If All You See…

…is a calm sea from carbon pollution messing up wind patterns, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bustedknuckles, with a post on things we aren’t supposed to talk about.

Read: If All You See… »

Bidenomics: Around 50% Have Been Turned Down For Loans Over Debt

Is everyone enjoying Bidenomics?

Rising debt means more would-be borrowers are getting turned down for loans

Half of Americans who applied for loans in the past two years were turned down, according to a new survey from the personal finance site Bankrate.com.

That finding comes at a time when banks have been tightening rules for lending money to consumers. Interest rates have spiked dramatically since 2022, as the Federal Reserve battles inflation.

According to the new Bankrate survey, the odds of getting approved for a loan today amount to a coin flip. Half of the applicants face denial, sometimes more than once. The survey, conducted by YouGov, covered 2,483 adults in January and February.

Unsuccessful borrowers most often reported getting denied a new credit card, or a credit-limit increase on an existing card. Others said they’d been turned down for personal or car loans.


Banks have been tightening credit in response to the Fed’s aggressive campaign to raise interest rates. Between March 2022 and July 2023, the Fed lifted its benchmark rate from essentially zero to over 5%, a 22-year high.

The Fed raised rates to counter inflation, which reached a 40-year high of 9.1% in June 2022.

“I think the reason why credit is tighter today is how quickly rates turned around and surged,” said Sarah Foster, a Bankrate analyst.

Meanwhile, the Biden regime continued to over-spend and borrow too much while also spending the money poorly, not directing it where it can truly help the economy recover after the Wuhan flu, for one thing.

Tighter credit has descended at a moment when many Americans are relying on borrowed funds to get by.

Roughly half of credit cardholders carry a balance from month to month, up from 39% in 2021, Bankrate reported in another recent survey. The nation’s collective credit-card balance now tops $1 trillion.

“You might feel like you need credit to be able to continue to afford day-to-day essentials,” Foster said.

And people are spending more for the basics of life, like food. Gas is higher. Energy costs are higher. And the Biden regime keeps finding ways to make all sorts of goods more expensive via regulations, and Democrat cities and states do the same. Illegal immigration is costing those same cities and states lots of taxpayer money which should go to American citizens. You elect Democrats, you get poor economic policies.

Read: Bidenomics: Around 50% Have Been Turned Down For Loans Over Debt »

Warmists Travel To Symposium On Opportunities To Fight Hotcoldwetdry

They mean ways to force you to fight global boiling, not themselves, as they all certainly took fossil fueled trips

‘Roads to Removal’ Symposium Looks at Opportunities to Fight Climate Change

Discussions around climate change often center around the bad news – the planet is warming, weather is getting more extreme, resources are increasingly scarce.

But there also is cause for hope. There are options to mitigate climate change, and some of them are already happening.

This was the message behind “Roads to Removal,” a symposium at UC Merced based on the report by the same name. The report was commissioned by the Department of Energy and produced by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in conjunction with scientists from more than a dozen institutions across the nation, including UC Merced.

Roughly 175 people from academia, science, agriculture and business attended the symposium, the first of several planned to highlight what can be done in specific areas of the United States to reduce global warming.

The federal government has set a goal to reach net-zero emissions by decarbonizing the economy, removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing at least a billion tonnes – a metric ton – a year by 2050. “Roads to Removal” is aimed at determining how much carbon dioxide can be removed and at what cost. The UC Merced event focused on soils, cropland and management; direct air capture; geologic storage; and biomass carbon removal and storage.

Are you getting the idea that the Cult of Climastrology is interested in controlling agriculture, ie, food? They are sure trying in European nations like France, Poland, and the UK, among others, as we’ve seen from the protests

Karen Ross, secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, offered the symposium’s keynote address. She said while there are immense challenges stemming from climate change, there are opportunities as well.

Some of those opportunities include generating technology and manufacturing equipment that is more climate-friendly, and making innovations in the way crops are grown to improve their impacts on the environment.

Researchers estimate the measures they describe taking could create as many as 440,000 jobs – “good, long-term jobs,” Ross said.

What kinds of jobs would those be? Bureaucrats dictating how food is produced? Telling farmers how to do their jobs? Restricting what you can eat?

Read: Warmists Travel To Symposium On Opportunities To Fight Hotcoldwetdry »

Obligatory: SCOTUS Says States Cannot Remove Trump From Ballot

This has made the liberals with Trump Derangement Syndrome very upset, because allowing citizens to vote for someone they don’t like is destroying Democracy or something. Oh, and it took the AP a lot of paragraphs to note that this was a unanimous 9-0 vote

Supreme Court restores Trump to ballot, rejecting state attempts to ban him over Capitol attack

The Supreme Court on Monday unanimously restored Donald Trump to 2024 presidential primary ballots, rejecting state attempts to ban the Republican former president over the Capitol riot.

The justices ruled a day before the Super Tuesday primaries that states cannot invoke a post-Civil War constitutional provision to keep presidential candidates from appearing on ballots. That power resides with Congress, the court wrote in an unsigned opinion.

Trump posted on his social media network shortly after the decision was released: “BIG WIN FOR AMERICA!!!”

The outcome ends efforts in ColoradoIllinoisMaine and elsewhere to kick Trump, the front-runner for his party’s nomination, off the ballot because of his attempts to undo his loss in the 2020 election to Democrat Joe Biden, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

I wonder how Democrats would react if Republicans states attempted to remove Biden from the ballot, since he’s violating his oath of office, particularly regarding immigration. Oh, and saying that if he’s too mentally incompetent to stand trial he’s too incompetent to be president

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold expressed disappointment in the court’s decision as she acknowledged that “Donald Trump is an eligible candidate on Colorado’s 2024 Presidential Primary.”

She wined a lot of Twitter, upset that citizens would actually be allowed to vote for their preferred candidate. And federally elected Democrats are melting down

Read: Obligatory: SCOTUS Says States Cannot Remove Trump From Ballot »

French Government Rolls Out Lease Subsidies For Low Income Citizens To Get EVs

It’s a nice little way to jam citizens into a vehicle they could otherwise not afford

Government rolls out program allowing low-income drivers to lease EVs for as little as $43 a month: ‘It’s about time’

Electric vehicleE-Vive la France! France has launched a new “social leasing” program for drivers to lease electric vehicles (EVs) for as little as about $43 monthly, in some cases, for six months.

President Emmanuel Macron first announced the program back in October. Thanks to a subsidy from the country’s government, the initiative comes with no down payment for those who are eligible, as well as free charging, as reported by Electrek.

In order for French residents to qualify for the social leasing program, they must have an annual income of less than €15,400 (about $16,650), travel more than about 5,000 miles per year, and live at least 15 kilometers (a bit over 9 miles) away from their workplace.

Those eligible for the program are offered a three-year lease contract with an option to purchase the EV at the end of the leasing period. The leasing contract even covers insurance costs and cancellation fees because of unforeseen circumstances.

Um, how many make less than that and can afford to drop $43 a month? Plus insurance? Upkeep? That’s $1387 a month gross, before all the taxes. When I first read about this I was thinking it was a way to get some EVs into the pool as pre-owned, but, how many can actually take advantage? Unless there are a lot of really, really poor French folks. Maybe it’s for all their illegal aliens? Or seniors who work part time? Because no one can afford the purchase price at the end of the lease.

The lowest cost EV in the U.S. is the Nissan Leaf. They are offering $289 a month, 36 months, with $2669 down (that won’t include things like tax, tags, dealer fee). It doesn’t say what the yearly mileage is, I suspect 10K a year. That’s with excellent credit. The car must be turned in well maintained. So, what happens with France’s program?

Getting more people to drive EVs is a huge win for the environment since they run on electricity instead of burning dirty fuels like gas or diesel, which helps keep the air cleaner and reduces pollution that heats up our planet.

How many of these folks actually had a fossil fueled vehicle to start with? At least in the U.S., there’s virtually zero chance of getting a loan unless your gross is at least $1800-$1900 a month. Even buy here pay here won’t touch it. So France would be replacing no car with one that requires mining in Africa by kids? Huh.

Read: French Government Rolls Out Lease Subsidies For Low Income Citizens To Get EVs »

If All You See…

…are lemons which are in danger from ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on the Texas wildfires having nothing to do with Hotcoldwetdry.

Read: If All You See… »

Illegal Aliens May Soon Qualify For First Time Buyer Home Loans In PRC

It’s an interesting concept, but, how many 1st time buyers who are citizens are able to afford homes in the People’s Republik Of California now?

New California bill would make illegal immigrants eligible for first time homebuyer loans

Joaquin Arambula, a Democratic assemblyman from California, introduced Assembly Bill 1840 earlier this year, which could create an alternative way for illegal immigrants to achieve homeownership.

The bill is set to expand eligibility criteria for a state loan program to expand these loans to include undocumented migrants that are first-time buyers.

Arambula’s update to the bill states, “an applicant under the program shall not be disqualified solely based on the applicant’s immigration status.”

“It’s that ambiguity for undocumented individuals, despite the fact that they’ve qualified under existing criteria, such as having a qualified mortgage [that] underscores the pressing need for us to introduce legislation,” Arambula told the LA Times.

You can definitely see loan companies tightening standards since they won’t be able to determine immigration status, which will cause more problems for U.S. citizens

The bill focuses on the California Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loans program, which launched spring of 2023 to give qualifying first-time home buyers a loan that covers up to 20% of a property’s purchase price that will not accumulate interest or have required monthly payments. Loanees are instead expected to pay back the original loan amount in addition to 20% of the increase in the home’s value when the property’s mortgage is refinanced or resold.

I wonder what the default rate on that government loan will be? But, again, can illegals even afford a home loan? The question now is, will it pass? This is the PRC, so, the elected officials are all about catering to illegal aliens

‘Mammoth cost’ for migrant crisis just beginning, expert warns

A staggering 10 million people have entered the U.S. illegally since inauguration day in what is an economic ticking time bomb, says author Todd Bensman.

“We’ve never seen anything like it,” he told the Herald. “It’s the biggest and baddest migration in the history of the United States and maybe the world.”

Local schools, area hospitals — “any quality of life metric” — will be overwhelmed due to this migration, he said. The courts, police, prisons and the “downward pressure on wages” will also change society drastically.

“There’s a price tag to all this that Americans are finally waking up to,” he said. “There will be political change and you’ll see it in the black and Latino neighborhoods, too.”

Non-sanctuary states/cities should ship all theirs to ones who say they are sanctuaries. Let them deal with it.

Read: Illegal Aliens May Soon Qualify For First Time Buyer Home Loans In PRC »

New York Climahysterics Say Seas Could Maybe Possibly Rise Up To 13 Inches in The 2030s

Have they been listening to James Hansen, who, in 1988, said parts of NYC would be underwater in 20-40 years?

Sea levels around NYC could surge up to 13 inches in 2030s due to climate change: state study

Sea levels surrounding New York City are expected to rise at least 6 to 9 inches in the 2030s and potentially up to 13 inches in some areas due to climate change, according to state projections.

Sherman Potter Bull CookiesThe assessment done by the state Department of Environmental Conservations also claims that sea levels in the lower Hudson River could swell by 23 inches in the 2050s and up to 45 inches in the 2080s.

“Sea level rise is one of the most direct and observable effects of climate change in New York and DEC is required by law to develop science-based sea level rise projections to guide decision making and permitting in the areas most at risk,” the DEC said in a statement.

By the year 2100, downstate sea levels could surge by 25 inches to 65 inches. A worst-case scenario could see a staggering 114-inch rise by the end of the century under rapid ice melt projections.

Yes, that is the most direct and observable bit of observation. According to NOAA

The latest data has it at 2.92mm a year, and .96 feet (and the land subsiding can account for some of the rise). Which is still lower than would be expected during a Holocene warm period. Even at the lower end of their prognostication, 6 inches, that isn’t even close to happening be 2040. This is cult based science. When this doesn’t happen, who gets fired? Who gets punished for their scaremongering?

Read: New York Climahysterics Say Seas Could Maybe Possibly Rise Up To 13 Inches in The 2030s »

Bummer: NY Times Poll Says Biden’s Own Voters Say He’s Too Old

This had to be painful for the Times to publish

Of course, it’s really not primarily about Biden being too old: it’s that he’s mentally incompetent. The age thing is secondary

(NY Times) Widespread concerns about President Biden’s age pose a deepening threat to his re-election bid, with a majority of voters who supported him in 2020 now saying he is too old to lead the country effectively, according to a new poll by The New York Times and Siena College.

The survey pointed to a fundamental shift in how voters who backed Mr. Biden four years ago have come to see him. A striking 61 percent said they thought he was “just too old” to be an effective president.

And that’s just his voters. Overall, 73% say he’s too old.

A sizable share was even more worried: Nineteen percent of those who voted for Mr. Biden in 2020, and 13 percent of those who said they would back him in November, said the 81-year-old president’s age was such a problem that he was no longer capable of handling the job.

That’s Democrats. Overall?

45%. This is the kind of thing the Trump campaign should be bringing up, rather than getting in spats with, say, people like Bill Maher.

Still, Mr. Wells plans to cast his ballot to re-elect the president in November.

“He’s incompetent. He’s clearly struggling to fulfill his duties,” he said. “He’s clearly reached the point where he’s too old for the job. But he’s still a step ahead of Trump.”

So, he’s mentally and physically incompetent, but, the moonbats will still vote for Biden. Unfortunately, that’s part of politics: you have to vote for the person you see as least worst. Republicans with TDS should take note: you may hate Trump, but, he’ll do a hell of a lot better job on things like the economy and immigration than Biden. He wants to reduce the burden of government and taxes on you.

Read: Bummer: NY Times Poll Says Biden’s Own Voters Say He’s Too Old »

Sunday Books And Video

It’s been awhile since I did a post on books and video. Thought I would try and get back to that.

Books wise I finished

  • Echoes From the Moon (The Token Book One) by Nathan Hystad
  • Nurse Alissa vs. the Zombies X: Endgame by Scott M. Baker. Satisfactory ending to the series. Not particularly memorable, but, not disappointing
  • Irregular Scout Team One: Volume 2 by J.F. Holmes. Really digging this zombie series, will be reading the 3rd book soon.
  • And just started Obsidian Gate (Homeworld Lost Book 7) by J.N. Chaney (I’m also reading another series of his) and Scott Moon

For movies since last Sunday on Amazon

  • I started Final Summer, boring
  • Started Burning, did not make it through. It might have a good rating, but, it was just a bad 80’s slasher
  • Started the 1959 Hound Of The Baskervilles. It was OK, only made it about 20 minutes in, got a little bored
  • We Might Hurt Each Other. We also might turn that off early. Same with The Haunting Lodge
  • Watched Jeruzalem again. I really like that one.

On Netflix

  • I rewatched the Fear Street trilogy, good stuff
  • Started Choose Or Die. Lame
  • Finished Ready Player One. Second time I saw that, 1st was when it was released
  • Countdown was a cool movie. Nothing you have to think about, just watch and enjoy.

On Tubi

  • Tried Gods Of The Deep. It’s as bad as reviews say. Bad acting, bad script, bad cinematography. Did not finish
  • Was watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 today. Have about 20 minutes left, not sure if I’ll finish. The constant laughing, which I guess was supposed to evil, was bad and annoying. It is missing all the stuff that made the original great. Almost no slashing going on.

On Hulu

  • Tried Offseason. Stupid. Didn’t make it far
  • Made it most of the way through Europa Report. I’ve seen it before, it’s pretty good.
  • Watched all of Ghostbuster last night. As good as always
  • Watched Dune between last night and this morning. It’s OK. Filming is gorgeous, but, the acting is rather dull. Hoping part 2 does gangbusters so they make more of the Dune books into movies

TV wise

  • Finished Futurama early in week. Hoping they do more (Hulu)
  • Started Tiny House Hunting (Hulu). I love these shows. The best is when the buyers are like “the fridge is so tiny!” “No stove, only a burner?” “Wow, the loft bedroom is tiny”. Um, yeah, you wanted a tiny home.
  • Watching some of Monty Pythons Flying Circus (Netflix), always good
  • A little bit of Manifest (Netflix). It’s hard, because it is overly-drama. There’s no fun involved. No laughter.
  • And, Survivor returned Wednesday. Digging that. I’m rooting for Soda, because she said she practiced making fire. It always kills me that people don’t usually do that. Or know what they can eat in Fiji. How to catch fish. Make a shack. Do puzzles. Swim. Same with The Amazing Race, which starts the 13th. You know there will be challenges involved heights, sometimes extreme ones. Dancing. Puzzles. Water. Driving a stick shift. Navigating. You should know this.

Anything y’all are reading or watching?

Read: Sunday Books And Video »

Pirate's Cove