If All You See…

…is an area already set up to install a solar farm, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is bluebird of bitterness, with a post on fractured fairy tales.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Trots Out Policy To Deal With High Housing Costs

The notion is laudable, but, the actual substance shows it was crafted by people who have little idea how the housing economy works. By people who’ve barely ever worked in the private sector, and certainly not in anything related. Who have no idea of the implications, they just want to buy votes

If he was so concerned, he’d stop letting so many illegal aliens into the country. Let’s take a look at a few of these ideas from people who’ve never worried about their own housing costs

unintended consequencesPresident Biden believes housing costs are too high, and significant investments are needed to address the large shortage of affordable homes inherited from his predecessor and that has been growing for more than a decade. During his State of the Union Address, President Biden will call on Congressional Republicans to end years of inaction and pass legislation to lower costs by providing a $10,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers and people who sell their starter homes; build and renovate more than 2 million homes; and lower rental costs.  President Biden also announced new steps to lower homebuying and refinancing closing costs and crack down on corporate actions that rip off renters.

Got that? It’s Trump’s fault. Does anyone remember complaints about high housing costs and shortages while Trump was president? Or Obama? It wasn’t on Trump’s watch when housing prices skyrocketed about 2.5 times the real value

Mortgage Relief Credit. President Biden is calling on Congress to pass a mortgage relief credit that would provide middle-class first-time homebuyers with an annual tax credit of $5,000 a year for two years. This is the equivalent of reducing the mortgage rate by more than 1.5 percentage points for two years on the median home, and will help more than 3.5 million middle-class families purchase their first home over the next two years. The President’s plan also calls for a new credit to unlock inventory of affordable starter homes, while helping middle-class families move up the housing ladder and empty nesters right size. Many homeowners have lower rates on their mortgages than current rates. This “lock-in” effect makes homeowners more reluctant to sell and give up that low rate, even in circumstances where their current homes no longer fit their household needs. The President is calling on Congress to provide a one-year tax credit of up to $10,000 to middle-class families who sell their starter home, defined as homes below the area median home price in the county, to another owner-occupant. This proposal is estimated to help nearly 3 million families.

And you know what that can cause? Keeping home prices higher. Where’s the money coming from? Also, it’s still a tax credit, people will pay the money upfront.

Down Payment Assistance for First-Generation Homeowners. The President continues to call on Congress to provide up to $25,000 in down payment assistance to first-generation homebuyers whose families haven’t benefited from the generational wealth building associated with homeownership. This proposal is estimated to help 400,000 families purchase their first home.

That will also keep prices higher. But, hey, if you already have a house it’s “generational wealth.” What about a guy who owns two homes, one a fancy one at the beach?

Lowering Closing Costs for Refinancing. The Federal Housing Finance Agency has approved policies and pilots to reduce closing costs for homeowners, including a pilot to waive the requirement for lender’s title insurance on certain refinances. This would save thousands of homeowners up to $1500, and an average of $750, and the lower upfront fees will unlock substantial savings for homeowners as mortgage rates continue to fall and more homeowners are able to refinance. According to independent analysis, across the market title insurance typically pays out only 3% to 5% of premiums in claims to consumers, compared to more than 70% in other types of insurance. Homeowners can still purchase their own title insurance policies if they choose to do so.

That money has to come from somewhere, and sounds rather Socialist in dictating what the private economy does. Brandon wants the same thing for initial mortgages, as well.

He has a tax credit to build more low income rental units. Why would builders do that? There’s not that much return on investment, and they often become dangerous. I know of several which started that way and became regular rentals, and that was during the late Obama era. He wants to force banks to double their contributions to the Affordable Housing Program.

He goes on to yammer about price gouging for rentals and junk fees. So, more Big Government intervention and tyranny. And vote buying. It’s no wonder this policy is being ignored by the news, especially the economic news, because it would invent new price increases. Throwing money at the problem is a great way to heat the housing industry. Much like his $7.3 trillion budget.

Read: Biden Trots Out Policy To Deal With High Housing Costs »

Surprise: EV Owners Shocked By Rising Charging Rates As Electric Rates Rise

What happens when a state is having trouble generating electricity because of all their “green” energy projects while doing away with reliable, affordable, dependable energy sources?

‘It’s crazy’: How soaring PG&E rates are impacting California’s electric car owners

California wants residents to buy electric vehicles to fight climate change, to the point of ending the sale of new gasoline-fueled cars in 2035.

But after a 20% rate hike this year by Pacific Gas and Electric Co., charging a car — one of the single biggest items on electric bills — just got more expensive. And the trend is unlikely to let up anytime soon: State regulators are considering further rate increases for PG&E this year.

“It’s crazy,” said Austin Ball, a Walnut Creek engineer and Tesla Model 3 driver whose PG&E bill more than doubled this year.

In Petaluma, Davinder Banger said he’s paying about $20 per charge at a Supercharger this year, compared with between $10 and $14 previously to charge his Tesla Model Y. Banger, 48, said he’s still saving money on his commute to Contra Costa County compared with what he’d be paying for gasoline.

Saving now. What about when electricity costs continue to go up due to relying on wind and solar? What happens when they see surge pricing at certain times?

Electrification proponents worry that rising rates will cause people to balk at giving up their gasoline cars for electric ones at a time when the state needs them to make the switch.

It costs about $73 to fill the tank of a Toyota Camry and travel about 506 miles, said Jack Conness, an electrification policy analyst with Energy Innovation, a Bay Area-based, nonpartisan climate policy think tank. Using data from PG&E and the U.S. Energy Information Administration, he estimated that traveling the same distance in a Tesla Model 3 costs about $32 for charging, while the Chevrolet Bolt would cost $43.

Yeah, but that is due to the skyhigh cost of gas in the People’s Republik Of California. If that same Camry filled up here they’d pay about $45. And could be filled in 5 minutes and on their way. Exactly like I filled up my Civic Monday night at $3.21 a gallon.

A new electric car costs about $2,039 more on average than a conventional gas-powered car as of January, according to a Cox Automotive study. But e-vehicles have lower costs to maintain, repair and fuel up. Rising electricity prices run the risk of scaring potential new owners concerned about their bills, said Severin Borenstein, an economist and professor at UC Berkeley’s Energy Institute at Haas.

Horse fritters! They play a lot of math games to get to that number, factoring in tax breaks and all sorts of weird things, but, few people are going to own one long enough to be equal to or less than a gas vehicle, especially since the average length of ownership is 4 years. Anyhow, it’s always going to be something in the PRC.

Read: Surprise: EV Owners Shocked By Rising Charging Rates As Electric Rates Rise »

DOJ Tells Immigration Judges To Keep Quiet

Looks like the Biden regime DOJ are not big fans of the 1st Amendment. Also, aren’t the judges part of the Judicial Branch, not the Executive?

Immigration judges ‘muzzled’ from speaking publicly by DOJ amid historic 3 million-case backlog

spite houseImmigration judges have been put under a gag order by the Department of Justice (DOJ), stopping them from talking publicly amid an unprecedented 3 million cases waiting to be heard in courts.

The National Association of Immigration Judges (NAIJ) said its members need to get prior approval from the DOJ to speak, per orders from the department’s manager, Chief Immigration Judge Sheila McNulty.

The union had previously been outspoken amid record numbers of migrants arriving at the border and filing claims in immigration courts, overwhelming the already strained system.

Matt Biggs, president of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, an umbrella organization supporting the NAIJ, told The Post the order is unprecedented.

“They’ve never been muzzled before,” Biggs said.

I guess Democracy Is At Stake, requiring an Executive Branch agency tasked with upholding the Constitution to muzzle judges. We can’t have the citizens know what the hell is actually going on, eh?

Former immigration Judge Matt O’Brien, who now serves as director of investigations at the Immigration Reform Law Institute, told The Post: “The NAIJ has long advocated judicial independence for the immigration bench.

“However, this administration wants a compliant immigration judge workforce that will find a reason to approve any cases assigned to it. As a result, the Department of Justice has a vested interest in prohibiting the NAIJ from drawing public attention to flaws in that approach.”

Now, imagine it was the Trump admin which did this: how would the Credentialed Media react? How many mentions of Fascism would show up?

Read: DOJ Tells Immigration Judges To Keep Quiet »

Some Youts Forgoing Having Kids Because Of Climate Doom

This is a good thing, because there will be fewer kids of climate cult disciples to brainwash and turn into neurotic messes

Some young people planning fewer or no kids because of climate change

Collin Pearsall has friends who have started having children. But he has chosen a different path — due, in large part, to climate change.

Pearsall worries about the greenhouse gas emissions a child would add to a planet already experiencing the effects of rising temperatures.

And he is concerned about the impact climate change would have on the child: “the feeling of impending doom, every day, for their whole life.”

And that’s the unhinged, wackadoodle, batshit cult crazy that the adults are teaching kids, so you have the younger Millennials and older GenZ who are infected with this

When he and his wife discussed having kids, he said, they found they were on the same page: “Why would we want to bring a child into the world with no consent as to whether they want to (deal with) all these problems?”

Pearsall, 30, of Humboldt Park, is part of a large and increasingly visible group of Americans: people in their teens, 20s and 30s who cite climate change as a reason they are hesitating to have children, or choosing not to do so.

Data is scarce but a 2021 study published in the journal Lancet Planet Health found that 36% of teens and young adults were hesitant to have children due to climate change.

They should spread awareness to make this 100% of Warmists.

Realistically, since this is Chicago, they have plenty more real issues, like rampant crime, gang shootings, and illegal aliens to worry about.

Read: Some Youts Forgoing Having Kids Because Of Climate Doom »

If All You See…

…is a ground turning to desert from global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on DEI ruining gaming.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Violent Venezuelan Gang Present In U.S. Thanks To Biden’s Open Border

Sure, other gangs of foreign origin have set up shop after members entering illegally. Few have done this easily because the presidential regime has done what they can to make it super easy to enter. The government used to do all they could to stop them from crossing and then catch them if they make it in

Bloodthirsty Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua sets up shop in US as border authorities sound alarm

illegal alien DemocratCustoms and Border Protection (CBP) is warning agents to be on the lookout for members of a notorious Venezuelan prison gang coming across the southern border — just as the socialist country is refusing to take its citizens back.

A CBP source provided Fox News with an internal CBP intelligence bulletin revealing tattoos and identifiers for Tren de Aragua, a Venezuelan prison gang. Members of that

Fox News reported this week that the brother of the suspect in the killing of Georgia student Laken Riley has ties to the gang. Both the suspect and his brother are Venezuelans who entered the U.S. illegally.

Federal authorities have been warning that the gang, also known as TdA and known for its violent turf wars as it expanded into other countries in South and Central America, is trying to establish itself in the U.S., where police are already linking it to organized crime. The FBI has also warned that the gang could team up with the bloodthirsty MS-13.

Last month two suspects in the assault of two NYPD officers were revealed to be members of TdA.

There are so many people crossing into the U.S. that it’s damned impossible for the border officials to do their job. How many are crossing and declaring asylum? And then never have a background check done, a check for tattoos?

But CBP and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sources have expressed frustration to Fox News that Venezuelan gang members are extremely difficult to deport because Venezuela is currently not taking them back.

Only 834 Venezuelans were deported in FY 2023, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data, despite there being over 335,000 encounters at the border. The administration had started returning illegal immigrants from Venezuela directly to the socialist dictatorship in October as part of a way to discourage the flow to the border.

Venezuela is mostly sending their worst. The best thing to do is to lock the border down as much as possible and stop inviting people to just show up. You know, doing the exact opposite of what Democrats and Biden are doing. I suggest shipping to sanctuary cities and capitols of sanctuary states till they can be booted. How many of the 7.2 million illegals Biden has let in are not looking to be a part of the greatest nation on Earth, but, commit crime and harm Americans?

Read: Good News: Violent Venezuelan Gang Present In U.S. Thanks To Biden’s Open Border »

Good News: ISIS Is Back And Better Than Ever

So, let’s see: under Biden’s leadership Russia invaded Ukraine, and there’s no end in sight. Hamas attacked Israel, raping, torturing, and killing civilians to the point that this was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Israel. Israel and Jew haters have come out of the woodwork throughout the U.S., and most support Biden.

The Houthis are launching attacks on shipping. Iran has been getting frisky. China is making movement towards Taiwan. Haiti has melted down and the U.S. evacuated the embassy. And then there’s that whole disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal with the Taliban being fully back in charge, meaning women are treated like cattle, which led to all the other issues thanks to Biden’s weakness and ineptitude. And

ISIS Is Back and Threatens to Be Deadlier Than Ever

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanIt was a little over two weeks since Mohammad Ali Raihani, 28, a student of engineering at Kabul University, had started a day job to provide for his brother and sister while he studied. On Jan. 6, an explosion ripped through the minibus taking him to the printing press where he worked, killing him and six others.

“He studied at night so he could work during the day and support the family. He was our only breadwinner,” his sister Sumaya Raihani told The Daily Beast, choking back tears. “When Mohammad got this job, he was always telling us to study. He promised to buy a bicycle for my younger brother to encourage him to study harder.”

Sumaya has been unable to work or go to school herself under the brutal restrictions on women and girls imposed since the Taliban took over Afghanistan in August 2021.

As well as cruelty and misogyny, Taliban rule has also brought a resurgence in the threat from ISIS. The Sunni Muslim terror group has been allowed to re-group and re-tool in Afghanistan where thousands of fighters are training and plotting attacks, despite Taliban claims that they are trying to clamp down on them.

Hundreds of people—like Mohammad—have already been killed in dozens of attacks inside Afghanistan and in the wider region this year, as part of a new campaign of violence announced in January called “Kill Them Wherever You Find Them.” The campaign was originally billed as a plan to target the Jewish community in response to Israel’s bombing of Gaza after the Oct. 7 attacks, but has since seemingly expanded to include other groups that ISIS deems heretical.

I wonder how much of the military equipment Biden left behind is now in the hands of ISIS?

According to the latest U.N. Security Council report, released in February, despite being largely diminished from its peak presence in 2014-19, ISIS in Afghanistan has seen a resurgence since the Taliban takeover and “managed to undermine Taliban security by carrying out multiple high-profile attacks.”

The U.N. report noted that, since 2022, the group has claimed more than 190 suicide bomb attacks in major cities in the region, resulting in over 1,300 casualties. In 2022, the ISKP conducted large-scale attacks on the embassies of Pakistan, Russia and several Chinese interests in Kabul. In fact, the ISKP attacks in 2022 were found to be “greater lethality than in 2021,” according to the UNSC.

Well, on the bright side, their attacks are staying within the area from Pakistan to Iran. So far. What happens when they decide to attack outside of the area, maybe go after European nations and the U.S.? What happens if they realize how easy it is to cross the U.S. southern border?

Read: Good News: ISIS Is Back And Better Than Ever »

Toronto Pizzeria Charging 2% Carbon Fee

Someone has to pay it, right? Because that’s what the Canadian government wants (via Green Jihad)

WARMINGTON: New carbon fee on restaurant bill may be ‘legal’ but it’s tough to swallow

These friends didn’t realize that not only were they enjoying a great meal in the city’s west end, they were also helping grow back a forest destroyed by fire.

Everything served went down well, except for one charge on the bill that no one had seen before. The Lasagna Bolognese at $24 was as first class as the Scaloppine di Vitello at $34. The service at the Goodfellas Wood Oven Pizza on Old Mill Dr. was outstanding – hence the $34.96 tip.

Joe Cristiano said the experience with two pals last month was terrific and the bill for $209.76, including tax and tip, was reasonable since also they had wine and dessert. No complaints.

But at the bottom of the bill they noticed a 2% “Carbon Fee” for $3.04. No one had ordered it – and it certainly didn’t taste as good as everything else listed.

They say they’re OK with it now, but, what happens when everyone charges it, rather than businesses soaking up the costs or indirectly passing them on? Showing the carbon tax is a better way so they do not have to directly raise prices.

However, in fairness, at the bottom of the bill it states: “What we eat fuels climate change. Adding 2% to every restaurant bill to invest in carbon capture will help offset our carbon footprint. Please visit www.goodfellaspizza.ca to learn more.”

On their website, the restaurant group – which brings in flavours from “south of Rome” – explains “what we eat fuels climate change. Goodfellas uses certified D.O.P products from Italy to remain true to the brand, and it’s not always possible to buy local. Adding 2% to every restaurant bill to invest in carbon capture will help offset our carbon footprint.”

Well, that’s cute and all, climavirtue signalling, but, are they really just being pragmatic and highlighting what consumers have to pay? $3.04 doesn’t seem like much, but, what happens when it’s here and there and this product and that drink and the new TV or guitar and so forth? It all adds up.

While perfectly legal, these hidden in plain sight fees are draining people’s already empty pockets and could result in people not being able to go out at all.

People are being crushed by fees and taxes – like the ludicrous, George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four-style new bylaw that sees coffee shops fined up to $100,000 if they don’t let people use their own mugs. They also are demanding restaurants ask customers if they really need that napkin or cutlery.

You voted for this, Canada. Enjoy!

Read: Toronto Pizzeria Charging 2% Carbon Fee »

Sunday Books And Video

This past weeks stuff

Code 8 part 2 – good
Black Crab – interesting
Godzilla (2014)
Hercules (2014) Meh. Surprised I made it through
Phantasm Remastered – great as always. Might have to pay for Phantasm 2, no one ever has it free
The Hollow – turned that off. Very silly, too much Generic Female Hysteria
Five Nights At Freddy’s. Meh. Worth maybe one watch
Damsel – it’s OK. Not a bad watch. Not great. Millie Bobby Brown has the whole “action hero grunting and yelling and stuff” down pat. One would think that would be a bad thing, making all that noise, when being hunted by a dragon.
Voyagers (Netflix) – dull. Turned it off
Frankenstein’s Army – meh
Texas Chainsaw (2013) – I’ve seen it before, a decent watch.
Started Sister Death. The dubbing from Spanish is not bad, rather weird being in 4:3 these days

A few episodes of Black Summer
Resident Alien – turned off quickly. Looked quirky and scifi, was cringe, and the alien killed the human doctor right off the bat
Some Man V Food, the original with Adam Richmand.
Some Masterchef Australia
Some Tiny House Hunting
Some Monty Python’s Flying Circus
Survivor (the new season)
A bunch of NJ Devils games

Finished Obsidian Gate (Homeword Lost Book 7) by JN Chaney. That was long
Working on Terror For Now – also long

What’s on your playlist and reading list?

Read: Sunday Books And Video »

Pirate's Cove