line, as German Chancellor Olaf Scholz pointed out, because of the risk of dangerous escalation and direct confrontation with Russia.

Macron was yapping about the new red line being if Russia “approaches” either Odesa or Kiev it would mean French troops going to Ukraine. And Poland, eh?

Poland’s foreign minister says the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine is ‘not unthinkable’

Poland’s foreign minister says the presence of NATO forces “is not unthinkable” and that he appreciates the French president for not ruling out that idea.

Radek Sikorski made the observation during a discussion marking the 25th anniversary of Poland’s NATO membership in the Polish parliament on Friday, and the Foreign Ministry tweeted the comments later in English. (snip)

The Kremlin has warned that if NATO sends combat troops, a direct conflict between the alliance and Russia would be inevitable. Russian President Vladimir Putin said such a move would risk a global nuclear conflict.

Poland’s PM Donald Tusk has uncategorically stated that Poland will not be sending troops to Ukraine, but, it doesn’t help when high ranking government yammering about the possibility of troops in Ukraine. This isn’t the Cold War, and Ukraine is not worth WWIII.

And if Biden wins re-election, or looks like he’s going to lose badly, who knows what he will do.

Read: WWIII Watch: French President, Poland Minister Yammer About NATO Troops In Ukraine »

Your Fault: Maple Season Comes Early In Midwest

We can fix this with a tax and taking away your freedom and life choices, you know

Maple syrup season came weeks early in the Midwest. Producers are doing their best to adapt

Jeremy Solin doesn’t need a jacket right now on his family farm in northern Wisconsin. There’s no snow blanketing the dead leaves in the grove of sugar maples. There, pails already hang beneath spiles in the trunks that have started dripping sap. And the ground is muddy — a sign of the spring thaw.

But the timing is all off. “It’s just very disorienting,” he said.

He isn’t the only maple syrup producer feeling this way. In many parts of Wisconsin and the Midwest this year, the warmest winter on record drove farmers and hobbyists alike to start collecting tree sap for maple syrup a month or more earlier than they normally would.

Experts say that the shift in maple syrup season could be one clear indicator of the ways climate change is affecting trees, but they also think the practice serves as an important motivation to preserve forests. Producers have deeply personal ties to their land, whether they are Indigenous producers serving their community or have family-run operations and want to leave a legacy for the next generation. That relationship between people and their maple trees may ultimately make people more willing to adapt and be resilient in the face of seasonal changes.

Funny how they never mention that we’re experiencing an El Nino. Oh, and that warm periods happen. Na, they have to blame this on you, because, otherwise, how do they take your money and freedom?

With drier summers and less snowfall contributing to groundwater, Solin, who also works for the University of Wisconsin’s division of extension, says the unpredictability is the biggest challenge for sustaining maple syrup operations like his. And the lengthening of the trees’ growing season, with an earlier start and later end to warmer weather, could affect the sap too. So Solin is concerned about water, about the increasingly dry summers in his area and what that could mean for continuing to make quality syrup.

“You can be doom and gloom, but you’ve also got to think about solutions,” Suzukovich III said. He pointed out that Indigenous people have been coming up with those kinds of solutions for thousands of years, giving maples a break when they needed it and diversifying the kinds of trees that they tap besides maple.

Oh, wait, the Native Americans have noticed this happening for thousands of years? So, it’s not unusual? It’s just part of the natural order? Huh. Doom cancelled.

Read: Your Fault: Maple Season Comes Early In Midwest »

Surprise: Democrat Mayors In PRC Back Measure Which Locks Up Repeat Thieves

They may be backing it, but, do they really believe this, or, are they just trying to placate voters temporarily? Or feeling the heat of lost donations from big companies?

Liberal California mayors are backing this ballot measure that could lock up repeat retail thieves

For the first time in ten years, California voters could get the opportunity to change a controversial law aimed at criminal justice reform.

A new proposal, called The Homelessness, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act, would roll back parts of Proposition 47, approved by California voters in 2014 to reduce overcrowding in jails by reducing punishments for some crimes, like theft and drug possession.

Many of the proposal’s backers are exactly who you’d expect: district attorneys, Republican lawmakers and big chain stores that have been lashing out against a Covid-era rise in shoplifting that last year subsided. But it has support from a handful of Democratic mayors, too.

Although Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom opposes the proposal, arguing the system is sufficiently tough on crime. But it appears destined to be decided by voters: The proposal needs fewer than 547,000 signatures to get on California’s ballot in November, and organizers tell CNN they have 75% of the signatures needed.

Will Democrat voters sign on in high enough numbers?

Under the new proposal, “an offender with two prior convictions for theft can be charged with a felony, regardless of the value of the stolen property.” It would also allow prosecutors to add together the value of property stolen across multiple thefts to exceed the $950 threshold for a felony charge, and create harsher punishments for organized retail theft rings. (big snip)

When Prop 47 was approved by California voters ten years ago, it turned most drug possession offenses from felonies to misdemeanors. And right now, non-prescription fentanyl is not listed on Prop 47 as a hard drug that can result in harsher punishments in certain cases.

The new proposal would create harsher penalties for people who deal fentanyl and other hard drugs.

You know, common sense. Things that are freaking common sense. They can certainly find other ways to punish these people rather than mass incarceration in horrible living conditions, but, criminals need to be punished. They need to know there are consequences for their actions. Which is the opposite of what the People’s Republik Of California has been doing.

Read: Surprise: Democrat Mayors In PRC Back Measure Which Locks Up Repeat Thieves »

Who’s Up For Making The Internet More “Sustainable”?

What this really means is the climate cult looking to control the Internet and what people say on it, what they do, along with enforcing fines and fees for using too much

Climate change SEO survey: Making the web more sustainable

In November, I conducted a survey aimed at SEO professionals, delving into their perspectives on climate change.

This article unpacks the survey results, highlighting key findings and offering practical advice for SEO professionals looking to impact the environment positively.

But first, let’s explore why the link between SEO and climate change matters.

Let’s not. It’s just another attempt to link a thing with the climate cult

What the heck is a low carbon design website? They want to force people to use less streaming. And, the bots thing will be about blocking anyone who’s real who they claim is a bot. If you think that’s conspiracy, you haven’t been paying attention to the Fascist tendencies of the climate cult.

82% of respondents said they were willing to not work with a “fossil fuels producer.” They’re super excited to use a carbon footprint calculator for websites. Which can generate fines and fees as this is enforced for all. Then annoy clients by “educating” clients on their carbon footprint. They can nag by being “more vocal about web sustainability amongst peers and within communities.”

It’ll be fun when the young climahysterics realize that the climate cult they support is limiting their ability to watch everything online as well as uploading their own stupid (except for animal ones) videos.

Read: Who’s Up For Making The Internet More “Sustainable”? »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon sailboat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on stuff Trump did not do.

Read: If All You See… »

House Passes Bill Requiring ICE To Arrest Illegals Who Commit Local Theft And Burglary

170 Democrats voted against the bill, which is named after Laken Riley, who was murdered by an illegal

House passes Laken Riley Act requiring ICE to detain migrants arrested for theft

Americans before illegalsThe House of Representatives on Thursday passed the Laken Riley Act that would require ICE to detain illegal immigrants charged with local theft or burglary, after a migrant accused of similar offenses was arrested for the murder of an American college student.

The act, which was passed by a 251-170 vote, is named after 22-year-old Laken Riley, a college nursing student who was recently killed on the campus of University of Georgia. Jose Antonio Ibarra, the illegal immigrant from Venezuela charged with the brutal murder, had been arrested in New York prior to the murder, but was not detained by ICE.

“The senseless murder of Laken Riley by Jose Ibarra, who had no business being in this country, was another wakeup call as Americans experience an illegal alien crime wave because of Joe Biden’s open border and local sanctuary city policies,” Rep. Mike Collins, R-Ga., who introduced the bill, told Fox News Digital earlier this week. He said Thursday after its passage in a post on X that “I now urge the Senate to take up this bill immediately.”

Before being charged with felony murder, Ibarra was once arrested in New York for endangering a child, and he was cited in Georgia for misdemeanor shoplifting in October 2023 along with his brother, Diego Ibarra, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Realistically, any person arrested for any crime who is unlawfully present in the U.S. should be reported to ICE, and held till ICE comes and picks them up. This bill is aimed directly at those jurisdictions which refuse to cooperate with ICE. In comparison, if someone is going through the legal naturalization system and commit a crime, they are booted from the U.S. It’s spelled out in black and white in the instructions. They know this before they come. They sign documents that they’re clear on all the provisions of obtaining citizenship, including not being criminals. Yet, sanctuary cities, counties, and states ignore illegal aliens committing crime, and usually let them go.

The Laken Riley Act would “require Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to issue a detainer for illegal aliens who are charged or cited with local theft or burglary.”

The bill will also allow individual states to take action against the federal government “if an immigration related action harms the state or its citizens.”

“Allow states to sue the federal government for injunctive relief if an immigration related action (parole, violation of detention requirements, etc.), harms the state or its citizens. This gives states legal resource to force the federal government to address certain failures related to border security,” a press release announcing the legislation read.

It should allow cities and states to sue other cities and states which release illegal alien criminals.

37 Democrats voted with Republicans. My terrible rep, Deborah Ross, voted against it. You can see what yours did here. Will the Senate take the bill up and have a vote?

Read: House Passes Bill Requiring ICE To Arrest Illegals Who Commit Local Theft And Burglary »

Aussie XR Wackos Protesting Force Woman To Give Birth On Side Of Road

These nutjobs never consider that their actions are causing problems for other people, but, they think it’s a small price to pay to Save The World (via Green Jihad)

Mum forced to give birth on freeway after climate protest blocks West Gate

A Melbourne mother has thanked a teacher who helped deliver her baby on the side of the road after climate protesters blocked the West Gate Bridge, stopping her from getting to a hospital.

Roshni Lad and her husband Bhairav drove down the wrong side of the road in a panic on their way to hospital during the hours-long blockade yesterday.But after Roshni’s water broke, the couple were forced to pull over and deliver the new baby boy without the help of medical professionals. (snip)

The bridge was blocked off four hours during peak hour yesterday, causing major traffic delays on the West Gate Bridge and nearby roads.

Thank goodness everything went well and the baby is healthy.

Two climate protesters have been sentenced to 21 days in jail over the stunt, after they pleaded guilty to obstructing police and emergency service workers.

Deanna ‘Violet’ Coco, 33, from NSW and 51-year-old Bradley Homewood from Williamstown pleaded guilty to two counts of public nuisance by obstructing motorists and obstructing police and emergency service workers yesterday.

Their co-accused, Joseph Zammit, 68, from Melbourne, also pleaded guilty to the same charges.

He was released on bail on the condition that he not attend unlawful protests or undertake any unlawful actions during a protest and not associate with Coco and Homewood.

The Aussie justice system moves pretty quick, eh? What’s the over/under that all three are back protesting soon? Because, if you click that link in the first excerpt, the XR cultists are promising to cause more chaos in Melbourne. I wonder how many are wearing clothing created with petroleum?

Read: Aussie XR Wackos Protesting Force Woman To Give Birth On Side Of Road »

Biden Looking To Use Military For Temporary Port To Feed Hamas

Any aid that is supposed to go to the Palestinians, who support Hamas, will go to Hamas. This is really meant to be a way to patronize his Israel/Jew hating and Hamas loving base

Biden will announce a plan for a temporary port on Gaza’s coast to increase flow of humanitarian aid

President Joe Biden will announce a plan in his State of the Union address Thursday for the U.S. military to help establish a temporary port on the Gaza coast, increasing the flow of humanitarian aid for the beleaguered territory during the Israel-Hamas war, according to administration officials.

The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to preview the announcement, said the operation will not require that American troops be on the ground to build the pier that is intended to allow more shipments of food, medicine and other essential items.

The officials did not provide details about how the pier would be built. One noted that the U.S. military has “unique capabilities” and can do things from “just offshore.”

Obviously, I wrote this prior to the SOTU for posting Friday morning, but, I’m sure he’ll announce this. The entire SOTU is sure to be essentially a campaign speech, telling us how evil Trump and Republicans are while attempting to convince people that the economy is great. And not look utterly lost at points along with stories that wander on and have no basis in reality.

And, heck, by the time this port is built it will probably not be necessary.

Anyhow, it’s wonderful that Biden wants to build temporary ports in foreign nations while failing to secure the U.S. southern border.

Did anyone watch it? I had the Devils on, switching to Tiny House Hunting during intermission.

Read: Biden Looking To Use Military For Temporary Port To Feed Hamas »

Hotcold Take: Climahypocrite John Kerry Says People Would Care More About Ukraine War If Russia Would Reduce Their Emissions

Kerry has said a lot of stupid things around the climate cult, but, this is a top 5

John Kerry says people would ‘feel better’ about the Ukraine war if Russia would reduce emissions

John Kerry claimed that people would “feel better” about the ongoing war in Ukraine if Russia would “make a greater effort to reduce emissions.”

“If Russia wanted to show good faith, they could go out and announce what their reductions are going to be and make a greater effort to reduce emissions now,” Kerry said during a foreign press briefing on Tuesday in Washington, D.C., his last as the SPEC, as he departed from the position Wednesday to reportedly join President Biden’s presidential re-election campaign.

“Maybe that would open up the door for people to feel better about what Russia is choosing to do at this point in time,” he said.

Kerry’s remarks came after a Russian news agency reporter, Igor Naimushin, asked him about the U.S. relationship with Russia on his climate agenda.

“I believe that Russia has the ability to be able to make enormous changes if it really wanted to. I mean, if Russia has the ability to wage a war illegally and invade another country, they ought to be able to find the effort to be responsible on the climate issue,” Kerry said.

This is so dumb, it’s hard to know where to go with this post. Does he really think Russia cares about their carbon footprint? Does he really think people would feel better about Russia invading Ukraine?

Speaking of Kerry, here’s what the UK Guardian thinks of America

John Kerry’s recent claim in an interview with the Guardian that the United States is a force for good in tackling the climate crisis, despite soaring growth in fossil fuels, demonstrates that he fundamentally misunderstands the problem (John Kerry: US committed to tackling climate crisis despite fossil fuel growth, 4 March). The International Energy Agency made it clear: to reach net zero by 2050 the world can afford no new fossil fuel expansion. And yet the United States is by far the largest producer of oil and gas in the world – responsible for one in five barrels of oil and gas extracted globally in 2022 – and has the largest plans for fossil fuel expansion in the world.

President Joe Biden’s recent pause on new liquefied natural gas export authorisations is an important step toward reining in expansion. However, the pause does not go far enough to address the massive expansion of fossil fuels in the US causing the climate crisis and serious health and safety impacts on communities living nearby. If the US wants to be the climate leader that Kerry thinks it is, it’s time our leadership takes real action to stop fossil fuel expansion and lead a just transition off fossil fuels.

Read: Hotcold Take: Climahypocrite John Kerry Says People Would Care More About Ukraine War If Russia Would Reduce Their Emissions »

If All You See…

…is a fence that was obviously destroyed by Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post noting that NYC is one step closer to Escape From New York.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove